ionescu007 / SimpleVisor

SimpleVisor is a simple, portable, Intel VT-x hypervisor with two specific goals: using the least amount of assembly code (10 lines), and having the smallest amount of VMX-related code to support dynamic hyperjacking and unhyperjacking (that is, virtualizing the host state from within the host). It works on Windows and UEFI.
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Question:ShvVmxMtrrAdjustEffectiveMemoryType Wrong? #29

Closed Thor-Heimdallr closed 5 years ago

Thor-Heimdallr commented 6 years ago

This judgment can guarantee 2M space is within the scope of it? if (((LargePageAddress + _2MB) >= VpData->MtrrData[i].PhysicalAddressMin) && (LargePageAddress <= VpData->MtrrData[i].PhysicalAddressMax)) I think It should be: if (((LargePageAddress + _2MB) <= VpData->MtrrData[i].PhysicalAddressMax) && (LargePageAddress >= VpData->MtrrData[i].PhysicalAddressMin))

ionescu007 commented 6 years ago

The goal is not to check if the page is fully enclosed within the MTRR, but if any piece of the region touches the MTRR.


        Xs          Xe
              Rs            Re

Where X is the virtual region, and R is the 2MB MTRR space.

Your check would fail because Xs >= Rs is FALSE.

Best regards, Alex Ionescu