Closed Jenselme closed 9 years ago
Some buildings from batimenttotal don't have id and that make getFeature fails. Use the request below to find one:
SELECT code, id, commune, ofs, surface, surfacegruda, adresse, localisationgruda, rue, nom, numerogruda, lieudit, lieuditgruda, parcellegruda, typegruda, edidgruda, egidgruda, id_gruda, idgruda, type, gid, adressegruda, beid, arrondissement, ofs_arr, portal, the_geom FROM userdata.batimenttotal WHERE ST_DWITHIN(userdata.batimenttotal.the_geom, ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((579586.96 227135.05, 579586.96 227307.55, 579822.46 227307.55, 579822.46 227135.05, 579586.96 227135.05))', 21781), 2.5) LIMIT 201;
BATIMENTS doesn't seem to have an Id. Some lines have the same id.
Looks solved in new database. Closing.
Some buildings from batimenttotal don't have id and that make getFeature fails. Use the request below to find one: