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Info Adapter stürzte ohne Fehlermeldung ab #529

Closed ApolloSK closed 9 months ago

ApolloSK commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug
Der Info-Adapter stürzt ab, ohne eine Fehlermeldung im LOG. Ich habe das LOG-Level bereits auf "silly" gestellt aber auch hier keinerlei Info was zum Absturz geführt hat.

Die letzten Einträge im LOG sind immer: 2023-02-21 20:00:04.301 - debug: info.0 (5182) Process network with stats.iface0: {"iface":"eno1","operstate":"up","rx_bytes":111511384,"rx_dropped":44317,"rx_errors":0,"tx_bytes":141534494,"tx_dropped":0,"tx_errors":0,"rx_sec":null,"tx_sec":null,"ms":0}

2023-02-21 20:00:04.433 - debug: info.0 (5182) Process wifi with interfaces.iface0: {"id":2,"iface":"","model":null,"vendor":null,"mac":"XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX"}

(Die mac-Adresse wurde von mir hier mit XX.XX... ersetzt)!

Ich habe den Adapter schon de- und wieder neu installiert. Ergebnis ist das Gleiche!

To Reproduce

  1. Info-Adapter starten
  2. warten
  3. Info-Adapter geht auf rot

Expected behavior
Info-Adapter läuft ohne Absturz.

Screenshots & Logfiles



Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

Apollon77 commented 1 year ago

Bitte vollständiges log posten. Und nicht nur nach Info Filtern weil ggf absturzibgod kommen vom „Host“ aka js-controller

ApolloSK commented 1 year ago

Hat etwas gedauert - sorry. Hier der komplette LOG:

