Closed Wondermusic closed 1 year ago
Ich wäre auch mit 5 € dabei , wohin ? über Paypal?
Ich wäre auch mit 5 € dabei , wohin ? über Paypal?
Danke für die Spendenbereitschaft. :-) Aber immer ruhig mit den jungen Hühnern... lach Wir warten mal 2-3 Tage und schauen wie viele sich beteiligen wollen und ob @theimo1221 überhaupt damit einverstanden ist. Der Black Friday Verkauf geht ja noch 5 Tage...
Momentan hätten wir 25,- Euro zusammen.
Dabei. +5 Euro
Dabei +5€
Good Morning Guys,
While this is very kind of you it does come with some expectations on your side. Yes a ring doorbell would help me looking further into this and I definitely would, but there are two worst case scenarios for you guys:
But I'm eager to try it, so I'll even fill up the missing amount from my side to buy it🙂
This is the paypal fundraiser link to contribute:
Best regards
So ich hab jetzt 10€ gespendet, bedeutet wenn alle mit machen sind die 40€ erreicht
I think, before Thiemo buying a Ring Bell, everyone should write their Ring Bell Version. Maybe only a specific variant of Ring Bell has this problem. I make the beginning. I have:
Video Doorbell Wired
Ring Video Doorbell (2. Generation)
Doorbell pro 2
Doorbell (3.Generation)
Ring Video Doorbell (2. Generation)
As this has a battery as well (easier development at desk) I added 20€ as well
Ring wired
Ring wired
I donate 5€
Ich habe die Doorbell Wired.
Ziel erreicht für die Ring Video Doorbell 2... 👍
Ring Video Doorbell (4.Generation)
kann es jemand bestätigen das die 3.0.1 version sich nicht mehr starten lässt, die neue version 3.1.9 funktioniert leider auch nur einmal. dann muss man den key wieder erneuern
3.0.1 läuft bei mir ohne Probleme.
welches node.js hast du drauf??
Aktuell 16.18.0
NPM 8.19.2 js: 4.0.23 Node.js: v16.18.1
bekomme ihn nicht zum laufen
ja, 3.0.1 (und auch neuere) scheinen nicht mit node 16.x zu laufen. Und dafür die node version downgraden ist natürlich auch nicht so schön
ich musste gestern mein system neu aufsetzten und vorher lief er perfekt. wundert mich alles irgendwie
hattest du vorher eine node Version < 16 ? und welche hast Du jetzt? Also bei mir laufen alle Versionen vom ring adapter bis auf die aktuellste nicht mit node 16
ja hatte ich, mein system halte ich immer aktuell
Also ich habe Node.js 16.18.0 Npm 8.19.2
Und 3.0.1 läuft problemlos
Node.JS 16.18.1 NPM 8.19.2
Bei der Adapter Version 3.0.1 (und allen weiteren bis auf die neueste) erhalte ich diesen Fehler:
host.iobroker | 2022-11-30 11:25:59.696 | error | instance system.adapter.ring.0 terminated with code 1 (JS_CONTROLLER_STOPPED) |
host.iobroker | 2022-11-30 11:25:59.696 | error | Caught by controller[0]: code: 'ERR_PACKAGE_PATH_NOT_EXPORTED' |
host.iobroker | 2022-11-30 11:25:59.696 | error | Caught by controller[0]: at require (node:internal/modules/cjs/helpers:103:18) |
host.iobroker | 2022-11-30 11:25:59.696 | error | Caught by controller[0]: at Module.require (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1057:19) |
host.iobroker | 2022-11-30 11:25:59.695 | error | Caught by controller[0]: at Function.Module._resolveFilename (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:971:27) |
host.iobroker | 2022-11-30 11:25:59.695 | error | Caught by controller[0]: at resolveExports (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:522:36) |
host.iobroker | 2022-11-30 11:25:59.695 | error | Caught by controller[0]: at throwExportsNotFound (node:internal/modules/esm/resolve:365:9) |
host.iobroker | 2022-11-30 11:25:59.696 | error | Caught by controller[0]: at Object. |
host.iobroker | 2022-11-30 11:25:59.696 | error | Caught by controller[0]: } |
host.iobroker | 2022-11-30 11:25:59.695 | error | Caught by controller[0]: at new NodeError (node:internal/errors:387:5) |
host.iobroker | 2022-11-30 11:25:59.695 | error | Caught by controller[0]: at packageExportsResolve (node:internal/modules/esm/resolve:649:3) |
host.iobroker | 2022-11-30 11:25:59.695 | error | Caught by controller[0]: at Function.Module._findPath (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:562:31) |
host.iobroker | 2022-11-30 11:25:59.695 | error | Caught by controller[0]: at Function.Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:833:27) |
welchen js-controller habt ihr drauf?
also bei mir laüft sogar nur die github version, da ist irgendwo ein fehler ich weiß leider nur nicht wo. an node js 16 liegt es nicht
Bei mir läuft gar keine Version, nicht einmal die 3.0.1. Bei mir taucht der State "ring" einfach nicht mehr auf. :(
Some deletes, as this is an issue thread about ring adapter and not a forum about other adapter
Thanks to you guys I recieved my doorbell. And what should I say, I get Doorbell Events:
With 3.2.1 I made a slight change to order of setting doorbell
state and starting the recording and increased the log depth.
So with Loglevel Debug you should get a debug message like:
Device xxxxx ("Arbeitszimmer"): Recieved Doorbell Event ({ ding: { streaming_protocol: 'ring_media_server', created_at: '2022-12-02T16:20:21.539Z', e2ee_method: 0, location_id: 'xxxxxx', device_name: 'Arbeitszimmer', doorbot_id: xxxx, e2ee_enabled: false, streaming_data_hash: 'sh-v1|tGE9I-9ZpynQdmZC1WcNwC..`
how do I install the 3.2.1???
how do I install the 3.2.1???
Either by changing npm version or by install from github option
@Wondermusic, @muehle79, @Loctit3, @brunsheinz, @exaware Does 3.2.1 work on your instances?
3.2.1 is green, so connected. the token is new. objects are also there, but nothing is updated when the bell rings.
After installing version 3.2.1 the events update only one time, same like at version 3.1.3. Motion, doorbell, snapshot and livestream work only one time.
I just went into my office and pressed the doorbell button and got the state and event immediatly again....
3.2.1 instant connection first trys with doorbell press event worked perfect
I have another idea what the issue might be:
@denjo1982 and @exaware what is your iobroker hostname?
As mine is definitly unique due to own domain
My iobroker hostname is VM-IOBROKER Maybe the '-' in the hostname is the problem?
it works for me but only once with a large delay
I tried with another hostname, same behavior. Or do you mean iobroker host name?
@denjo1982 @exaware Could you guys give me some info about your setup
So it seems @theimo1221 it has something to do with the Hostname. I've installed 3.2.1 and it didn't work. Updated/Changed the Hostname and now events are triggering. Ding and Motion are working. I've tested this 3 times in a row now an everytime somethig triggered.
My iobroker running into a Proxmox VM. Now I have changed the hostname of the VM and the hostname of iobroker. I didn't know that iobroker has a own hostname, really crazy. Now it's working with 3.2.1.
My old iobroker hostname was ioBroker. Here is the place I changed the hostname of iobroker:
@exaware same for me. Proxmox VM and old Hostname was standard ioBroker. Now everything is running as it should
But why is the default Hostname "iobroker" not working with the Ring Adapter? Would be great to get a fixed new Version working with all Hostnames.
But why is the default Hostname "iobroker" not working with the Ring Adapter? Would be great to get a fixed new Version working with all Hostnames.
In my opinion there might be an easy reason for this:
The API want's a systemID to have a better identification for the counterpart accessing it (e.g. the installed ring app with a random id on a specific phone). If now some hundred systems register with the same system id 'iobroker.ring' it is easy for them to block all of us.
I'll take a look on how to give every system a unique/random id to mitigate this as well
How was that with the 3.0.1 version, it worked wonderfully there?
@theimo1221 Sorry, I am on a business trip. I'll try as fast as I can.
Ring Protect Abo active? Yes
Smartphone: iPhone or Android? Android
Ring Notifications Turned on? Yes
Fresh Refresh Token before adapter installation? Last Time when I changed to 3.1.9? No, after Inst.
Do you have other cameras and recieve motion events on them? No
Is your ring account connect to any other services? No
Doorbell Settings:
Describe the bug
There is no Event "Ding", just Motion
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Screenshots & Logfiles