iobio / clin.iobio

Clin.iobio - Workflow and reporting for iobio variant analysis pipeline
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The QC page fails to load bam stats (intermittent) #458

Open tonydisera opened 2 years ago

tonydisera commented 2 years ago

When I use standalone clin.iobio and provide the data config for GRCh38, the bam stats don't always load. This seems to be related to server load because when I also provide a list of variants to import, the bam stats seem to fail consistently. After the variants have been analyzed, if I go back the the QC tab, the bam stats will load.

tonydisera commented 2 years ago

I was using the bed file for GRCh37 rather than GRCh38. To test, please run clin.iobio standalone, and select 'Load your data' and 'Upload configuration file'. Download the example data config file and then choose that file. On the Review case page, you should see coverage histogram charts filled in for Proband, Mother, and Father.