ionic-team / ionic-framework

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Ionic 4.6.0 Regressions #18655

Closed brandyscarney closed 5 years ago

brandyscarney commented 5 years ago

Ionic 4.6.0 introduced some regressions due to the update to Stencil One. This issue is to track and resolve them for our hotfix release.

✔️ Issues that have been checked off have been resolved in Stencil or Ionic, but not yet released until 4.6.1 is out.

Reporting a Regression

If you are running into a bug that worked in 4.5.0 but is not working in 4.6.0 and is not in the list above please create a new issue:

Please tag @ionic-team/framework on the issue to bring it to our attention.

lincolnthree commented 5 years ago

@brandyscarney I think I have another one. Haven't reproduced in a sample app yet, but <ion-img> does not reliably appear in 4.6.0 either. It's in the DOM but the image is never loaded (until the DOM is manually manipulated, height or width, etc, at which point it'll show up.) Working on condensing it into something reproducible.

tanoabeleyra commented 5 years ago

ion-tabs seems to be broken too, there's no tab selected on first load.


UTSOURCE commented 5 years ago

image 4.6.0 The configuration here seems to be no longer working

liamdebeasi commented 5 years ago

Hi @UTSOURCE and @tanoabeleyra,

Can you provide reproductions for these? I am not able to reproduce either.


liamdebeasi commented 5 years ago

Hi everyone,

We published a nightly build of Ionic with these fixes. You can install it using the latest dev tag.

For Angular users: npm i @ionic/angular@dev For Stencil + Ionic users: npm i @ionic/core@dev

Any feedback from testing this build is greatly appreciated! Thanks!

positlabs commented 5 years ago

What were the regressions? Can we build tests against them?

tanoabeleyra commented 5 years ago

Hi @UTSOURCE and @tanoabeleyra,

Can you provide reproductions for these? I am not able to reproduce either.


I opened an issue: #18689. I'm going to test the nightly build as soon as possible.

peterpeterparker commented 5 years ago

@liamdebeasi I could confirm that #18632 aka the ionInfinite not fired issue is resolved, thx a lot 👍 (tested with core in a Stencil PWA)

nerdic-coder commented 5 years ago

I can confirm that "ion-slide not working properly. Issue: #18633" is resolved with the latest @ionic/core@dev

ashinpaugh commented 5 years ago

I've got a directive that I apply IonInput / IonTextAreas, the constructor of the directive receives an ElementRef. In v4.6.0 element.getInputElement returns an Object with two properties state and value. The value property holds the input element. After Reverting to v4.5.0 getInputElement returns the textarea or the input.

edit: cleared up my comment.

petrot commented 5 years ago

"ion-searchbar styling breaks" issue is resolved with the latest @ionic/core@dev!

Thank you!

UTSOURCE commented 5 years ago

@liamdebeasi If you create a new 4.6.1 project or a 4.6.0 project, the configuration will be invalid. Such as the following configuration

            menuType: 'overlay',
            mode: 'ios',
            backButtonText: '',
            // swipeBackEnabled: false, 
            // _forceStatusbarPadding: true 
liamdebeasi commented 5 years ago


As I mentioned in my previous comment, I am unable to reproduce the issue you are describing using the code snippet you have provided. Please provide a full reproduction of the issue (a link to a GitHub repo would be fine), and we can take a look.

Thanks! 🙂

simion commented 5 years ago

The workaround from this comment does not work anymore. Content renders partially, and it's damn ugly. I had to rollback :(

brandyscarney commented 5 years ago

If anyone is running into issues that worked in 4.5.0 but are not working in 4.6.0 or the latest dev build & not already in the original list please create a new issue and fill out the provided template with steps for us to reproduce. If we cannot reproduce the issue, we cannot fix it. Please help us by providing the minimal amount of code needed to reproduce the issue in a starter or a simple code repository that only highlights the bug. 🙂

Please tag @ionic-team/framework on the issue to bring it to our attention. I'd like to avoid back and forth comments here to reproduce issues since there are a lot of people subscribed to this issue.

Thank you!

thiennm2905 commented 5 years ago

I use angular v7.1.2 and ionic v4.6 I code a base service, when I use http request, I create and present a Loading overlay, stop it by dismiss when finish by pipe(), it’s working on ionic v4.5, but in v4.6 it seem create more than one http request after one request finished when a change tab

alaa-alshamy commented 5 years ago

@brandyscarney autoGrow directive also has a bug after 4.6.0 version, when enter characters in a textarea it's growing up but when remove them not shrinking back

tmk1991 commented 5 years ago

I use a different infinite scroller than the ionic one but there are now issues with it in 4.6.0 that do not exist in 4.5.0.

1) Similar to #18632, the bottom event is not firing for my infinite scroller. I think this may be related to and it's inner scroll container 2) items seem to show for a brief second and then disappear when in the . These items are showing via *ngTemplateOutlet into the ion-content. Just bringing attention to this in case it's unrelated to #18632

I'll re-test the hotfix when released. If there continues to be a bunch of issues (aside from mine specifically), is there a possibility to back out stencil one from the ionic/angular package?


tried the latest dev kit and both issues still appear

Side note: the update from 4.4.0 to 4.4.1 brought some slower performance to items appearing and disappearing on the DOM. I'm thinking it's related to the angular change detection modifications made in 4.4.1. Not sure if that'll be resolved with the 4.6.X release. (should I make a separate issue for this specific side note issue?)

brandyscarney commented 5 years ago

Hi all, we released a new dev build which should fix every issue listed in the original issue above. Please try it out and let us know: 4.6.1-dev.201907052128.7953088

Please make separate issues for anything found not in the original list, thank you!

brandyscarney commented 5 years ago

Ionic 4.6.1 has been released, please update to this version if you are having any of the issues listed here:

I am going to close this since the original list is fixed, anyone having issues still please create a new issue, thank you!