iobio / gene.iobio

Gene.iobio vue
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Variant interpretation and notes lost when switching from gencode<->refseq #1072

Open tonydisera opened 1 month ago

tonydisera commented 1 month ago
  1. Run demo data.
  2. Click on a variant in the left side panel
  3. Change the variant interpretation from 'Not reviewed' to 'Significant' and add a note.
  4. Now change the gene source by clicking on 'Gencode' in the transcripts menu and selecting 'RefSeq' from the dialog's dropdown.
  5. The genes will be reanalyzed. Click on the variant. The interpretation is reset to 'Not reviewed' and the notes are lost.

NOTE: This bug also occurs when the coverage cutoffs are changed. So event that trigger re-analysis are causing the variant interpretations and notes to be lost. The code should be fixed so that the interpretations and notes are re-established after the genes are re-analyzed.