Eventually, we'll want to support Python 3.x. This is not particularly urgent for all of topographica, given that not all of its dependencies support python3 yet, but it's fairly important for some of the subpackages like param, numbergen, and maybe imagen, which have fewer dependencies.
The six package (http://packages.python.org/six/) may be of use, though it's tricky to use that from param, which is meant to have no dependencies outside of the standard library.
Param, NumberGen, DataViews, and ImaGen all now support Python 2.7 and Python 3 from the same codebase. Still have to work on FeatureMapper and finally Topographica itself.
Eventually, we'll want to support Python 3.x. This is not particularly urgent for all of topographica, given that not all of its dependencies support python3 yet, but it's fairly important for some of the subpackages like param, numbergen, and maybe imagen, which have fewer dependencies.
The six package (http://packages.python.org/six/) may be of use, though it's tricky to use that from param, which is meant to have no dependencies outside of the standard library.