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running command npm run ionic:build --prod throws error #2873

Closed sansan88 closed 6 years ago

sansan88 commented 6 years ago

Description: running command npm run ionic:build --prod throws error

Error: ./node_modules/rxjs/observable/BoundCallbackObservable.js Module build failed: TypeError: Cannot read property 'type' of undefined at Object.getEffectiveTypeAnnotationNode

Steps to Reproduce: run command npm run ionic:build --prod

Output: ionic:build C:\Users\sandr\CloudStation\Development\app> ionic-app-scripts build "--prod"

[19:51:27] ionic-app-scripts 3.1.0 [19:51:27] build prod started ... [19:51:27] clean started ... [19:51:27] clean finished in 71 ms [19:51:27] copy started ... [19:51:28] deeplinks started ... [19:51:29] deeplinks finished in 1.05 s [19:51:29] ngc started ... [19:51:53] ngc finished in 24.03 s [19:51:53] preprocess started ... [19:51:53] preprocess finished in 1 ms [19:51:53] webpack started ... [19:51:54] copy finished in 26.42 s [19:55:52] ionic-app-script task: "build" [19:55:52] Error: ./node_modules/rxjs/observable/BoundCallbackObservable.js Module build failed: TypeError: Cannot read property 'type' of undefined at Object.getEffectiveTypeAnnotationNode (C:\Users\sandr\CloudStation\Development\app\node_modules\typescript\lib\typescript.js:9341:17)

My ionic info: ionic/cli-utils : 1.18.0 ionic (Ionic CLI) : 3.18.0

global packages: cordova (Cordova CLI) : 7.1.0

local packages: ionic/app-scripts : 3.1.0 Cordova Platforms : android 6.2.3 browser 5.0.1 ios 4.4.0 windows Ionic Framework : ionic-angular 3.9.2

System: Node : v6.11.3 npm : 3.10.10 OS : Windows 10

Environment Variables: ANDROID_HOME : not set

Misc: backend : pro

Other Information:

niconaso commented 6 years ago

@sansan88 Hi! That issue is related with the new rxjs version. The solution is search this kind of imports

import { Observable } from "rxjs";

and change it to:

import { Observable } from "rxjs/Observable";

Hope it helps :grinning:

sansan88 commented 6 years ago

@niconaso No, didn't help. I changed all imports allready.

ashley-s commented 6 years ago

Can you post your package.json? It seems you did not run any issue with ngc. I am having some issue. Did you install angular cli locally?

mlynch commented 6 years ago

What version of Ionic native core do you have?

aces-tm commented 6 years ago

I fixed mine. It took me 5 hours to refactor rxjs. Here are the things I had to do:

for all my http services I had to import import { catchError, map } from 'rxjs/operators'; and refactor

.map((response: Response) => response.json())
.catch(response => this.handleError(response))


        map((response: Response) => response.json()),
        catchError(response => this.handleError(response))

Then Observable.throw I had to turn into

import { ErrorObservable } from 'rxjs/observable/errorObservable';
return ErrorObservable.create(error);

And because I used finally in my code I had to convert it to finalize

import { finalize } from  'rxjs/operators';

Other things that you might want to pay attention to is that some operators have changed:

do -> tap
catch -> catchError
switch -> switchAll
finally -> finalize

I hope you find it helpful and that you don't have to refactor whole code...

sansan88 commented 6 years ago


"@ionic-native/core": "4.4.0",

borodiliz commented 6 years ago

Same error here while running npm run ionic:build --prod :

Error: ./node_modules/rxjs/observable/BoundNodeCallbackObservable.js Module build failed: TypeError: Cannot read property 'type' of undefined at Object.getEffectiveTypeAnnotationNode

Upgrading typescript to "typescript": "~2.6.1" solve the problem. All seems to work fine with typescript 2.6 but typescript 2.6 supported? :grimacing:

sansan88 commented 6 years ago

I also was able to build the pwa with typescript 2.6.1. But the build took 15 minutes..

sansan88 commented 6 years ago

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sansan88 commented 6 years ago

@ashley-s no.. did not install angular cli