I get this error after I say "Yes" to the warning to say that IO Worker will stop and delete
Docker Containers.
Error retrieving images for ionetcontainers/io-worker-vc: exec: "cmd": executable file not found in %PATH%
Error retrieving images for ionetcontainers/io-worker-monitor: exec: "cmd": executable file not found in %PATH%
Error retrieving images for ionetcontainers/io-launch: exec: "cmd": executable file not found in %PATH%
I get this error after I say "Yes" to the warning to say that IO Worker will stop and delete Docker Containers.
Error retrieving images for ionetcontainers/io-worker-vc: exec: "cmd": executable file not found in %PATH% Error retrieving images for ionetcontainers/io-worker-monitor: exec: "cmd": executable file not found in %PATH% Error retrieving images for ionetcontainers/io-launch: exec: "cmd": executable file not found in %PATH%