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Question: Issues that aren’t really major issues but are still issues #723

Open xexyl opened 1 year ago

xexyl commented 1 year ago

Due to the fact that we have another issue that has had a number of OT comments I think it might be good to have a new mostly OT thread here rather than clutter the one in the other repo more or the issue for jprint.

I had the thought of suggesting you reopen the other one but there's a comment there I don't want to get lost that I hope you can finish replying to (you were doing it in parts) when things are less busy here. I also wanted to see if anything in particular occurs if one uses the same name (I rather doubt it will but it popped into my head anyway).

Feel free to assign this to me even though it's not technically an issue that has to be resolved.

lcn2 commented 10 months ago

Wishing you and your mom a speedy recovery @xexyl.

We are working in calc(1). A pair of bug reports came in. We fixed one issue and continue to work on a calc issue 88.

Plus calc issue 87 with calc, things like calc discussion 90 and a number of minor internal issues.

It is good to get some of those calc things addressed.


Added links to this comment just for the curious 👀. We don't want to distract you from your recovery, nor to distract you from any post-recovery activities.

xexyl commented 10 months ago

Wishing you and your mom a speedy recovery @xexyl.

It's going okay. My mother has to test in a couple days again. I am supposed to test tomorrow but I imagine it won't be clear just then. if not I'll test in another few days.

The last two days I got extra sleep as I went to bed early exactly for that reason. I'll be doing it again today. I am physically exhausted and still unsteady on my feet when up for even short bits of time.

We believe my mother had it in late 2019 / early 2020 before anyone really knew about it. It was scary and fortunately I never got it then. There were days she thought she might not survive. I probably wouldn't have if I got it. Some of the tell-tale symptoms and the severity included. It took her a long time to recover fully if she ever really did.

I hope that because of the vaccinations plus the medication that I won't have the latter problem. The medication does linger in the system for a bit longer of course. I have a dear friend who is from Sweden but lives in the UK with her boyfriend and their daughter and she got it before too. It took her a while before she tested negative. She told me ages ago that people are acting like it's all over and never happened. A scary thing. We still mask and she does too.

I am sure it'll take a bit more time at least but I hope that I can start to work on the repo (or maybe the other one if not this one) in a week or two. But maybe it'll be before then. I don't want to push my luck though either way. It's a hard one to gauge. I have in the past gone too far and for something as serious as this I don't want to do that. It's pretty imperative that I don't.

But if I can get more rest for some days it might be that I can do a bit of things even if only small things. That might not be code but maybe man pages or something.

Thank you for the kind words and best wishes! Means a lot to me - and her as well.

We are working in calc(1). A pair of bug reports came in. We fixed one issue and continue to work on a calc issue 88.

Good timing at least!

Plus calc issue 87 with calc, things like calc discussion 90 and a number of minor internal issues.

I did see that you opened a new discussion a while ago yes.

It is good to get some of those calc things addressed.


Added links to this comment just for the curious 👀. We don't want to distract you from your recovery, nor to distract you from any post-recovery activities.

No worries! I appreciate it. It is interesting though I'd have to check later as you guessed. It's also possible some of it is well beyond my knowledge. I'd strongly suspect that. I know you've used it for some pretty incredible stuff like the palindromic prime that I think you discovered last year? That was very cool and I saved the image to my devices.

Hope you have a good rest of your weekend. I'm just going to watch a documentary (the same one I watched the other day .. it's fun and since it's hard to follow most things I'd rather watch one I've watched numerous times before). The documentary is Earth: Making of a Planet except that when I first saw it and downloaded it it was on a different YouTube video/link. I don't know where I got it now. I tried to find it on DVD as I'd love to get it there but no luck. Anyway it's a fun one. It's a fast changing science in some ways I'd guess - or more like sciences - and even some very slow things are now outdated, one which is rather fun I realised the other day. I'll make a new comment.

xexyl commented 10 months ago

Hope you have a good rest of your weekend. I'm just going to watch a documentary (the same one I watched the other day .. it's fun and since it's hard to follow most things I'd rather watch one I've watched numerous times before). The documentary is Earth: Making of a Planet except that when I first saw it and downloaded it it was on a different YouTube video/link. I don't know where I got it now. I tried to find it on DVD as I'd love to get it there but no luck. Anyway it's a fun one. It's a fast changing science in some ways I'd guess - or more like sciences - and even some very slow things are now outdated, one which is rather fun I realised the other day. I'll make a new comment.

What did I think of? Well in our lifetimes they went from the dinosaurs died out '65 million years ago' to '66 million years ago' which I think is pretty cool.

I know the last Ice Age being 10k years ago is complicated for some because of the definition of 'ice age' but I believe the idea that it was a 10k years ago has in more recent times been updated to 11k too.

Not everybody gets to say that they lived in the times where they said it was 65m years ago to 66m years ago. Maybe better dating techniques, maybe rounding or maybe more than that but for someone who has always loved dinosaurs even as a kid it's a fun thing to happen.

lcn2 commented 10 months ago

66,043,000 ± 43,000 years is the current best 1 standard deviation date range of the Chicxulub impact event.

xexyl commented 10 months ago

66,043,000 ± 43,000 years is the current best 1 standard deviation date range of the Chicxulub impact event.

Very cool - thanks for that detail! It is kind of fun how it can also change in ways that time itself might not suggest. But it's pretty close either way at least considering how long the planet has been here.

Do you have a similar statistic for the Ice Age that was thought to be 10k years ago?

Good luck with the calc issue! Thank you again for the concern and best wishes for my mum and me.

Hopefully we will both be clear sometime this coming week.

xexyl commented 10 months ago

Update on condition

As expected I tested positive still. I wanted to have a baseline after the first course of the medication - or something like that. Still symptomatic but that is not surprising. The medication can still do more and hopefully it does clear up but sometimes people have to go on a second course. I hope that it doesn't come to that but if it does it does.

Symptoms are not any better than a couple days ago I'd say. Yesterday I almost thought they might have been a bit worse. They might have been but I'm not sure how it is today in that way or really compared to any other time except the first day or two which was worse. Unfortunately this includes not being able to think or function very well so I'm not sure doing anything here is a good idea if I could even manage (which I don't think I could) :(

If symptoms don't clear up in say three to five days I'll be calling the doctor and see what he wants me to do.

My mum says thank you for the best wishes too, btw, and thank you from me again too. I'll keep you updated.

I do have one other quick question for another comment but otherwise I'll bid you a good day! Stay safe and well!

xexyl commented 10 months ago

66,043,000 ± 43,000 years is the current best 1 standard deviation date range of the Chicxulub impact event.

Do you know what year this was last updated? And was it cited in any study or something else? Thanks. No rush in getting back to me here but I am interested and it makes sense that you might know it well as you're an astronomer and it's a pretty significant part of the history of the planet.


I found it. Wiki said it was 2013 and it has those numbers. Thanks for the numbers again! That's helpful and very interesting but I got my answer now.

Good day!

xexyl commented 10 months ago

Just a quick update.

My mum is feeling better today and she will be testing again tomorrow morning. Hopefully she will be clear. She does tend to have a lingering cough after getting sick but that has happened since before the pandemic started.

Things are not as far along for me. I still feel dreadful and I am unable to function. Having problems staying awake in the day and coughing a lot today - more than yesterday and the day before that. I just took my inhaler a little bit ago but I will be needing my nebuliser sometime soon most likely.

As well the other day a blood vessel burst in my eye and both eyes are now bruised. I believe that part of the feeling unsteady on my feet has to do with this but it almost certainly is not the only reason.

Fortunately this won't cause permanent vision loss but it is making it harder to see. I don't have good vision anyway so that is not very nice.

It's quite a sight though! Some people would probably be creeped out by it but it looks very interesting to me. Very colourful too.

The eye situation will heal on its own from about a week to a few weeks but hopefully as it moves along it will be easier to see and focus better.

Right now I need to worry more about getting through the infection and hopefully that will be over in a few days. I don't know how much the residual effects will last but I hope not that long.

I did have a bit of fun today making some memes. I will share some another time. I have to leave for now. Just wanted to update you.

Stay safe and healthy!

lcn2 commented 10 months ago

Best wishes on you and your mum making good forward progress.

Made a minor release of calc after resolving a problem of someone wanting to use a loader option that, while questionable, pushed us to improve the Makefile system of calc.

Now we are looking at how to implement "log based 2" and "log based n" of integer, fraction and complex values and where "n" can also be integer, fraction and complex values: all of any size (that can fit into memory of course).


In the case of log2(x) where x is a exactly a power (positive or negative) power of 2, we want log2(c) to return an integer. This detection of "a power of 2" is easy even for multi precision values, but needs to be done because simply returning "ln(x)/ln(2)" is unlikely to be an integer for a given error tolerance.

The case of logn(x,n) returning an integer when where x is a exactly a power (positive or negative) power of n is a bit more complicated when n isn't a power of 2 but rather some other fractional value.

And when x and/or n is a complex value, things are just fun. 🤓

xexyl commented 10 months ago

Best wishes on you and your mum making good forward progress.

Thank you very much! She's going to test herself later this morning. I'm not going to test again until at least Friday but if it's possible I'm feeling worse. Yesterday's coughing fit tells me that I still have it. There are tell-tale signs and I just know what respiratory infections feel like. All too familiar with them. Hopefully my mum will be clear though.

The doctor did say that some people have to go through a second course. I hope I don't have to but I also wouldn't be entirely surprised if I did. A short while ago I checked my pulse and oxygen. Oxygen fine though breathing feels tight. Pulse was why I checked (pulseoximeter) though. I felt like it was tachycardia and it is. It was 114. That doesn't mean anything necessarily other than I'm feeling pretty lousy still.

The problem with my eye is not helping matters either. Whether that's part of the headache that I didn't have as much for a few days (but am now) I do not know.

Thanks for the concern! I'll keep you updated as I know more.

Made a minor release of calc after resolving a problem of someone wanting to use a loader option that, while questionable, pushed us to improve the Makefile system of calc.

Always nice how even something that might be problematic can result in improvement. This goes for games too of course. Problematic players can lead to things needing to be fixed and in the process the game is made better overall. Of course so can programmers find issues that need to be fixed :-) .. which is how I got involved in the programming for the MUD I have told you about. The creator of this MUD got involved in programming in the MUD he started out at because he used a hex editor to modify his level in the (binary) player file. I've had fun with hex editors too of course and other kinds of reverse engineering.

I once made a chance in Windows 7 that I felt was useful for personal use. But then I ran into the problem of the system integrity checker wanted to replace my fixes. The hilarious thing is convincing the system integrity check that my change was the correct one (and the original one was wrong) was far easier than the original change in the first place!

Now we are looking at how to implement "log based 2" and "log based n" of integer, fraction and complex values and where "n" can also be integer, fraction and complex values: all of any size (that can fit into memory of course).

Well with your experience in maths and programming I am sure you'll manage it fine!

Hope you have a great day. Right now I need to just see if I can get my heart rate down as it does not feel very good. I'll let you know how my mum is doing when I know more.

I wanted to say that earlier this morning I was thinking about the issue of making (or trying to make) changes to the fixes I made to other entries so that it looks more like the original. It's good it's on my mind but I'm not I'm afraid clear enough do it. It might prove easier than the issues here though when I get there.

xexyl commented 10 months ago


In the case of log2(x) where x is a exactly a power (positive or negative) power of 2, we want log2(c) to return an integer. This detection of "a power of 2" is easy even for multi precision values, but needs to be done because simply returning "ln(x)/ln(2)" is unlikely to be an integer for a given error tolerance.

The case of logn(x,n) returning an integer when where x is a exactly a power (positive or negative) power of n is a bit more complicated when n isn't a power of 2 but rather some other fractional value.

Once again your experience and knowledge is very impressive! Thanks for sharing. Have a great day and best wishes on this!

xexyl commented 10 months ago

Mum is still positive.

And I am becoming more convinced that I will need a second course.

My oxygen level went down in relatively little time and my lungs hurt. Doing nebuliser now. It would not surprise me if I do need another as it is a nasty virus and I do have severe asthma.

Hoping to talk to the doctor today.

I will keep you updated.

Thank you again for the concern!

xexyl commented 10 months ago

Just reading the medical literature of the medication (which I certainly understand - at least as much as I can focus anyway). I rather get the impression that for now it's just maintenance - at least for the moment. The shedding of the virus (as in rebound) seems to happen on day 10 or 14. But rebound is one thing. It doesn't mean it will be enough, the five days. That remains to be seen.

The medication does not seem to stay in the system that long and apparently some doctors think that it should be a longer course. That may be but that's not how it's designed or else packaged. I hope to talk to the doctor today or tomorrow but for now it's just maintaining my breathing and making sure everything else is okay.

The other day I thought I was doing a little bit better but then yesterday my breathing got worse again. That doesn't mean I'll need another course one way or another but maybe I will. Hopefully things will clear up sooner than later or at the very least I'll be able to do more.


.. not that I should be trusted for much right now ... other than knowing I feel a bit worse anyway.

xexyl commented 10 months ago

Still having a hard time but I have in this time made some memes you might enjoy. I also saw something funny on mastodon that you might like so I'll share some of them in the next comments.

But first. My breathing is not good. It could be worse and it's certainly maintainable but it's not easy. Sinuses are a mess too. Exhausted. I was able to make food last night for the first time but that was difficult to do even if something simple. I was also able to be out of bed longer without feeling like I would fall over. Progress even if slow but progress is progress nonetheless.

Still haven't talked to the doctor unfortunately .. they're already very full with appointments it seems. My hope is that it'll be just some more days of suffering and it'll clear up. My aunt is clear at least as of yesterday but she still feels rubbish. Well anyway that's my update. Now for some funny things and then I'm off to do something mindless.

xexyl commented 10 months ago


This was a fun one when I saw the polar ice cap. It really does look like a brain .. or at least what we believe to be a brain :-) As an astronomer I'm sure you'll find it amusing in another way though I'm sure you've also seen the photo before.

xexyl commented 10 months ago


A fun play on of another quote that means something else!

xexyl commented 10 months ago

The thing on mastodon that I boosted. I referred to a joke that's not mine as well as one of mine: if VI is the editor of the beast then EMACS must be the editor of an obese woolly mammoth. Anyway the post:


xexyl commented 10 months ago

Glad you got some laughs out of the above - though I knew you would. Anyway I have a quick update in that I will have a call with the doctor at 1400 hours today. I am not sure if I'll manage to update you after that today but if not I'll do so tomorrow morning.

I am worse each day but I hope this changes soon. I'm quite miserable. Hope you have a great day! I made a bit of progress in a spare few minutes (that I was able to do it with) in the issue of trying to make entries I fixed look even more like the original (beyond what I did previously). You'll see in that issue. Nothing to reply to of course but you might like to know about it anyway. I also fixed a typo in another file. These and other changes I haven't committed (from a while back) will have to be done another time I'm afraid ... have to just take it easy now.

Have a great day and stay safe and well!

xexyl commented 10 months ago

So an update.

First day of a fever worth noting but still not dangerous. 38.7. The only thing about that is I had taken paracetamol about 40 minutes before. But hyperpyrexia is the danger and that's 40.

I did test positive again but I certainly have a secondary bacterial infection. That's unfortunately expected with my asthma.

So going to be on an antibiotic and also a corticoid and a cough suppressant (pill - even if I could tolerate the cough syrups they are contraindicated with some other medications I am on).

It might be that I have pneumonia but that's also being tackled.

I will call him next week if I don't feel better by then.

Hopefully it will start to be better in a week or two.

Right now I'm feeling very hot. I was going to put a wet shirt on but fortunately it occurred to me that I was not thinking well there since I am very congested. Cold weather (not that we get that very often and cold weather here is not like other places) and rain and such of course doesn't make you sick but I do not want to risk this despite how hot I am feeling.

Symptoms got dramatically worse today but I should be on the mend soon. Corticoids do wonders and as much as I don't like having to be on an antibiotic that's just how it goes.

Presumably my brother will be picking up the medications for me. I am going to go get some food but it seems like I might have to stay up a bit later today which means tomorrow I will probably be even more tired.

Anyway I will update you when in a day or so. Stay safe and well and have a great weekend!

lcn2 commented 10 months ago

Best wishes to you, @xexyl and your mum during your hopefully soon recovery.

xexyl commented 10 months ago

Best wishes to you, @xexyl and your mum during your hopefully soon recovery.

Thank you very much! I just took the corticoid, the two antibiotics (I missed that there were two) and the cough suppressant. I am going to try and sleep now.

My mum is no longer contagious although she still tests positive. Just the way it works. She's pretty tired and still not feeling well but when she's sick she tends to have it linger for a long time. We think that she had Covid before anyone knew about it. The symptoms are so accurate. She told me that she woke up every morning and wasn't sure she would make it through the day. It was scary. I helped her where I could but I couldn't spend time with her - obviously.

I'm not sure if I said but it's thought I might have pneumonia as well. Certainly a bacterial infection of some kind but it makes sense if I do have pneumonia so we're tackling it too. Corticoids work wonders for such illnesses so I'm sure I'll start to feel better soon. Fortunately I got it before the end of the day. If I don't start to feel better by next week I'll call the doctors again.

It was a pretty miserable day and so with that I'm going to go to bed. Good night!

(I'll try and address the question you just asked in the other thread, in the morning.)

xexyl commented 10 months ago

From my mother:


And it means just as much to me as well! I could be wrong but it feels like the medications have started to work. Last night I was drenched in sweat even with the fan on and shirt off but now I'm cold. Going back and forth. But my lungs don't feel quite as tight though still tight. Not been awake enough to really know though. I'll keep you updated.

Hope you're sleeping well and again THANK YOU VERY MUCH!

xexyl commented 10 months ago

I just had some great fun with ChatGPT. Here's a hilarious chat. I'll share another one by link as it's too long for an image. First the image:


To think that Bilbo called the One Ring 'Precious' in Hobbit is absurd but very funny! Of course Bilbo says it not quite the same in LR versus Gollum in Hobbit but when I refer to repeating Gollum from years before I was referring to not the full thing but just 'Precious'. ChatGPT got that wrong at first.

xexyl commented 10 months ago

And as for the link to the other chat:

Perhaps I was being unfair but it does show how problematic AI is even without AI doing things it was not told to do. Like a robot that drowned itself for instance. Or ran over a child and continued on. Or told a woman reporting a crime to get out of the way or OpenWorm doing things it was not told to do...

