iobroker-community-adapters / ioBroker.solarwetter

ioBroker Adapter to collect data from
MIT License
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Meteo forecast data via ftp #10

Open ggraziotti opened 5 years ago

ggraziotti commented 5 years ago

I found local data for Italy locations, meteo/energy, via FTP, on .CSV or similar format.

It's possible modify adapter to get meteo forecast data from .CSV file, via FTP ?

I found these other adapters/script: Https://

Can someone:

Modify adapter on, forecast fv production based on meteo forecast data (script) ? And get meteo forecast data from via ftp with adapter/parser ?

So develop and integration, of "photovoltaic script", parser adapter, meteo file (txt or csv...) to get via ftp ?

Pix--- commented 5 years ago

This adapter ist just mapping information from solarwetter website to iobroker.

Any adapter requests can be placed here: