ioda-net / geo-api3

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Buildings without id #16

Closed Jenselme closed 9 years ago

Jenselme commented 9 years ago

Some buildings from batimenttotal don't have id and that make getFeature fails. Use the request below to find one:

SELECT code, id, commune, ofs, surface, surfacegruda, adresse, localisationgruda, 
       rue, nom, numerogruda, lieudit, lieuditgruda, parcellegruda, 
       typegruda, edidgruda, egidgruda, id_gruda, idgruda, type, gid, 
       adressegruda, beid, arrondissement, ofs_arr, portal, the_geom
  FROM userdata.batimenttotal
  WHERE ST_DWITHIN(userdata.batimenttotal.the_geom, ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((579586.96 227135.05, 579586.96 227307.55, 579822.46 227307.55, 579822.46 227135.05, 579586.96 227135.05))', 21781), 2.5) 
 LIMIT 201;
Jenselme commented 9 years ago

BATIMENTS doesn't seem to have an Id. Some lines have the same id.

Jenselme commented 9 years ago

Looks solved in new database. Closing.