Humans have always been doomed as unfortunately we have a knack for making the worst possible decisions ever ... but some of these are although funny still they are warning signs of different kinds.

Off to take my nebuliser in a few minutes. It appears that some things are better today if only by a little bit. I'll update you tomorrow I guess. Good day and hope these things give you some laughs!


Comment 1685040444 was updated with the correct image. Now I'm really off for the day.

xexyl commented 10 months ago

Good morning.

Just a quick update that it seems that things are improving a bit. It is still too early to tell how much but I do believe some better. Can't sleep now and it's just before four but I will probably try resting in a bit.

Hope you're sleeping well my friend! I will update you as more goes on.

xexyl commented 10 months ago

Just came across this and although you might know it you're an astronomer so you might enjoy it anyway: A Beginner´s Guide to Meteorite Hunting.

They even talk about finding (and it seems like if you know what you're looking for it's easier) space dust.

If I had a budget and a way to travel easily I'd love to look for them! I do however have a big slab of obsidian and also a fairly big crystal that I got somewhere years ago. I used to have a pretty nice rock collection but many of them were lost (don't ask me how that happened though I know an earthquake caused some problems years ago). I'll post a picture of each in following comments if I can find them though the crystal picture(s?) is/are probably not as good as the obsidian ones.

xexyl commented 10 months ago

Obsidian (same piece as you probably can tell, different angle). Since you're something of a volcanologist I'm sure you'll appreciate this one too.

IMG_9904 (1)

IMG_9903 (1)

xexyl commented 10 months ago

The crystal though one of them you can see what looks like a bit of flash due to the lighting.

IMG_9906 IMG_9907

xexyl commented 10 months ago

A funny meme for you about crystals:


I'll update you later on my condition either later today or tomorrow! I'll be trying to rest soon I think. Good day!

xexyl commented 10 months ago

Quick update before I head off to spend time downstairs not in bed: I'm doing some better today. My chest is a bit tight but not nearly as much coughing (still a fair amount but not nearly as much). Throat for some days not as sore as it was. Sinuses not as much of a mess as they were.

Still very tired and making sure to not overdo anything but doing some better. The corticoid is a seven day course and I started Friday so later this week. Hopefully I'll be better at that point or a couple days later (after everything). I will call the doctor if not at that point.

My mum tested positive still but she talks to her pulmonologist today (phone call). I am sure I would too. At the earliest I'll test a couple days after I am feeling all better. By that I mean symptom wise: I'm sure I'll be extra tired for some days but hopefully at that point I can start thinking about working on the repo - this or the other.

Hope you're safe and have a great afternoon. I will try updating you tomorrow if anything changes.

... also I'm touched that you followed me on GitHub! Thank you!

Good day my friend!

lcn2 commented 10 months ago

Best wishes on your recovery path and to your mum's efforts in recovery.

We are making useful progress calc. Cleaning up code that has been around since 1984: humm that year sounds familiar somehow 🤔.

We are contemplating shifting from calc v2 to calc version 3: a big change that will require folks to upgrade to at least a c99 compiler. We have users who have 8086 and z80 hardware that runs calc, plus some who have huge specialized hardware accelerators: some as recent and the mid 2010's. Backward compatibility is important to calc.

We are contemplating the biggest change in 40 years : a memory footprint adjustment that is needs to support multi gigabyte numbers. This is being pushed by some next generation hardware accelerators.

While we plan to allow for a define of CALC2_COMPAT to preserve the old memory structures, we also plan to drop support for 8-bit and 16-bit CPUs (and some early 32-bit CPUS) unless those CPUs and support the c99 data types in C.

We have a calc pull open about this change.

Meanwhile we are working on a log2 and logn request. We think the log base 2 function will be reasonably straightforward. The log base n can be as well, expect we'd like for the case where logn(x,n) and x is a power of n to always return an integer. That gets tricky, especially when the log base n is a complex number!

xexyl commented 10 months ago

Best wishes on your recovery path and to your mum's efforts in recovery.

Thank you.

My mum spoke to her pulmonologist yesterday. I've not had a full report yet but I do know that whatever might have been thought she still is contagious. She tested herself yesterday and is indeed positive still. That's how it's always been but there was the thought somehow (though I wasn't sure) that she might not be contagious. It's been pretty difficult for her.