2023-08-03 20:37:54.056 - info: host.sven-NUC7PJYH-SK "" enabled

2023-08-03 20:37:54.383 - info: host.sven-NUC7PJYH-SK instance started with pid 20714 2023-08-03 20:37:55.503 - debug: info.0 (20714) Redis Objects: Use Redis connection: 2023-08-03 20:37:55.593 - debug: info.0 (20714) Objects client ready ... initialize now 2023-08-03 20:37:55.594 - debug: info.0 (20714) Objects create System PubSub Client 2023-08-03 20:37:55.595 - debug: info.0 (20714) Objects create User PubSub Client 2023-08-03 20:37:55.776 - debug: info.0 (20714) Objects client initialize lua scripts 2023-08-03 20:37:55.783 - debug: info.0 (20714) Objects connected to redis: 2023-08-03 20:37:55.858 - debug: info.0 (20714) Redis States: Use Redis connection: 2023-08-03 20:37:55.928 - debug: info.0 (20714) States create System PubSub Client 2023-08-03 20:37:55.929 - debug: info.0 (20714) States create User PubSub Client 2023-08-03 20:37:56.084 - debug: info.0 (20714) States connected to redis: 2023-08-03 20:37:56.963 - debug: info.0 (20714) Plugin sentry Initialize Plugin (enabled=true) 2023-08-03 20:37:58.075 - info: info.0 (20714) starting. Version 1.9.26 in /opt/iobroker/node_modules/, node: v18.17.0, js-controller: 4.0.24 2023-08-03 20:37:58.356 - info: info.0 (20714) Reading/updating systemdata. 2023-08-03 20:37:58.509 - debug: info.0 (20714) Process system with hardware: {"manufacturer":"Intel Corporation","model":"NUC7PJYH","version":"J67992-401","serial":"-","uuid":"","sku":"-","virtual":false} 2023-08-03 20:37:58.588 - debug: info.0 (20714) Process system with uuid: {"os":"715efe28c5514778b291ae0358f12b73","hardware":"","macs":["94:c6:91:a3:f2:0d"]} 2023-08-03 20:37:58.630 - debug: info.0 (20714) Process system with bios: {"vendor":"Intel Corp.","version":"JYGLKCPX.86A.0069.2022.1123.1848","releaseDate":"2022-23-11","revision":"","serial":""} 2023-08-03 20:37:58.649 - debug: info.0 (20714) Popup news was read... 2023-08-03 20:37:58.697 - debug: info.0 (20714) Repo: stable 2023-08-03 20:37:58.697 - debug: info.0 (20714) Language: de 2023-08-03 20:37:58.698 - debug: info.0 (20714) Messages: 53 2023-08-03 20:37:58.698 - debug: info.0 (20714) Getting instances... 2023-08-03 20:37:58.972 - debug: info.0 (20714) Found 54 instances 2023-08-03 20:37:58.973 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking: BREAKING CHANGE: Keine Unterstützung für iPad 1+2/Android<4.4 mit Updates für Web, Socketio und Admin! 2023-08-03 20:37:58.973 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking conditions... 2023-08-03 20:37:58.974 - debug: info.0 (20714) Conditions for admin adapter 2023-08-03 20:37:58.975 - debug: info.0 (20714) admin smaller version: 6.3.5 smaller 4.0.0 -> false 2023-08-03 20:37:58.975 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking: deconz: Wichtig! Adapter vor dem Update löschen 2023-08-03 20:37:58.975 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking conditions... 2023-08-03 20:37:58.975 - debug: info.0 (20714) Conditions for deconz adapter 2023-08-03 20:37:58.975 - debug: info.0 (20714) Adapter shoud be installed 2023-08-03 20:37:58.975 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking: UniFi: Wichtiger Adapter vor dem Update löschen 2023-08-03 20:37:58.976 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking conditions... 2023-08-03 20:37:58.976 - debug: info.0 (20714) Conditions for unifi adapter 2023-08-03 20:37:58.976 - debug: info.0 (20714) Adapter shoud be installed 2023-08-03 20:37:58.976 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking: Pushover 1.2.x funktioniert nicht mit JS Controller 3.x. 2023-08-03 20:37:58.976 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking conditions... 2023-08-03 20:37:58.976 - debug: info.0 (20714) Conditions for js-controller adapter 2023-08-03 20:37:58.977 - debug: info.0 (20714) Adapter shoud be installed 2023-08-03 20:37:58.977 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking: JS-Controller 3.x unterstützt nur TR-064-Adapter ab 4.0.0 2023-08-03 20:37:58.978 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking conditions... 2023-08-03 20:37:58.978 - debug: info.0 (20714) Conditions for js-controller adapter 2023-08-03 20:37:58.978 - debug: info.0 (20714) Adapter shoud be installed 2023-08-03 20:37:58.978 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking: Die Community-Version TR-064 wird nicht mehr entwickelt 2023-08-03 20:37:58.978 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking conditions... 2023-08-03 20:37:58.979 - debug: info.0 (20714) Conditions for tr-064-community adapter 2023-08-03 20:37:58.979 - debug: info.0 (20714) Adapter shoud be installed 2023-08-03 20:37:58.979 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking: JS-Controller 3.x unterstützt nur Firetv-Adapter ab 1.0.0 2023-08-03 20:37:58.979 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking conditions... 2023-08-03 20:37:58.979 - debug: info.0 (20714) Conditions for js-controller adapter 2023-08-03 20:37:58.979 - debug: info.0 (20714) Adapter shoud be installed 2023-08-03 20:37:58.979 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking: JS-Controller 3.x unterstützt nur Wifilight-Adapter ab 1.1.0 2023-08-03 20:37:58.980 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking conditions... 2023-08-03 20:37:58.980 - debug: info.0 (20714) Conditions for js-controller adapter 2023-08-03 20:37:58.980 - debug: info.0 (20714) Adapter shoud be installed 2023-08-03 20:37:58.981 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking: Die Firetv Adapter Community-Version wird nicht mehr entwickelt 2023-08-03 20:37:58.981 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking conditions... 