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Format/typo check 2011/akari + improve #1574

Closed xexyl closed 6 months ago

xexyl commented 6 months ago

Only four more entries to go for 2011: blakely eastman fredriksson hamaji.

I'm not sure if I have the energy to finish them today but I'd presume I could tomorrow if I can't today. I guess they should go relatively quickly but I'm not sure how quickly. In any event I'm taking a break for now.


Bloody typo fix.

lcn2 commented 6 months ago

Nice progress today, @xexyl .. thank you.

Wish GitHub were are good today as starting with pull request #1569, it has been stuck in a "Checking merge status..." loop ๐Ÿ” for a number of minutes. ๐Ÿคจ

This issue is likely nothing to do with the good work you have done โœ…. We will check back later and see if GitHub feels like processing your pull requests.

Just wanted you to know about the GitHub caused delay.


Others have noticed similar pull request problems too.

xexyl commented 6 months ago

Nice progress today, @xexyl .. thank you.

You're welcome and thank you too.

Wish GitHub were are good today as starting with pull request #1569, it has been stuck in a "Checking merge status..." loop ๐Ÿ” for a number of minutes. ๐Ÿคจ

Strange website. The only winning move is not to playmerge.

This issue is likely nothing to do with the good work you have done โœ….

Thank you .. I think I needed to hear that.

We will check back later and see if GitHub feels like processing your pull requests.

Just wanted you to know about the GitHub caused delay.

That's quite all right .. thank you.


Others have noticed similar pull request problems too.

Sometimes I notice when pushing that they're out of memory or something like that. I'd have to get the screenshot but I'm going through photos - something I've put off far too long. Well to be strictly correct I'm about to go back to it - just got off a zoom call. I sometimes wonder what it means when I get the error message as I get it a lot. I just never bothered to check. I imagine some people would be confused and think they did something wrong but I instinctively just tried again.

Anyway no worries on my behalf. I'll do more tomorrow - and hopefully finish 2011 so that I can get to 2012. Getting there.

Have a great day!

lcn2 commented 6 months ago

It is now a known GitHub problem that others are working on.

Do continue to submit pull requests, @xexyl. There is nothing wrong with submitting new pull requests.

Once GitHub support resolves the pull request problem, we will proceed with merging pull request #1569 thru pull request #1574.

xexyl commented 6 months ago

It is now a known GitHub problem that others are working on.

Well at least it's nothing that either of us can help. It won't delay me so I'm not bothered. Bemused maybe but that's about it.

Do continue to submit pull requests, @xexyl. There is nothing wrong with submitting new pull requests.

I will though hopefully it'll be resolved before I do - which won't be until tomorrow morning.

Once GitHub support resolves the pull request problem, we will proceed with merging pull request #1569 thru pull request #1574.


xexyl commented 6 months ago

Came across the screenshot:

Image 27-10-2023 at 03 03

lcn2 commented 6 months ago

Pull request merge status is working now.

xexyl commented 6 months ago

Pull request merge status is working now.

Thanks .. I just slept for just about 12 hours. That I'm afraid will eat heavily into what I get done today or at least possibly but at least I got some extra sleep. I hope to continue 2011 very soon. I also hope to finish it today.

Hope you're having a nice sleep!


Typo fix in above comment for to four. I know it doesn't bother many people but it does bother me.