The current default value for the polling intervall ("fastscan") is 500ms. This seems to be far to often.
Diskdata will not change significantly within 0,5s, neither will the temperature etc.
A default value for fast scanning of at least 10s, better 30 or even up to 60s seems to be much mor appropiate. User might reduce the value if he as a need for ist and his system confifuration will allow. Personally I would suggest to limit the scan in addition to 1s minimum.
The current default value for the polling intervall ("fastscan") is 500ms. This seems to be far to often. Diskdata will not change significantly within 0,5s, neither will the temperature etc.
A default value for fast scanning of at least 10s, better 30 or even up to 60s seems to be much mor appropiate. User might reduce the value if he as a need for ist and his system confifuration will allow. Personally I would suggest to limit the scan in addition to 1s minimum.