2023-08-03 20:37:58.981 - debug: info.0 (20714) Conditions for firetv-community adapter 2023-08-03 20:37:58.981 - debug: info.0 (20714) Adapter shoud be installed 2023-08-03 20:37:58.981 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking: Die Wifilight Adapter Community-Version wird nicht mehr entwickelt 2023-08-03 20:37:58.982 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking conditions... 2023-08-03 20:37:58.982 - debug: info.0 (20714) Conditions for wifilight-community adapter 2023-08-03 20:37:58.982 - debug: info.0 (20714) Adapter shoud be installed 2023-08-03 20:37:58.982 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking: Die Lightify-Plattform wird am 31. August 2021 heruntergefahren. 2023-08-03 20:37:58.982 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking conditions... 2023-08-03 20:37:58.982 - debug: info.0 (20714) Conditions for lightify adapter 2023-08-03 20:37:58.982 - debug: info.0 (20714) Adapter shoud be installed 2023-08-03 20:37:58.983 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking: Node.JS-Versionen kleiner als 12 werden vom Node-Team nicht mehr gepflegt 2023-08-03 20:37:58.983 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking conditions... 2023-08-03 20:37:58.983 - debug: info.0 (20714) Conditions for admin adapter 2023-08-03 20:37:58.983 - debug: info.0 (20714) admin bigger version: 6.3.5 bigger 3.6.10 -> true 2023-08-03 20:37:58.983 - debug: info.0 (20714) Node check 2023-08-03 20:37:58.983 - debug: info.0 (20714) NodeJS smaller version: 18.17.0 smaller 12.0.0 -> false 2023-08-03 20:37:58.984 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking: Neuer JS-Controller 3.1 ist verfügbar! 2023-08-03 20:37:58.984 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking conditions... 2023-08-03 20:37:58.984 - debug: info.0 (20714) Conditions for js-controller adapter 2023-08-03 20:37:58.985 - debug: info.0 (20714) Adapter shoud be installed 2023-08-03 20:37:58.985 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking: Neuer JS-Controller 3.1 ist verfügbar! 2023-08-03 20:37:58.985 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking conditions... 2023-08-03 20:37:58.985 - debug: info.0 (20714) Conditions for js-controller adapter 2023-08-03 20:37:58.985 - debug: info.0 (20714) Adapter shoud be installed 2023-08-03 20:37:58.985 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking: Für den tr-064 Adapter v4.x müssen Sie Ihr Kennwort erneut eingeben 2023-08-03 20:37:58.985 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking conditions... 2023-08-03 20:37:58.986 - debug: info.0 (20714) Conditions for tr-064 adapter 2023-08-03 20:37:58.986 - debug: info.0 (20714) tr-064 smaller version: 4.2.18 smaller 4.0.0 -> false 2023-08-03 20:37:58.986 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking: Für den Pushover-Adapter v2.x müssen Sie Ihr Token erneut eingeben 2023-08-03 20:37:58.986 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking conditions... 2023-08-03 20:37:58.986 - debug: info.0 (20714) Conditions for pushover adapter 2023-08-03 20:37:58.986 - debug: info.0 (20714) Adapter shoud be installed 2023-08-03 20:37:58.986 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking: Wichtige Informationen für das Javascript-Adapter-Update auf 4.6.x. 2023-08-03 20:37:58.987 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking conditions... 2023-08-03 20:37:58.987 - debug: info.0 (20714) Conditions for javascript adapter 2023-08-03 20:37:58.988 - debug: info.0 (20714) javascript smaller version: 7.0.3 smaller 4.6.0 -> false 2023-08-03 20:37:58.988 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking: Beachtung! Breaking changes in Materialdesign-Widgets 0.4 2023-08-03 20:37:58.988 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking conditions... 2023-08-03 20:37:58.988 - debug: info.0 (20714) Conditions for vis-materialdesign adapter 2023-08-03 20:37:58.988 - debug: info.0 (20714) Adapter shoud be installed 2023-08-03 20:37:58.988 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking: Beachtung! Brechende Änderungen in HeatingControl 2.0 2023-08-03 20:37:58.988 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking conditions... 2023-08-03 20:37:58.989 - debug: info.0 (20714) Conditions for heatingcontrol adapter 2023-08-03 20:37:58.989 - debug: info.0 (20714) Adapter shoud be installed 2023-08-03 20:37:58.989 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking: Achtung: Der Alexa2-Adapter muss dringend aktualisiert werden 2023-08-03 20:37:58.989 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking conditions... 2023-08-03 20:37:58.989 - debug: info.0 (20714) Conditions for alexa2 adapter 2023-08-03 20:37:58.989 - debug: info.0 (20714) alexa2 smaller version: 3.23.2 smaller 3.7.0 -> false 2023-08-03 20:37:58.990 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking: js-controller 3.2.16 ist verfügbar 2023-08-03 20:37:58.990 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking conditions... 2023-08-03 20:37:58.990 - debug: info.0 (20714) Conditions for js-controller adapter 2023-08-03 20:37:58.990 - debug: info.0 (20714) Adapter shoud be installed 2023-08-03 20:37:58.991 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking: Achtung: Der MercedeMe-Adapter muss dringend aktualisiert werden 2023-08-03 20:37:58.991 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking conditions... 2023-08-03 20:37:58.991 - debug: info.0 (20714) Conditions for mercedesme adapter 2023-08-03 20:37:58.991 - debug: info.0 (20714) Adapter shoud be installed 2023-08-03 20:37:58.991 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking: Der originale Z-Wave-Adapter ist veraltet 2023-08-03 20:37:58.991 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking conditions... 2023-08-03 20:37:58.991 - debug: info.0 (20714) Conditions for zwave adapter 2023-08-03 20:37:58.992 - debug: info.0 (20714) Adapter shoud be installed 2023-08-03 20:37:58.992 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking: Bitte entfernen Sie den Eintrag ioBroker-Forum aus der Radar2-Überwachungskonfiguration. 2023-08-03 20:37:58.992 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking conditions... 2023-08-03 20:37:58.992 - debug: info.0 (20714) Conditions for radar2 adapter 2023-08-03 20:37:58.992 - debug: info.0 (20714) Adapter shoud be installed 2023-08-03 20:37:58.992 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking: BackItUp Adapter ist die empfohlene Backup-Lösung 2023-08-03 20:37:58.992 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking conditions... 2023-08-03 20:37:58.992 - debug: info.0 (20714) Conditions for backitup adapter 2023-08-03 20:37:58.993 - debug: info.0 (20714) Adapter shoud not be installed 2023-08-03 20:37:58.993 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking: Vorbereitung auf v2.0.0 von Z-Wave 2: Alias-Funktion verwenden! 2023-08-03 20:37:58.993 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking conditions... 2023-08-03 20:37:58.993 - debug: info.0 (20714) Conditions for zwave2 adapter 2023-08-03 20:37:58.993 - debug: info.0 (20714) Adapter shoud be installed 2023-08-03 20:37:58.993 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking: WARNUNG: "Device-Reminder" -Update: Spezielles Vorgehen nach dem Update auf Versionen ab 1.2.x. nötig 2023-08-03 20:37:58.994 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking conditions... 2023-08-03 20:37:58.994 - debug: info.0 (20714) Conditions for device-reminder adapter 2023-08-03 20:37:58.994 - debug: info.0 (20714) Adapter shoud be installed 2023-08-03 20:37:58.994 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking: BREAKING CHANGE: Ihre YAML-Konfigurationen gehen bei einem Update verloren! 2023-08-03 20:37:58.994 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking conditions... 2023-08-03 20:37:58.994 - debug: info.0 (20714) Conditions for esphome adapter 2023-08-03 20:37:58.995 - debug: info.0 (20714) Adapter shoud be installed 2023-08-03 20:37:58.995 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking: Aktualisieren Sie das Tradfri Gateway nicht auf v1.15.x 2023-08-03 20:37:58.995 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking conditions... 2023-08-03 20:37:58.995 - debug: info.0 (20714) Conditions for tradfri adapter 2023-08-03 20:37:58.995 - debug: info.0 (20714) Adapter shoud be installed 2023-08-03 20:37:58.995 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking: Kompatibilität mit Trådfri-Gateway v1.15.x 2023-08-03 20:37:58.995 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking conditions... 2023-08-03 20:37:58.996 - debug: info.0 (20714) Conditions for tradfri adapter 2023-08-03 20:37:58.996 - debug: info.0 (20714) Adapter shoud be installed 2023-08-03 20:37:58.996 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking: JavaScript 5.2.x: Breaking change bei den Objekttypen "object" und "array" 2023-08-03 20:37:58.996 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking conditions... 2023-08-03 20:37:58.996 - debug: info.0 (20714) Conditions for javascript adapter 2023-08-03 20:37:58.996 - debug: info.0 (20714) javascript smaller version: 7.0.3 smaller 5.2.2 -> false 2023-08-03 20:37:58.996 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking: Vis Offline Lizenz verfügbar 2023-08-03 20:37:58.997 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking conditions... 2023-08-03 20:37:58.997 - debug: info.0 (20714) Conditions for vis adapter 2023-08-03 20:37:58.997 - debug: info.0 (20714) vis bigger version: 1.4.16 bigger 1.0.0 -> true 2023-08-03 20:37:58.997 - debug: info.0 (20714) Message added: Vis Offline Lizenz verfügbar 2023-08-03 20:37:58.997 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking: Vor Update auf js-controller 3.3 alle Adapter aktualisieren! 2023-08-03 20:37:58.997 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking conditions... 2023-08-03 20:37:58.997 - debug: info.0 (20714) Conditions for js-controller adapter 2023-08-03 20:37:58.998 - debug: info.0 (20714) Adapter shoud be installed 2023-08-03 20:37:58.998 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking: Wichtige Informationen vor dem Admin v5.x Update! 2023-08-03 20:37:58.998 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking conditions... 2023-08-03 20:37:58.998 - debug: info.0 (20714) Conditions for js-controller adapter 2023-08-03 20:37:58.998 - debug: info.0 (20714) Adapter shoud be installed 2023-08-03 20:37:58.998 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking: Achtung: VW-connect Adapter benötigt dringend Update 2023-08-03 20:37:58.999 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking conditions... 2023-08-03 20:37:58.999 - debug: info.0 (20714) Conditions for vw-connect adapter 2023-08-03 20:37:58.999 - debug: info.0 (20714) Adapter shoud be installed 2023-08-03 20:37:58.999 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking: Z-Wave 2: Problembehebung für Version 2.3 oder höher 2023-08-03 20:37:58.999 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking conditions... 2023-08-03 20:37:58.999 - debug: info.0 (20714) Conditions for zwave2 adapter 2023-08-03 20:37:58.999 - debug: info.0 (20714) Adapter shoud be installed 2023-08-03 20:37:59.000 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking: Der Squeezebox Adapter wird nicht weiterentwickelt und ersetzt. 2023-08-03 20:37:59.000 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking conditions... 2023-08-03 20:37:59.000 - debug: info.0 (20714) Conditions for squeezebox adapter 2023-08-03 20:37:59.000 - debug: info.0 (20714) Adapter shoud be installed 2023-08-03 20:37:59.000 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking: Der iogo-Adapter wurde eingestellt 2023-08-03 20:37:59.000 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking conditions... 2023-08-03 20:37:59.000 - debug: info.0 (20714) Conditions for iogo adapter 2023-08-03 20:37:59.000 - debug: info.0 (20714) Adapter shoud be installed 2023-08-03 20:37:59.001 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking: WM-Bus-Adapter ist veraltet 2023-08-03 20:37:59.001 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking conditions... 2023-08-03 20:37:59.001 - debug: info.0 (20714) Conditions for wm-bus adapter 2023-08-03 20:37:59.001 - debug: info.0 (20714) Adapter shoud be installed 2023-08-03 20:37:59.001 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking: Eufy-Security Adapter wegen Markenrechtsverletzung umbenannt 2023-08-03 20:37:59.001 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking conditions... 2023-08-03 20:37:59.001 - debug: info.0 (20714) Conditions for eufy-security adapter 2023-08-03 20:37:59.002 - debug: info.0 (20714) Adapter shoud be installed 2023-08-03 20:37:59.002 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking: js-controller 4.0.x ist verfügbar 2023-08-03 20:37:59.002 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking conditions... 2023-08-03 20:37:59.002 - debug: info.0 (20714) Conditions for js-controller adapter 2023-08-03 20:37:59.002 - debug: info.0 (20714) Adapter shoud be installed 2023-08-03 20:37:59.002 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking: DRINGEND: Startzeit des Adapters bitte ändern! 2023-08-03 20:37:59.002 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking conditions... 2023-08-03 20:37:59.002 - debug: info.0 (20714) Conditions for yr adapter 2023-08-03 20:37:59.003 - debug: info.0 (20714) yr smaller version: 5.3.0 smaller 5.1.0 -> false 2023-08-03 20:37:59.003 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking: Alexa2 Smart Home Geräte-Funktionalität funktioniert teilweise nicht! 2023-08-03 20:37:59.003 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking conditions... 2023-08-03 20:37:59.003 - debug: info.0 (20714) Conditions for alexa2 adapter 2023-08-03 20:37:59.003 - debug: info.0 (20714) alexa2 smaller version: 3.23.2 smaller 4.0.0 -> true 2023-08-03 20:37:59.003 - debug: info.0 (20714) Message added: Alexa2 Smart Home Geräte-Funktionalität funktioniert teilweise nicht! 2023-08-03 20:37:59.003 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking: Find-my-IPhone Adapter wird eingestellt und durch Apple-Find-Me ersetzt! 2023-08-03 20:37:59.004 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking conditions... 2023-08-03 20:37:59.004 - debug: info.0 (20714) Conditions for find-my-iphone adapter 2023-08-03 20:37:59.004 - debug: info.0 (20714) Adapter shoud be installed 2023-08-03 20:37:59.004 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking: Fitbit-API Adapter wird eingestellt und durch Fitbit-Fitness ersetzt! 2023-08-03 20:37:59.004 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking conditions... 2023-08-03 20:37:59.004 - debug: info.0 (20714) Conditions for fitbit-api adapter 2023-08-03 20:37:59.004 - debug: info.0 (20714) Adapter shoud be installed 2023-08-03 20:37:59.005 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking: Netatmo Authentication ändert sich im Oktober 2022 2023-08-03 20:37:59.005 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking conditions... 2023-08-03 20:37:59.005 - debug: info.0 (20714) Conditions for netatmo adapter 2023-08-03 20:37:59.005 - debug: info.0 (20714) Adapter shoud be installed 2023-08-03 20:37:59.005 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking: Bitte den Alexa2 Adapter auf 3.19.10+ aktualisieren! 2023-08-03 20:37:59.005 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking conditions... 2023-08-03 20:37:59.005 - debug: info.0 (20714) Conditions for alexa2 adapter 2023-08-03 20:37:59.006 - debug: info.0 (20714) alexa2 between version: 3.23.2 between 3.14.0 and 3.19.9 -> false 2023-08-03 20:37:59.006 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking: Bitte den euSec Adapter auf 0.9.8+ aktualisieren! 2023-08-03 20:37:59.006 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking conditions... 2023-08-03 20:37:59.006 - debug: info.0 (20714) Conditions for eusec adapter 2023-08-03 20:37:59.006 - debug: info.0 (20714) Adapter shoud be installed 2023-08-03 20:37:59.006 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking: Cloud / Vis Offline Weihnachtsangebot 2022 2023-08-03 20:37:59.007 - debug: info.0 (20714) Date end ok 2023-08-03 20:37:59.007 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking: Livisi/Innogy Cloud wird im Q1/2023 deaktiviert! 2023-08-03 20:37:59.007 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking conditions... 2023-08-03 20:37:59.007 - debug: info.0 (20714) Conditions for innogy-smarthome adapter 2023-08-03 20:37:59.007 - debug: info.0 (20714) Adapter shoud be installed 2023-08-03 20:37:59.007 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking: Fahrplan erfordert Update 2023-08-03 20:37:59.007 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking conditions... 