ioccc-src / temp-test-ioccc

Temporary test IOCCC web site that will go away
Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International
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Finish editing of FAQ 1.2 #2264

Closed xexyl closed 2 months ago

xexyl commented 2 months ago

This improves the names of links and adds some new links as well. A point of interest that could easily be missed with a diff is that the link of Yusuke Endoh was changed from his GitHub account to his authors.html section. Also, since the first successful pull request to the winner repo was acknowledged by author (Yusuke Endoh) I added the author of the first successful pull request to the temp-test-ioccc repo (as the commit was cited) (and that indeed would be me). It might be that keeping the GitHub accounts would be better and I can certainly change them back but it seemed nicer to acknowledge the author entries as that's the real honour of being a winner.

There were other things besides the above but they were all along the same lines.

xexyl commented 2 months ago

Let me know what you think about author links: GitHub account (or web page which is what Is should have said) or authors.html section. I'll then make any fixes if necessary.