iobroker-community-adapters / ioBroker.roadtraffic

Check the actual traffic on the road with API
MIT License
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Ideas #3

Open simone1999 opened 5 years ago

simone1999 commented 5 years ago

hi, i createt exactly the Same Thing with Node Red, so maybe some of my Ideas could be useful for you: I am a Student, so the University starts every day at a other time, for this i have a webcrawler, which loads my university site with my course plan and searches for the first hour, this first hour is getting saved. This then is the Basic for the Calculation when to wake up, so it is very great to have a Datapoint to put in the beginning of your work, so it can also be automated and not every day the same, the Alarm itself is telling me over my Alexa that i have to wake up, but she also reads an sentence, which i have defined in an iobroker object, which in my case is, when the first lesson is taking place, which topic that is and who the teacher is. also i could for example tell me the Weather over this system. The same time my Alexa is talking, my RGB Lights are turned onn, but not just anny colour, the Colour is dependent on the weather Forecast, so i imediately know, what to wear in the morning. Then my gardeens are getting opened and my Sonos Sound System plays a predefined Radio Station at a predefined Volume. maybe some of these Ideas can help you. I havent activated your adapter yet, because i'm not at my iobroker installation at the moment, so i don't know if you maybe have alredy implementet some features i have mentioned.

It's verry great from you to make a Adapter for that, i think this can be useful for manny people.

BuZZy1337 commented 5 years ago

Hi and thank you very much for your ideas. I really appreciate that! :relaxed:

My plan is, exactly as your idea,.. To create data points "alarm" - "Monday", "Tuesday",... - "arrival Time" etc. so every day can have its own "arrival time" and you also can switch the alarm on and off for each day separately.

The alarm clock Funktion is not released yet. So at the moment the adapter is only showing the travel duration for the specified routes..

I am planning to release the alarm function very soon..

One more time: Thank you for your ideas! :+1:

Xyolyp commented 5 years ago

I suppose creating some sort of allarm datapoint should be done by the user itself. I personally have created a huge script that uses weather data to determine if I can ride my motorcycle (has to be at least somewhat dry, warm enough and so on) or have to take the car to work. Another possibility could be using public transport. After deciding for a mode of transport it checks if the temperature is close to or below freezing because I would have to clear my cars windows and drive slower. It then checks my calendar for any appointments in the morning or evening (I don't have fixed working hours so if something is planned for the afternoon I have to start earlier) or if I maybe have holidays, vacation or am sick. After calculating the required arival time I use the bing maps routing service to get the pure driving time and I calculate the time when I have to get up by all these parameters. I suggest not "wasting" time for something like an alarm that every single user needs to behave differently and focus on the important parts like getting public transport working, convert the adapter to use the proper ioBroker cron sceduling, maybe adding bing route calculations for people who doesn't want to use google and so on.