2023-08-03 20:37:59.007 - debug: info.0 (20714) Conditions for fahrplan adapter 2023-08-03 20:37:59.008 - debug: info.0 (20714) Adapter shoud be installed 2023-08-03 20:37:59.008 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking: js-controller 5.0.x in BETA jetzt! WICHTIG: Forum lesen! Node.js 16+! 2023-08-03 20:37:59.008 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking conditions... 2023-08-03 20:37:59.008 - debug: info.0 (20714) Conditions for js-controller adapter 2023-08-03 20:37:59.008 - debug: info.0 (20714) Adapter shoud be installed 2023-08-03 20:37:59.008 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking: Adapter km200 wird abgekündigt 2023-08-03 20:37:59.008 - debug: info.0 (20714) Checking conditions... 2023-08-03 20:37:59.009 - debug: info.0 (20714) Conditions for km200 adapter 2023-08-03 20:37:59.009 - debug: info.0 (20714) Adapter shoud be installed 2023-08-03 20:37:59.188 - debug: info.0 (20714) Process system with baseboard: {"manufacturer":"Intel Corporation","model":"NUC7JYB","version":"J67969-401","serial":"","assetTag":"","memMax":null,"memSlots":null} 2023-08-03 20:37:59.224 - debug: info.0 (20714) Process system with chassis: {"manufacturer":"Intel Corporation","model":"","type":"Mini PC","version":"2.0","serial":"","assetTag":"","sku":""} 2023-08-03 20:37:59.289 - debug: info.0 (20714) Process cpu with info: {"manufacturer":"Intel","brand":"Pentium® Silver J5005","vendor":"Intel","family":"6","model":"122","stepping":"1","revision":"","voltage":"","speed":1.5,"speedMin":0.8,"speedMax":2.8,"governor":"schedutil","cores":4,"physicalCores":4,"performanceCores":4,"efficiencyCores":0,"processors":1,"socket":"","flags":"fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe syscall nx pdpe1gb rdtscp lm constant_tsc art arch_perfmon pebs bts rep_good nopl xtopology nonstop_tsc cpuid aperfmperf tsc_known_freq pni pclmulqdq dtes64 monitor ds_cpl vmx est tm2 ssse3 sdbg cx16 xtpr pdcm sse4_1 sse4_2 x2apic movbe popcnt tsc_deadline_timer aes xsave rdrand lahf_lm 3dnowprefetch cpuid_fault cat_l2 pti cdp_l2 ssbd ibrs ibpb stibp ibrs_enhanced tpr_shadow vnmi flexpriority ept vpid ept_ad fsgsbase tsc_adjust sgx smep erms mpx rdt_a rdseed smap clflushopt intel_pt sha_ni xsaveopt xsavec xgetbv1 xsaves dtherm ida arat pln pts umip rdpid sgx_lc md_clear arch_capabilities","virtualization":true,"cache":{"l1d":98304,"l1i":131072,"l2":4194304,"l3":""}} 2023-08-03 20:37:59.368 - debug: info.0 (20714) Process cpu with currentLoad: {"avgLoad":0.35,"currentLoad":27.625797949377894,"currentLoadUser":25.406487076923757,"currentLoadSystem":2.2111959456322015,"currentLoadNice":0.008114926821933741,"currentLoadIdle":72.3742020506221,"currentLoadIrq":0,"rawCurrentLoad":24987700,"rawCurrentLoadUser":22980320,"rawCurrentLoadSystem":2000040,"rawCurrentLoadNice":7340,"rawCurrentLoadIdle":65462900,"rawCurrentLoadIrq":0,"cpus":[{"load":27.33226878021134,"loadUser":25.09104846988172,"loadSystem":2.234942629959036,"loadNice":0.006277680370577661,"loadIdle":72.66773121978866,"loadIrq":0,"rawLoad":6182510,"rawLoadUser":5675550,"rawLoadSystem":505540,"rawLoadNice":1420,"rawLoadIdle":16437310,"rawLoadIrq":0},{"load":27.785712454958677,"loadUser":25.58267585007349,"loadSystem":2.1927401828255677,"loadNice":0.010296422059620261,"loadIdle":72.21428754504132,"loadIrq":0,"rawLoad":6287690,"rawLoadUser":5789160,"rawLoadSystem":496200,"rawLoadNice":2330,"rawLoadIdle":16341530,"rawLoadIrq":0},{"load":27.639133376071857,"loadUser":25.415638049564883,"loadSystem":2.2173856065623707,"loadNice":0.006109719944605205,"loadIdle":72.36086662392815,"loadIrq":0,"rawLoad":6242840,"rawLoadUser":5740620,"rawLoadSystem":500840,"rawLoadNice":1380,"rawLoadIdle":16344120,"rawLoadIrq":0},{"load":27.746057856429037,"loadUser":25.536556030175195,"loadSystem":2.199729378366188,"loadNice":0.009772447887647803,"loadIdle":72.25394214357097,"loadIrq":0,"rawLoad":6274660,"rawLoadUser":5774990,"rawLoadSystem":497460,"rawLoadNice":2210,"rawLoadIdle":16339940,"rawLoadIrq":0}]} 2023-08-03 20:37:59.478 - info: info.0 (20714) cpu Temp res = {"main":62,"cores":[62,62,62,62],"max":62,"socket":[62],"chipset":null} 2023-08-03 20:37:59.479 - debug: info.0 (20714) Process cpu with temperature: {"main":62,"cores":[62,62,62,62],"max":62,"socket":[62],"chipset":null} 2023-08-03 20:37:59.551 - debug: info.0 (20714) Process cpu with currentSpeed: {"min":2.7,"max":2.7,"avg":2.7,"cores":[2.7,2.7,2.7,2.7]} 2023-08-03 20:37:59.576 - debug: info.0 (20714) Process memory with info: {"total":16329158656,"free":8481673216,"used":7847485440,"active":5663023104,"available":10666135552,"buffers":406757376,"cached":1897357312,"slab":382595072,"buffcache":2686709760,"swaptotal":2147479552,"swapused":0,"swapfree":2147479552} 2023-08-03 20:37:59.643 - debug: info.0 (20714) Process memory with memLayout.ram0: {"size":16329158656,"bank":"","type":"","ecc":null,"clockSpeed":0,"formFactor":"","partNum":"","serialNum":"","voltageConfigured":null,"voltageMin":null,"voltageMax":null} 2023-08-03 20:37:59.719 - debug: info.0 (20714) Process battery with null: {"manufacturer":"Intel Corporation","model":"NUC7PJYH","version":"J67992-401","serial":"-","uuid":"","sku":"-","virtual":false} 2023-08-03 20:37:59.843 - debug: info.0 (20714) Process graphics with controllers.ctrl0: {"vendor":"Intel Corporation","model":"GeminiLake [UHD Graphics 605] ","bus":"Onboard","busAddress":"00:02.0","vram":256,"vramDynamic":false,"pciID":""} 2023-08-03 20:38:00.090 - debug: info.0 (20714) Process os with info: {"platform":"linux","distro":"Ubuntu","release":"22.04.2 LTS","codename":"Jammy Jellyfish","kernel":"5.19.0-50-generic","arch":"x64","hostname":"sven-NUC7PJYH-SK","fqdn":"sven-NUC7PJYH-SK","codepage":"UTF-8","logofile":"ubuntu","serial":"715efe28c5514778b291ae0358f12b73","build":"","servicepack":"","uefi":true} 2023-08-03 20:38:01.133 - debug: info.0 (20714) Process os with versions: {"kernel":"5.19.0-50-generic","openssl":"3.0.9+quic","systemOpenssl":"3.0.2","systemOpensslLib":"OpenSSL","node":"18.17.0","v8":"","npm":"9.6.7","yarn":"","pm2":"","gulp":"","grunt":"","git":"2.34.1","tsc":"","mysql":"","redis":"","mongodb":"","apache":"","nginx":"","php":"","docker":"","postfix":"","postgresql":"","perl":"5.34.0","python":"","python3":"3.10.12","pip":"22.0.2","pip3":"22.0.2","java":"","gcc":"11.4.0","virtualbox":"","bash":"","zsh":"","fish":"","powershell":"","dotnet":""} 2023-08-03 20:38:01.707 - debug: info.0 (20714) Process disks with blockDevices.dev0: {"name":"sda","type":"disk","fsType":"","mount":"","size":250059350016,"physical":"SSD","uuid":"","label":"","model":"Samsung SSD 860 EVO 250GB","serial":"S4CJNZFN127391Y","removable":false,"protocol":"sata","group":"","device":"/dev/sda"} 2023-08-03 20:38:01.752 - debug: info.0 (20714) Process disks with blockDevices.dev1: {"name":"loop0","type":"loop","fsType":"squashfs","mount":"/snap/core20/1950","size":66527232,"physical":"","uuid":"","label":"","model":"","serial":"","removable":false,"protocol":"","group":""} 2023-08-03 20:38:01.783 - debug: info.0 (20714) Process disks with blockDevices.dev2: {"name":"loop1","type":"loop","fsType":"squashfs","mount":"/snap/bare/5","size":4096,"physical":"","uuid":"","label":"","model":"","serial":"","removable":false,"protocol":"","group":""} 2023-08-03 20:38:01.816 - debug: info.0 (20714) Process disks with blockDevices.dev3: {"name":"loop10","type":"loop","fsType":"squashfs","mount":"/snap/gtk-common-themes/1535","size":96141312,"physical":"","uuid":"","label":"","model":"","serial":"","removable":false,"protocol":"","group":""} 2023-08-03 20:38:01.853 - debug: info.0 (20714) Process disks with blockDevices.dev4: {"name":"loop11","type":"loop","fsType":"squashfs","mount":"/snap/gnome-42-2204/120","size":509100032,"physical":"","uuid":"","label":"","model":"","serial":"","removable":false,"protocol":"","group":""} 2023-08-03 20:38:01.891 - debug: info.0 (20714) Process disks with blockDevices.dev5: {"name":"loop12","type":"loop","fsType":"squashfs","mount":"/snap/snap-store/959","size":12922880,"physical":"","uuid":"","label":"","model":"","serial":"","removable":false,"protocol":"","group":""} 2023-08-03 20:38:01.916 - debug: info.0 (20714) Process disks with blockDevices.dev6: {"name":"loop13","type":"loop","fsType":"squashfs","mount":"/snap/snap-store/638","size":48160768,"physical":"","uuid":"","label":"","model":"","serial":"","removable":false,"protocol":"","group":""} 2023-08-03 20:38:01.937 - debug: info.0 (20714) Process disks with blockDevices.dev7: {"name":"loop14","type":"loop","fsType":"squashfs","mount":"/snap/snapd/19361","size":55844864,"physical":"","uuid":"","label":"","model":"","serial":"","removable":false,"protocol":"","group":""} 2023-08-03 20:38:01.961 - debug: info.0 (20714) Process disks with blockDevices.dev8: {"name":"loop15","type":"loop","fsType":"squashfs","mount":"/snap/snapd/19457","size":55844864,"physical":"","uuid":"","label":"","model":"","serial":"","removable":false,"protocol":"","group":""} 2023-08-03 20:38:01.983 - debug: info.0 (20714) Process disks with blockDevices.dev9: {"name":"loop16","type":"loop","fsType":"squashfs","mount":"/snap/snapd-desktop-integration/57","size":438272,"physical":"","uuid":"","label":"","model":"","serial":"","removable":false,"protocol":"","group":""} 2023-08-03 20:38:02.006 - debug: info.0 (20714) Process disks with blockDevices.dev10: {"name":"loop17","type":"loop","fsType":"squashfs","mount":"/snap/snapd-desktop-integration/83","size":462848,"physical":"","uuid":"","label":"","model":"","serial":"","removable":false,"protocol":"","group":""} 2023-08-03 20:38:02.026 - debug: info.0 (20714) Process disks with blockDevices.dev11: {"name":"loop2","type":"loop","fsType":"squashfs","mount":"/snap/core20/1974","size":66531328,"physical":"","uuid":"","label":"","model":"","serial":"","removable":false,"protocol":"","group":""} 2023-08-03 20:38:02.046 - debug: info.0 (20714) Process disks with blockDevices.dev12: {"name":"loop3","type":"loop","fsType":"squashfs","mount":"/snap/core22/806","size":77443072,"physical":"","uuid":"","label":"","model":"","serial":"","removable":false,"protocol":"","group":""} 2023-08-03 20:38:02.066 - debug: info.0 (20714) Process disks with blockDevices.dev13: {"name":"loop4","type":"loop","fsType":"squashfs","mount":"/snap/core22/817","size":77443072,"physical":"","uuid":"","label":"","model":"","serial":"","removable":false,"protocol":"","group":""} 2023-08-03 20:38:02.085 - debug: info.0 (20714) Process disks with blockDevices.dev14: {"name":"loop5","type":"loop","fsType":"squashfs","mount":"/snap/firefox/2850","size":256905216,"physical":"","uuid":"","label":"","model":"","serial":"","removable":false,"protocol":"","group":""} 2023-08-03 20:38:02.105 - debug: info.0 (20714) Process disks with blockDevices.dev15: {"name":"loop6","type":"loop","fsType":"squashfs","mount":"/snap/firefox/2908","size":256905216,"physical":"","uuid":"","label":"","model":"","serial":"","removable":false,"protocol":"","group":""} 2023-08-03 20:38:02.125 - debug: info.0 (20714) Process disks with blockDevices.dev16: {"name":"loop7","type":"loop","fsType":"squashfs","mount":"/snap/gnome-3-38-2004/140","size":366678016,"physical":"","uuid":"","label":"","model":"","serial":"","removable":false,"protocol":"","group":""} 2023-08-03 20:38:02.147 - debug: info.0 (20714) Process disks with blockDevices.dev17: {"name":"loop8","type":"loop","fsType":"squashfs","mount":"/snap/gnome-3-38-2004/143","size":366682112,"physical":"","uuid":"","label":"","model":"","serial":"","removable":false,"protocol":"","group":""} 2023-08-03 20:38:02.169 - debug: info.0 (20714) Process disks with blockDevices.dev18: {"name":"loop9","type":"loop","fsType":"squashfs","mount":"/snap/gnome-42-2204/111","size":489201664,"physical":"","uuid":"","label":"","model":"","serial":"","removable":false,"protocol":"","group":""} 2023-08-03 20:38:02.190 - debug: info.0 (20714) Process disks with blockDevices.dev19: {"name":"sda1","type":"part","fsType":"vfat","mount":"/boot/efi","size":536870912,"physical":"","uuid":"3302-EF92","label":"","model":"","serial":"","removable":false,"protocol":"","group":"","device":"/dev/sda"} 2023-08-03 20:38:02.217 - debug: info.0 (20714) Process disks with blockDevices.dev20: {"name":"sda2","type":"part","fsType":"ext4","mount":"/","size":249521242112,"physical":"","uuid":"7213ed60-3446-483f-9808-fa5e8e493fa7","label":"","model":"","serial":"","removable":false,"protocol":"","group":"","device":"/dev/sda"} 2023-08-03 20:38:02.313 - debug: info.0 (20714) Process disks with diskLayout.dev0: {"device":"/dev/sda","type":"SSD","name":"Samsung SSD 860 EVO 250GB","vendor":"Samsung","size":250059350016,"bytesPerSector":null,"totalCylinders":null,"totalHeads":null,"totalSectors":null,"totalTracks":null,"tracksPerCylinder":null,"sectorsPerTrack":null,"firmwareRevision":"4B6Q","serialNum":"S4CJNZFN127391Y","interfaceType":"SATA","smartStatus":"unknown","temperature":null} 2023-08-03 20:38:02.519 - debug: info.0 (20714) Process usb with dev0: {"bus":2,"deviceId":1,"id":"1d6b:0003","name":"3.0 root hub","type":"Hub","removable":null,"vendor":"Linux Foundation","manufacturer":"Linux 5.19.0-50-generic xhci-hcd","maxPower":"0mA","serialNumber":null} 2023-08-03 20:38:02.554 - debug: info.0 (20714) Process usb with dev1: {"bus":1,"deviceId":3,"id":"8087:0aaa","name":"Bluetooth 9460/9560 Jefferson Peak (JfP)","type":"Wireless","removable":null,"vendor":"Intel Corp.","manufacturer":"","maxPower":"100mA","serialNumber":null} 2023-08-03 20:38:02.585 - debug: info.0 (20714) Process usb with dev2: {"bus":1,"deviceId":2,"id":"10c4:ea60","name":"CP210x UART Bridge","type":"Vendor Specific Class","removable":null,"vendor":"Silicon Labs","manufacturer":"Silicon Labs","maxPower":"100mA","serialNumber":null} 2023-08-03 20:38:02.650 - debug: info.0 (20714) Process usb with dev3: {"bus":1,"deviceId":1,"id":"1d6b:0002","name":"2.0 root hub","type":"Hub","removable":null,"vendor":"Linux Foundation","manufacturer":"Linux 5.19.0-50-generic xhci-hcd","maxPower":"0mA","serialNumber":null} 2023-08-03 20:38:02.776 - debug: info.0 (20714) Process audio with dev0: {"id":"00:0e.0","name":"Celeron/Pentium Silver Processor High Definition Audio","manufacturer":"Intel Corporation","revision":"03","driver":"snd_hda_intel","default":null,"channel":"PCIe","type":"Sound Driver","in":null,"out":null,"status":"online"} 2023-08-03 20:38:03.227 - debug: info.0 (20714) Process network with interfaces.iface0: {"iface":"lo","ifaceName":"lo","default":false,"ip4":"","ip4subnet":"","ip6":"::1","ip6subnet":"ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff","mac":"00:00:00:00:00:00","internal":true,"virtual":false,"operstate":"unknown","type":"virtual","duplex":"","mtu":65536,"speed":null,"dhcp":false,"dnsSuffix":"Unknown","ieee8021xAuth":"Not defined","ieee8021xState":"Disabled","carrierChanges":0} 2023-08-03 20:38:03.292 - debug: info.0 (20714) Process network with interfaces.iface1: {"iface":"eno1","ifaceName":"eno1","default":true,"ip4":"","ip4subnet":"","ip6":"2a02:810a:8ec0:3f4:e6fe:3ba4:9a3c:e5be","ip6subnet":"ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff::","mac":"94:c6:91:a3:f2:0d","internal":false,"virtual":false,"operstate":"up","type":"wired","duplex":"full","mtu":1500,"speed":1000,"dhcp":true,"dnsSuffix":"Not defined","ieee8021xAuth":"Not defined","ieee8021xState":"Disabled","carrierChanges":8} 2023-08-03 20:38:03.439 - debug: info.0 (20714) Process network with stats.iface0: {"iface":"eno1","operstate":"up","rx_bytes":666685836,"rx_dropped":79756,"rx_errors":0,"tx_bytes":236020515,"tx_dropped":0,"tx_errors":0,"rx_sec":null,"tx_sec":null,"ms":0} 2023-08-03 20:38:03.570 - debug: info.0 (20714) Process wifi with interfaces.iface0: {"id":2,"iface":"","model":"RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet Controller","vendor":"Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd.","mac":"38:BA:F8:3D:F8:1A"}

Ich kann leider keinen Fehler etc. erkennen.

Apollon77 commented 1 year ago

I also do not see any crash in this log ?!

stale[bot] commented 9 months ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs within the next 7 days. Please check if the issue is still relevant in the most current version of the adapter and tell us. Also check that all relevant details, logs and reproduction steps are included and update them if needed. Thank you for your contributions. Dieses Problem wurde automatisch als veraltet markiert, da es in letzter Zeit keine Aktivitäten gab. Es wird geschlossen, wenn nicht innerhalb der nächsten 7 Tage weitere Aktivitäten stattfinden. Bitte überprüft, ob das Problem auch in der aktuellsten Version des Adapters noch relevant ist, und teilt uns dies mit. Überprüft auch, ob alle relevanten Details, Logs und Reproduktionsschritte enthalten sind bzw. aktualisiert diese. Vielen Dank für Eure Unterstützung.

mcm1957 commented 9 months ago

As there is no crash visible I will close for now.

Please open a new issue and show symtop / info about the crash and the corresponding log.