iobio / clin.iobio

Clin.iobio - Workflow and reporting for iobio variant analysis pipeline
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Adding notes to a variant causes problem #463

Open AlistairNWard opened 2 years ago

AlistairNWard commented 2 years ago

Can be replicated in demo data.

Pick a variant from the left list and add a note. This automatically makes the variant of unknown significance and the variant appears in the final report.

Set the variant back to "Not reviewed". The following problems occur:

  1. The variant still appears in the findings as unknown significance
  2. The variant is missing from the left menu. The reviewed category is still listed as having a variant, but nothing is shown
  3. Every time you toggle between the findings page and the review variants page, the count of unknown significance variants in the findings workflow tab goes up by 1

I think this is caused because adding a note is changing the review status and this is causing conflicts. I would say we just remove this connection between notes and review status. Adding a note shouldn't modify the significance. Only significance determines appearance in the report