iobroker-community-adapters / ioBroker.telegram

Use Telegram service to communicate with ioBroker
MIT License
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Telegram instance loses token #834

Open marian-t-web-de opened 5 days ago

marian-t-web-de commented 5 days ago

Describe the bug
since ver.3.3.2 Telegram instance loses token

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to instance overview
  2. See Instance "telegram" status
  3. "telegram" status is every day/by restart warning
  4. See log error "2024-06-24 05:59:59.024 - error: telegram.0 (2151) Token is not set!"

Expected behavior
Telegram instance token stays unchanged as set manually

Screenshots & Logfiles
log error "2024-06-24 05:59:59.024 - error: telegram.0 (2151) Token is not set!"


Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

mcm1957 commented 4 days ago

Current telegram release is 3.6.0. Please check whether this problem still exists with current version of adapter.

In addtion please add missing version information

adapter: 3.3.2 -> to be testets with 3.6.0 js-controller: admin: node: 18.19.0

marian-t-web-de commented 4 days ago

Stable version of the telegram adapter in github is still 3.3.2. therefore i think it is the reason 3.6.0 is not available in iobroker yet. Make it pls. to stable first. Your question "In addtion please add missing version Information", You mean version of what?

marian-t-web-de commented 4 days ago

Sorry i see it now first: js-controller: 5.0.19 admin: 6.13.16

mcm1957 commented 4 days ago

3.6.0 is available at latest repository. Github install is N̈OT recommended - besides thst github version is 3.6.0++.

Please Test with version 3.6.0 available at latest repository.

marian-t-web-de commented 3 days ago

3.6.0 is not available in iobroker yet: Screenshot_20240625_204054_Chrome

How can I test with 3.6.0?

mcm1957 commented 3 days ago

3.6.0 is available at LATEST repository.



marian-t-web-de commented 3 days ago

3.6.0 loses Token also, no changes

Apollon77 commented 3 days ago

Please check the ioBroker log for any issues like DB not able to write files or such. because this should never happen and means that your configuration gets not stored. Is this only happening when restarting adapter? Or is whole js.controller restarted?

Please enable expert mode in admin, then go Objects -> system.adapter.telegram.0 and use the pencil icon on right to see the instance config. When you see the error copy the json. check for "common.token". Then enter the token in admin panel and save, adapter should restart. check the json again- token now in? restart telegram? working? if not check object again restart js-controller - check json again

marian-t-web-de commented 2 days ago

Under system.adapter.telegram.0 is token available (encrypted), but not "commn.token"(?):

"native": { "server": "false", "port": "8443",. ... "answerTimeoutSec": 60, "token": "$/aes-192-cbc:fe3f6ae85b46735e8c158e4a5a183580:1b9ee6dab9d4b6c5506a880462d10a6b11aa58071d0dbb2ea4cababbecfc06b39e4d079037dfdf5a0bad81d95b1eee10" },

The token is in the instance settings on the morning after router-restart in the night empty again (iob will be not restartet). Log:

But restarting the instance manually causes no errors.

For me is not clear where I can see the error copy the json - in log is nothing about.

By the way: iobroker ist a docker container (see my first post above) - but other adapter keeps their settings.

mcm1957 commented 2 days ago

Ok. instance parameters are store at local. So this is OK. Does this entry exist when the problem occures too or is it removed / changed?

And if I read this correctly:

So what restart do you refer to when you wite: '"telegram" status is every day/by restart warning' ? Guess you refer to a restart of your router. Please confirm. Is the token entry at the instance object empty or unchanged after the router restart?

marian-t-web-de commented 1 day ago

I referred to a restart of my router. The token entry at the instance object empty at the morning after router and telegram restart. I've checked without telegram restart in the night is everything ok - so was last night. I'll check the logs of few next days and reopen the issue if wrong again.