iobroker-community-adapters / ioBroker.harmony

Logitech Harmony Adapter for ioBroker
MIT License
14 stars 15 forks source link

Adapter does nothing #124

Open Karkas66 opened 7 months ago

Karkas66 commented 7 months ago

I have my harmony running in a separate Wlan Sub Network. Iobroker runs on x64 hardware on Ethernet Sub Network.

After the adapter Installation nothing happens, the objects in the tree are not even created, just the folder harmony and harmony.admin

Is it maybe due to the fact that i´m already on Node.js v18.17.1 ?

mcm1957 commented 7 months ago

First of all add RELEASE VERSIONS to all bug isszes.

Adapter Js-controller Node O/S

Maybe you must specify subnet parameter. Copied the text from library example.

// Example: Hub is within subnet, use address "".

Node 18 iscrecommended nodecrelease. So this should be ok.

Note that I do not know the adapter in detail and do not own a device. So maybe it would be good to adk your question at forom.( as users there might know how to use at multiple network segnents.

Karkas66 commented 7 months ago

Logline sais: starting. Version 1.3.0 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/iobroker.harmony, node: v18.17.1, js-controller: 5.0.17

Logitech Harmony Hub Version 4.15.330 Harmony Adapter v1.3.0 JS-Controller 5.0.17 OS Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS

Added in Subnet Configuration but Nothing changed

mcm1957 commented 4 months ago

Adapter scans for hubs using UDB broadcat pacakges. So those pacaktes must be allowed to pass to the other subnet. Please ensure that no firewall / router is blocking them.

Eventually this topic might help too

mcm1957 commented 1 month ago

please retry with 1.5.0 which will allow to specify multiple subnets now. See README.