iobis / edna-species-lists

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Peruvian Hake in Cocos Island #33

Open pieterprovoost opened 4 months ago

pieterprovoost commented 4 months ago

@sunray1 This detection is from a secretariat checklist dataset, any chance you can look into it?,-87.1595%203.52257,-83.66679%203.52257,-83.66679%206.33507,-90.70196%206.33507,-90.70196%203.52257))&occurrence_status=present

sunray1 commented 4 months ago

Yes, on it.

sunray1 commented 4 months ago

Paper mobilized was a compilation checklist paper (Fourriere et al 2017) - see data here (pg. 24)

Note: The "correct" species - Merluccius angustimanus - is also listed

Paper says this species record is recorded from two sources:

  1. Robertson DR, Allen GR (2015). Shore fishes of the Tropical Eastern Pacific. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Balboa, Panama. Accessed 23 March 2015

    • This species (or any of its subspecies) is no longer listed as being found in the Cocos Islands (see map). It does state that M. gayi gayi is found in Chile. The record was likely removed or misidentified.
  2. MZUCR: Museo de Zoología of the Universidad de Costa Rica (aka UCR)

My guess is the MZUCR record was the basis for both Robertson & Allen and Fourriere. Robertson may have looked into this and removed/changed it in their dataset..