Where taxonomically appropriate (i.e. perhaps not for plankton - or maybe?), could we have a list of taxonomic identifiers to facilitate queries for data that fall into particular EOVs? These taxonomic lists should be vetted by taxonomic experts as they would be most familiar with the taxonomic "quirks" in the different groups. Would very much like to see this built out in an official capacity to help the GOOS community.
Where taxonomically appropriate (i.e. perhaps not for plankton - or maybe?), could we have a list of taxonomic identifiers to facilitate queries for data that fall into particular EOVs? These taxonomic lists should be vetted by taxonomic experts as they would be most familiar with the taxonomic "quirks" in the different groups. Would very much like to see this built out in an official capacity to help the GOOS community.
We have begun some work to test this by developing preliminary lists for most of the BioEco EOVs: https://github.com/laurabrenskelle/marine_life_data_network/tree/main/eov_taxonomy These lists are at high taxonomic levels, leveraging the marine "filter" that is built into WoRMS.
Example notebook using these identifiers to query OBIS: https://ioos.github.io/ioos_code_lab/content/code_gallery/data_analysis_and_visualization_notebooks/2024-09-13-OBIS_EOVs.html