As for me yesterday I felt a bit better chest and cough wise. Sinuses were still not good and maybe a bit worse than the day before. But today I had a coughing fit that lasted at least 15 minutes. Also my chest is a bit tighter. Not tight enough to be concerned that it's a Covid symptom but I still certainly have it anyway as well as the other things. If I think about it I feel about the same as two or three days ago which is not exactly a good thing. It doesn't mean that things can't change but I do fear that after the regimen I'll need more time. It does seem to be going back and forth so maybe it will do that again. But it could also be that I grow tired of it. This is day 13 or 14 now.

I will have a full report from my mother later today and I'll then know more on her situation.

We are making useful progress calc. Cleaning up code that has been around since 1984: humm that year sounds familiar somehow 🤔.

Yes that year does sound familiar to me too!

We are contemplating shifting from calc v2 to calc version 3: a big change that will require folks to upgrade to at least a c99 compiler. We have users who have 8086 and z80 hardware that runs calc, plus some who have huge specialized hardware accelerators: some as recent and the mid 2010's. Backward compatibility is important to calc.

Well since 1999 was 24 years ago.... but as you say there are still those who use 8086 and z80. I'm amazed but that's cool too. Yet it also must be a problem in some ways.

We are contemplating the biggest change in 40 years : a memory footprint adjustment that is needs to support multi gigabyte numbers. This is being pushed by some next generation hardware accelerators.

Okay but 40 years ago is 1983. Or is it that you're like me, not counting it until it reaches the day of the year? When was calc first written? And when did you start working on it?

While we plan to allow for a define of CALC2_COMPAT to preserve the old memory structures, we also plan to drop support for 8-bit and 16-bit CPUs (and some early 32-bit CPUS) unless those CPUs and support the c99 data types in C.

I think that a 40 year EOL is not that bad. Most others don't last nearly that long!

We have a calc pull open about this change.

Good luck on that! I did see that you opened a talk about it though I did not look at it.

Meanwhile we are working on a log2 and logn request. We think the log base 2 function will be reasonably straightforward. The log base n can be as well, expect we'd like for the case where logn(x,n) and x is a power of n to always return an integer. That gets tricky, especially when the log base n is a complex number!

Tricky or not I have no doubt you'll manage to work it out reasonably well.

... I wish I could work things out now. I've been working on captioning photos - first time since before I got sick - but I'm about done with that for the day. I hope to continue it tomorrow. Have almost a month worth of photos to go through and that's a lot of work. Fortunately I don't have to caption them all but many I do. A lot I can do at once in macOS but still a lot of work and effort - plus energy which I'm not really having.

I created a smart album to help me with this. I will then update it as I make progress and get closer to the current date. I'll be doing that now. Got through a few days worth I think. I will now be taking it easy the rest of the day. It's about time for another medication so I'll do that first and then I might watch a documentary. Or I might shut down the laptop and do other things. I wish I could feel up to rereading The Lord of the Rings but so far that's not happened.

Good day and thanks for the update and well wishes! I'll update you tomorrow or the next day I am sure.

lcn2 commented 10 months ago

We are contemplating the biggest change in 40 years : a memory footprint adjustment that is needs to support multi gigabyte numbers. This is being pushed by some next generation hardware accelerators.

Okay but 40 years ago is 1983. Or is it that you're like me, not counting it until it reaches the day of the year? When was calc first written? And when did you start working on it?

It started in 1982 and more in 1983.

xexyl commented 10 months ago

We are contemplating the biggest change in 40 years : a memory footprint adjustment that is needs to support multi gigabyte numbers. This is being pushed by some next generation hardware accelerators.

It seems to me - but I also don't have to deal with backwards compatibility or users :-) - that the advantage of bigger numbers in such a project might be worth changing the code some - a lot or otherwise.

What hardware though out of curiosity ?

Okay but 40 years ago is 1983. Or is it that you're like me, not counting it until it reaches the day of the year? When was calc first written? And when did you start working on it?

It started in 1982 and more in 1983.

Thanks! Quite an old project.

xexyl commented 10 months ago

Now as far as my condition goes.

I still feel like I haven't made any progress for the last few days. In other words I feel like I did a few days ago. Now that might or might not be a good or bad or neutral thing. It might be that I'm mostly clear of the secondary problems but because Covid can take some time to clear I'm having the cough, tightness of chest etc. It's also said that after it is clear at least some people have a lingering cough. That will be very annoying but at the same time it's not like it's new to me: just haven't had it in a long time.

