ionic-team / capacitor

Build cross-platform Native Progressive Web Apps for iOS, Android, and the Web ⚡️
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[Bug]: Android ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED when redirecting from external url back to https://localhost #7367

Open atremel opened 2 months ago

atremel commented 2 months ago

Capacitor Version

Latest Dependencies:

@capacitor/cli: 5.7.4 @capacitor/core: 5.7.4 @capacitor/android: 5.7.4 @capacitor/ios: 5.7.4

Installed Dependencies:

@capacitor/cli: 5.7.3 @capacitor/core: 5.7.3 @capacitor/android: 5.7.3 @capacitor/ios: 5.7.3

[success] Android looking great! 👌

Other API Details

npm --version -> 10.2.1
node --version -> v18.18.0

Platforms Affected

Current Behavior

The app is redirecting to an external auth service. From there the user is redirected 302 back to https://localhost, where the browser blocks the request saying ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED:


HTTPS is encouraged: "we would strongly recommend that you change your androidScheme to use https."

capacitor.config.ts looks like this:

import { CapacitorConfig } from '@capacitor/cli';

const config: CapacitorConfig = {
  appId: '',
  appName: 'App',
  webDir: 'dist/prod',
  server: {
    androidScheme: 'https',
    allowNavigation: [
  plugins: {
    CapacitorHttp: {
      enabled: true,

export default config;

Expected Behavior

Redirect to https://localhost is successful.

Project Reproduction

Additional Information

Real device has this issue, too.

atremel commented 1 month ago

Just posting an update - Ionic 6 now requires https by default:


Any updates on this issue? It really blocks us from migrating our native apps to Ionic / Capacitor...

Benno08 commented 2 weeks ago

We've got the same issue (with Capacitor 5/6). #5818 is about the same issue but was closed because set as duplicate of #4240 (by mistake to me, because is does not fix the issue at all as said by this comment Redirecting from an external URL to localhost on Android doesn't work. PR here about the same issue was not considered either:

Might be related to this one (with Capacitor 6 example) as well: