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Update extended measurement or fact extension to follow existing dwciri namespace #196

Closed albenson-usgs closed 2 years ago

albenson-usgs commented 2 years ago

When the extended measurement or fact extension was created the working group that created it was unaware of the dwciri namespace and created the terms measurementTypeID, measurementUnitID, measurementValueID. These are redundant to dwciri:measurementType, dwciri:measurementUnit, and dwciri:measurementValue, respectively. In order to be in line with the existing standard, the extended measurement or fact extension needs to have a name change put in place for those three terms.

tucotuco commented 2 years ago

I am in the process of creating updated Core and Extension files already, and anticipate being able to create them from scripts. If you want, I would be happy to take this one on as well.

tucotuco commented 2 years ago

The new script makes it so easy to make extension files that I could not resist. I made one for eMoF based on the extension that is in production, changing the three non-DwC ID terms to their dwciri equivalents.

This new extension XML file relies on the adoption of the new extension.xsd schema, which I have provided to GBIF here. That update allows the usage comments to be included in the XML file separate from the term definition and examples - mirroring the way these are managed in the Darwin Core standard.

While working on this it reminded me of a proposal for a new term, parentMeasurementID that would be immensely useful to include in this extension. I recommended reviewing that term and adding the OBIS perspective or support if deemed meritorious.

pieterprovoost commented 2 years ago

Does anyone know if this would work with IPT? As far as I know there's no indication of namespace in the mapping panel?

bart-v commented 2 years ago

It's maybe a nice theoretical approach, but it has been used like this for years now. Maybe we should come up with an easy mapping from the current system to the dwciri namespace, without harassing users.

tucotuco commented 2 years ago

Does anyone know if this would work with IPT? As far as I know there's no indication of namespace in the mapping panel?

Yes. Have a look at the Audubon Media Description Extension (, which uses terms with the same label but different namespace. In the IPT both terms are presented for mapping.

albenson-usgs commented 2 years ago

At the 2021-09-20 meeting of the OBIS QC Task Group we determined that making this change would result in a significant amount of work for the OBIS Secretariat and some of the OBIS Nodes to modify R packages, data processing pipelines, and documentation. Knowing that the standard will be evolving in the not to distance future we have decided to wait for this update to occur before making any changes to the systems and models we are currently using.