I am trying to share and then print a downloaded PDF (about 15 pages). The Share dialogue box opens and when I select Print, the PDF appears in the Print dialogue box. When I then try to select a printer on my network, the app tries to collect any informations of the printer and then it seems to fail further no printer is selected, i.e. it is never possible to select one. I have tried with different networks and printers and all users of the application have this problem.
Expected Behavior
A printer should be selected and the PDF should be printable.
This issue has been labeled as type: bug. This label is added to issues that that have been reproduced and are being tracked in our internal issue tracker.
Bug Report
@capacitor/share: 5.0.6
Capacitor Version
Current Behavior
I am trying to share and then print a downloaded PDF (about 15 pages). The Share dialogue box opens and when I select Print, the PDF appears in the Print dialogue box. When I then try to select a printer on my network, the app tries to collect any informations of the printer and then it seems to fail further no printer is selected, i.e. it is never possible to select one. I have tried with different networks and printers and all users of the application have this problem.
Expected Behavior
A printer should be selected and the PDF should be printable.
Code Reproduction
Permission: NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription
Other Technical Details
Tested on iPhone XS 17.3.1 Application is provided by internal Ivanti Mobile Iron app store, all air printer settings are allowed.