ionic-team / capacitor

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bug: npx cap sync android breaks the ./gradlew bundleRelease #5820

Closed prosidney closed 1 year ago

prosidney commented 1 year ago

Bug Report

Capacitor Version

💊 Capacitor Doctor 💊

Latest Dependencies:

@capacitor/cli: 4.0.1 @capacitor/core: 4.0.1 @capacitor/android: 4.0.1 @capacitor/ios: 4.0.1

Installed Dependencies:

@capacitor/ios: not installed @capacitor/cli: 4.0.1 @capacitor/core: 4.0.1 @capacitor/android: 4.0.1

[success] Android looking great! 👌



Current Behavior

After upgrade to capacitor 4, everytime I run npx cap sync android, the cli is changing 2 lines on both build.gradle (reference below) in a way that my next command ("./gradlew bundleRelease") won't run.

android/app/ android/capacitor-cordova-android-plugins/build.gradle

Output after running ./gradlew bundleRelease

Expected Behavior

The lines should be like this

implementation platform('')

instead of

implementation "platform('')"

if I change it manually afterwards, it works.

Code Reproduction

The problem starts when adding cordova-plugin-firebase-* dependencies which include the Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials) ( I have many ).

I've created a minimal reproduction here:

Other Technical Details

npm --version output: 8.15.0

node --version output: v18.7.0

pod --version output (iOS issues only):

Additional Context

Firebase Android BoM (Bill of Materials)

jcesarmobile commented 1 year ago

I've been testing and it wasn't working on Capacitor 3 neither, using bom dependencies was not supported on cordova until cordova-android 11, released less than a month ago. It breaks now because you have updated to cordova-plugin-firebase-config 7.0.1, which was released 2 days ago and uses bom now. You can downgrade the plugin to version 6.1.0 until we fix the issue.

iamromec commented 1 year ago

Even if I downgrade to 6.1.0, it breaks and throws the following error on the app launch.

"java.lang.RuntimeException: Cordova method createChannel does not have valid parameters"

Screenshot 2022-08-05 at 6 01 21 PM
prosidney commented 1 year ago

@iamromec , just FYI, when I downgrade the cordova plugin, it worked on my end.

iamromec commented 1 year ago

@priyankpat I need to use the firebase messaging plugin, not cordova-plugin-firebase-config.

Have you installed messaging plugin?

iamromec commented 1 year ago

Also, @prosidney, could you share your package.json file, please? I'm using the latest ionic with angular.

prosidney commented 1 year ago


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ionitron-bot[bot] commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the issue! This issue is being locked to prevent comments that are not relevant to the original issue. If this is still an issue with the latest version of Capacitor, please create a new issue and ensure the template is fully filled out.