iobio / gene.iobio

Gene.iobio vue
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Typeahead gene list is consuming huge amount of heap (allGenes, allKnownGenes) #1065

Open tonydisera opened 2 months ago

tonydisera commented 2 months ago


tonydisera commented 1 month ago

Get rid of genes.json, a client-side json object that was used to search genes with type-ahead. This json object and its derived javascript objects (allKnownGenes, allKnownGeneNames) was consuming huge amounts of heap space. By using async requests instead of an in-memory lookup, the heap size was reduced 3 fold when app first loaded (reduced from 188M to 56M).

Performance stats:

Task                          v4.10         v4.11
--------------------------   ------         -----
At launch.                    188M           60M
Demo data analyzed:           205M           86M 
ACMG 81 genes analyzed        228M          109M