iobroker-community-adapters / ioBroker.harmony

Logitech Harmony Adapter for ioBroker
MIT License
14 stars 14 forks source link

HarmonyHub in seperaten VLAN? #147

Closed dfoxg closed 4 months ago

dfoxg commented 4 months ago


ich würde gerne den Adapter weiterhin verwenden, allerdings findet der Adapter meinen Harmony nicht mehr sobald ich ihn in ein anderes VLAN/Subnetz geschoben habe. Auch die Angabe der IP in der Config funktioniert leider nicht (laut SourceCode ist das eher eine Allowlist als eine explizite Angabe)

mcm1957 commented 4 months ago

I do not know the adapter. But a check of the source indoicates that hamony is searching the hub using broadcast UDP (IPv4) packets. Do you have your network configured to forward such pacaktes into the other vlan?

In addtion the following topic at forum might help

dfoxg commented 4 months ago

Hi @mcm1957, thanks for linking that comment. Yeah i have a lot of problems with broadcast/multicast at the moment (spotify connect, ..), but the answer from tugsi helped me, since i´m now pinned my harmonyhub-ip in the Discovery subnet, which works for me.
