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Friday- FunFacts #17

Open Sejaa24 opened 1 year ago

master-ginger commented 1 year ago


You read that right; instead of mowing their lawn, Google rents goats to eat the grass at their Mountain View headquarters. The Googleplex at Mountain View is surrounded by scrubland that requires occasional mowing to clear weeds and brush to reduce the risk of fire. The company said it was a “low carbon” approach to lawn maintenance. That's how thoughtful the company is !!

master-ginger commented 1 year ago


We all know 1 GB is the same as 1024 MB. A 50 PB hard drive could hold the entire written works of mankind, from the beginning of recorded history, in all languages

SiyedRizvee commented 1 year ago

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Engineer Facts


master-ginger commented 1 year ago


Oddly enough, surgeons that grew up playing video games more than 3 hours per week make 37% fewer errors! Not only that, but they also had a 42% faster completion rate when it comes to performing laparoscopic surgery, as well as suturing.

master-ginger commented 1 year ago


The average household internet speeds are roughly 25 MB per second, which is usually fast enough to watch Netflix with no buffer time. Just imagine 91 GB per second.

master-ginger commented 1 year ago


Apple has a “smoking” ban on their computers, meaning if you smoke while using any Apple computer, the warranty becomes void.

master-ginger commented 1 year ago


The word “Android” literally means a human with a male robot appearance. The female equivalent of this word is a “Gynoid.”

master-ginger commented 1 year ago


It’s no surprise this tech powerhouse needs a lot of power! That accounts for about 0.013% of the entire world’s energy use.

master-ginger commented 11 months ago


The programming language that makes it possible is ‘Whitespace’. All it takes to write the program in this language is to use the spaces, tabs and linefeeds. The number of spaces you type consecutively correspond to a value. The amount of tabs you type consecutively correspond to an action.

master-ginger commented 11 months ago


It contained edited sound bites from actual transmissions from Apollo missions. If you left the Xbox on the home screen, eventually you'll hear whispers of conversation – actual chatter from the Apollo mission.

master-ginger commented 11 months ago


Coding and STEM fields may seem like it’s built for boys, but the first person to write our modern understanding of a program was Ada Lovelace, the only legitimate daughter of the poet, Lord Byron. Ada’s mother feared her daughter would suffer the same madness as her father. To stave off the madness as long as possible, she dedicated her daughter to studying math and science.

master-ginger commented 11 months ago


Learning to code has definite cognitive benefits- creative problem-solving, critical thinking, and developing teamwork skills. Research dating back to 1991 has demonstrated and confirmed that coders developed higher cognitive skills on average, and that coding or other intellectually stimulating activities dramatically reduced the chances of degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s

master-ginger commented 10 months ago


The most commonly used coding language around the world as of 2023 is JavaScript. This is for a good reason; most web browsers utilize it and it's one of the easiest languages to learn. JavaScript requires almost no prior coding knowledge — once you start learning, you can practice and play with it immediately and develop wonderful websites.