ionic-team / ionic-cli

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ionic emulate --livereload ios not working after latest Apple updates #605

Closed mirkonasato closed 8 years ago

mirkonasato commented 8 years ago


tlancina commented 8 years ago

Comparing the config.xml from cordova create vs ionic start it looks like our default could use an update to be more whitelist friendly. Probably related to, but either way I've opened an issue to take a look into it:

cindymarie commented 8 years ago

I just changed the property of my project's root folder by unchecking the 'Read Only' option. Then run ionic serve again. Live reload is now working.

jlno commented 7 years ago
  1. Add into config.xml: <allow-intent href="*"/> <allow-navigation href="*"/>
  2. ionic platform rm ios
  3. ionic platform add ios
  4. ionic build ios
  5. ionic emulate ios -l
biamacedo commented 7 years ago

After reading and trying all solutions, @jlno 's first step solved it for me:

  1. Add into config.xml: <allow-intent href="*"/> <allow-navigation href="*"/>
ishan123456789 commented 6 years ago

Use ionic cordova run --livereload ios