ionic-team / angular-toolkit

Angular Schematics and Builders for `@ionic/angular` apps.
MIT License
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Custom webpack is not working when using livereload on cordova run #230

Closed Geschan closed 3 years ago

Geschan commented 4 years ago


I'm using the auth0 cordova plugin and it requires to add a custom webpack configuration to add a polyfill for the crypto library (see ). This works for normal builds like ionic cordova run android or ionic cordova build android. But when using livereload like ionic cordova run android -l I'm getting the following error while building:

[ng] WARNING in ./node_modules/crypto-js/core.js
[ng] Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'crypto' in '\node_modules\crypto-js'
[ng] ERROR in ./node_modules/@auth0/cordova/src/crypto.js
[ng] Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'crypto' in '\node_modules\@auth0\cordova\src'

I think there might be some issue with the configurtion in the "ionic-cordova-serve" section of the angular.json but I couldn't figure out what to change.



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osben commented 4 years ago

please add support custom-webpack

lucashsilva commented 4 years ago

I'm facing the same issue. Any news?

Lindsor commented 4 years ago

Same here

pipoa commented 4 years ago

+1 , customWebpackConfig not called while execute ionic-cordova-build

mhartington commented 3 years ago

There's not a whole lot that can be done here. As far as I am aware, in order to support the kind of changes we need in the cordova-serve builder, we need to be explicit about what kind of builder we trigger.

If someone wants to send a PR to address this, please do. But for now, this doesn't appear to be something that can be supported.

Bishop19 commented 3 years ago

HI! Any updates on this? I'm really struggling on this 😞

mhartington commented 3 years ago

This issue is closed. We will not be implementing.