ioccc-src / temp-test-ioccc

Temporary test IOCCC web site that will go away
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Improve bin/ #2319

Closed xexyl closed 1 week ago

xexyl commented 1 week ago

It is now possible to specify select files to generate like the comment at the top suggested (but was not actually allowed). This is useful rarely but there is a case for it and that has been updated and it runs a fair bit quicker now.

It is an error if no files specified are in the allowed set (the variable TOP_MD_SET). If at least one file specified is in TOP_MD_SET it will process that or those files but it will skip any that are not. This is to prevent trying to process other markdown files like files without the proper script.

xexyl commented 1 week ago

If you have a reason that this should not be allowed please let me know. If you wish to clean it up or do it differently feel free also but this does save some time in the rare cases it is useful.

I just remembered I did not update the usage string .. will do that now. As I noted elsewhere I have some other fixes in another file but holding off on committing as I have a question / concern that should be addressed first.

xexyl commented 1 week ago

I should point out that this change has greatly sped up working on the top level html files as processing a single file is much quicker than doing all for a single file being changed. But if there is a good reason it should not be done that I am unaware of I of course understand.

I have made good progress on the one file but I am done for the day. I'll continue with that file hopefully tomorrow. I also fixed (in further pull requests) some other files that I found problems in, some found when going through the one I have not committed yet.