My first day of the regimen was Friday and it was a seven day course for some and fewer days for others. I started out taking mediations five times a day. Now it's just three times a day - morning, afternoon (or actually noon .. why they call noon afternoon is beyond me but it has always seemed stupid to me) and early evening (since I go to bed early).

Likely some days later some will still be doing its work. But the fact I'm not feeling any different from a few days ago. Does that mean I've already reached the full potential? Maybe but maybe not. I certainly am much better than I was Friday. I was really sick then. Does it mean that more will happen but in time? Well certainly in that the Covid will eventually clear. But what will the lingering effects be? That's impossible to say.

As you'll see in the other repo I have thought of the IOCCC some which is good. I still think I should be careful until at least a few days after all medications are completed. It depends on how I feel after that but I hope that I can start at least thinking more about things and maybe even the json tools. I think I'll have to start out slowly on those. But I guess that's okay since we're still in a discussion phase. Even so I want to be careful with how much I do as it is serious.

Just thankful it's not 2020 .. I'd have likely died but almost certainly if not I'd have been in ICU. I just wish everyone who can would get vaccinated. It is so infuriating. Well nothing I can do about that. I stay away from people except a few and unfortunately my mother caught it: she's also at higher risk and although we still mask most people do not. I bet the person who infected her doesn't even know they had it.

I'll try updating you more tomorrow. Oh! I forgot to say how I am today I think in general. Tight chest still and coughing a lot. Haven't had a massive coughing fit - at least yet - but I am coughing a lot. Probably will use the neb in a bit to help clear things out. Sinuses are still a mess but then again they always are and this time of year it's even worse so who knows how much is the illness and how much is usual allergies etc.

Hope you have a great day! Hopefully I'll see replies to the other thread but if not I'll get to it when I'm back working on things.

lcn2 commented 10 months ago

What hardware though out of curiosity ?

Some don't say. Others we might guess but don't because it is up to them to decide.

xexyl commented 10 months ago

What hardware though out of curiosity ?

Some don't say. Others we might guess but don't because it is up to them to decide.

Ah .. fair enough. I was thinking it was more like new hardware or something along those lines.

xexyl commented 10 months ago

Quick update before I go to bed.

I am finished with the corticoid and the antibiotics. Tomorrow is just the cough suppressant.

Hopefully things start to clear up more soon. As I have said it might or might not be good or bad that it hasn't changed for some days but what does matter is I am not as sick as I was Friday.

I expect that I will be at least until next week before I start doing more here but that could go either direction.

If I feel like nothing has improved by Friday I will (depending on how I feel) call the doctor again.

I will go from there. But for now I need sleep so I will bid you a good night!

xexyl commented 10 months ago

Quick update.

Today is my last dose of the cough suppressant and is the last medication. Yesterday I felt the same though I was told I sounded better. But a short bit ago I felt the deep cough. A little bit later it happened again. Not a good sign. I've not decided if I will call the doctor just yet but it might be a good idea since it is Friday now I look at the date. I will try that in a bit I think.

I'll keep you updated.


Phone call at 1515 today. I'll update you tomorrow morning.

xexyl commented 10 months ago

Doing neb and then getting some food before sleep.

But I am going to do another course of steroidal treatment.

Likely the bacterial infection is gone or will be gone but we hope that another round of steroids will be helpful.

I will update you sometime soon. Hope you have a good night!

xexyl commented 10 months ago

Tolkien meme for you about elves in First Age and Third Age...


xexyl commented 10 months ago

How is calc going?

Off again but was wondering. Today was a very slow day. Incredibly exhausted even though I got a fair amount of sleep last night.

Have a great afternoon!

xexyl commented 10 months ago

Good news: both my mum and I have tested negative!

I still feel like hell though. Part of it certainly is the lingering cough but it feels like more than that. I know my body well and it certainly is.

But hopefully this second course of steroids will be enough to carry me over to just the lingering cough.

Sinuses are a proper mess but part of that is definitely the weather.

Today my ears are blocked and hearing is muffled - a very annoying thing but I have to remember that at least I can hear. Not everyone can!

As far as continuing here I think it's going to be at least several more days at least.

I do really need to finish something (related to photos) but I don't have the energy to do it all in one day and of course I add to them each day. But the point there is that this shouldn't affect my ability to work on the repo.

But how to start? I was thinking that it might be better if we pick up the dialogues perhaps slowly at first. I definitely don't feel up to that today: very very tired. But perhaps in a few days.

Recently I have slept in some but I still am not sure if that is good or bad. It's a bit of both I think.

Anyway that's my update and general thoughts for now.

Enjoy the rest of your day! I will be trying to work on the photos some (though might not be able to: already tried once and didn't have the energy .. to give you an idea) but I also expect to just watch something. Not sure if that's a film or documentary yet.

I do hope that in a few days I can look at the issue about the json tools and see about resuming the discussion but we shall see.

Good day!

lcn2 commented 10 months ago

How is calc going?

Off again but was wondering. Today was a very slow day. Incredibly exhausted even though I got a fair amount of sleep last night.

Have a great afternoon!

The log base 2 function added to the master branch, along with documentation and test code.

xexyl commented 10 months ago

How is calc going?

Off again but was wondering. Today was a very slow day. Incredibly exhausted even though I got a fair amount of sleep last night.

Have a great afternoon!

The log base 2 function added to the master branch, along with documentation and test code.

Sounds great!

I have some updates on my condition. I hope to say more soon. If not I should be able to tomorrow.

xexyl commented 10 months ago

As far as my condition. I will make this quick.

Earlier today it seemed like I was doing a bit better but now I am not sure entirely. My lungs are hurting again. But it's not really surprising. It would be surprising if I went from a difficult day to clear lungs the very next day.

But I probably am doing a tiny bit better at least. It's hard to say.

But my ears are another matter entirely. They need to be cleaned out by an ENT or as I like to call them an Ent (no surprise there I am sure!). I had this happen in 2021 but it was the first time I had done it. I have always had the problem but it seems like it went much faster this time.

It is really maddening. If it gets much worse I might lose my mind. Okay some people might question my sanity as it stands but never mind that 😀

So where do I stand? Well for starters I am not standing. I am sitting. But that aside I am still not well. This is not that surprising. But I have to say that the problem with my ears is making it harder to think about how else I am doing. It's making it hard to do anything at all.

I hope that I can get to an Ent :-) soon but this depends on a number of factors including if they have any openings. Fortunately at least I am now negative!

Hope you have a great day and again I am so very sorry for the delays that this has all caused. Not my fault but I do feel really badly about it.

Unfortunately the situation with my ears only makes matters worse but I guess we shall see how things go. I can say that I am feeling more like I want to do things but I am not sure yet if I can or maybe a better word is should.

Good day!

... yes I know that that is hardly quick but hey we both read The Lord of the Rings often and that's over 1000 pages so a few paragraphs is nothing! On that note I really want to reread it sometime soon. It's been eight months now. Or closer to nine months. Too many have gone by. Well that's another thing that doesn't really matter here.

xexyl commented 10 months ago

A thought I had last night resulted in this:


xexyl commented 10 months ago

Glad you got a laugh out of the meme. I knew you would of course.

I have a moment to update you. Yesterday my lungs felt a bit better but today they have been tighter. I feel like they are worse than the day before yesterday but that's hard to say.

Even so the most annoying thing is my ears. Have to wait until next week before something can be done about it.

Sinuses are a mess but a large part of that has to be the weather.

I do hope that by the time my ears are better I will be able to resume discussions with you.

We shall see but it seems like it might be possible then. The lingering cough will be annoying but my hope is that as time goes by I will get more used to it and be able to function better.

Getting my ears sorted will also help that as well.

Hope you have a great evening!

I was going to ask you about priorities with the contest (as in what needs to be done first and second and so on) but that (elaboration) will have to be done another time.

Until next time.

xexyl commented 10 months ago

Good news about my ears: I got an earlier appointment. Friday.

Bad news: I tried to get on the exercise bike and in 20 seconds or so my lungs were already giving me problems. Not surprised it gave me problems but I did not expect it to be that extreme. Well at least I have an excuse to be lazy I guess but I don't really like that. Even so I would like to get back into it. That'll have to wait for now.

Tomorrow is the last dose of the corticoid. Hopefully it'll be all I need but time will tell.

Off for the day. Will try updating you as more happens. Hope you're having a great day!

lcn2 commented 10 months ago

Good news about my ears: I got an earlier appointment. Friday.

Bad news: I tried to get on the exercise bike and in 20 seconds or so my lungs were already giving me problems. Not surprised it gave me problems but I did not expect it to be that extreme. Well at least I have an excuse to be lazy I guess but I don't really like that. Even so I would like to get back into it. That'll have to wait for now.

Tomorrow is the last dose of the corticoid. Hopefully it'll be all I need but time will tell.

Off for the day. Will try updating you as more happens. Hope you're having a great day!

Well that is progress of sorts.

The calc work is going well. We have the general logarithm to any real or complex base function coded and functioning and it is passing some tests. We need to write an even more complete set of tests and to add a bit of optimization when the value and base are a power of 2, and a bit of optimization when the value is a multiple of the base.

And there is a discovered issue of better reporting when the error term is in valid .. so work continues!