ionic-team / ionic-framework

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bug: A lot of errors in @ionic/core #18786

Closed JMFigueiras closed 5 years ago

JMFigueiras commented 5 years ago

I am getting the following errors:

`[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/utils/overlays.d.ts, line: 18 '>' expected.

  L17:  export declare const modalController: {
  L18:      create(options: ModalOptions<import("../interface").ComponentRef>): Promise<HTMLIonModalElement>;
  L19:      dismiss(data?: any, role?: string | undefined, id?: string | undefined): Promise<boolean>;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/utils/overlays.d.ts, line: 18 Expression expected.

  L17:  export declare const modalController: {
  L18:      create(options: ModalOptions<import("../interface").ComponentRef>): Promise<HTMLIonModalElement>;
  L19:      dismiss(data?: any, role?: string | undefined, id?: string | undefined): Promise<boolean>;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/utils/overlays.d.ts, line: 28 '>' expected.

  L27:  export declare const popoverController: {
  L28:      create(options: PopoverOptions<import("../interface").ComponentRef>): Promise<HTMLIonPopoverElement>;
  L29:      dismiss(data?: any, role?: string | undefined, id?: string | undefined): Promise<boolean>;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/utils/overlays.d.ts, line: 28 Expression expected.

  L27:  export declare const popoverController: {
  L28:      create(options: PopoverOptions<import("../interface").ComponentRef>): Promise<HTMLIonPopoverElement>;
  L29:      dismiss(data?: any, role?: string | undefined, id?: string | undefined): Promise<boolean>;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 3485 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L3484:  * Emitted before the alert has dismissed.
L3486:  'onIonActionSheetWillDismiss'?: (event: CustomEvent<OverlayEventDetail>) => void;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 3489 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L3488:  * Emitted before the alert has presented.
L3490:  'onIonActionSheetWillPresent'?: (event: CustomEvent<void>) => void;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 3493 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L3492:  * Subtitle for the action sheet.
L3494:  'subHeader'?: string;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 3497 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L3496:  * If `true`, the action sheet will be translucent. Only applies when the mode is `"ios"` and the device supports backdrop-filter.
L3498:  'translucent'?: boolean;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 3556 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L3555:  * Emitted before the alert has dismissed.
L3557:  'onIonAlertWillDismiss'?: (event: CustomEvent<OverlayEventDetail>) => void;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 3560 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L3559:  * Emitted before the alert has presented.
L3561:  'onIonAlertWillPresent'?: (event: CustomEvent<void>) => void;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 3564 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L3563:  * The subtitle in the heading of the alert. Displayed under the title.
L3565:  'subHeader'?: string;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 3568 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L3567:  * If `true`, the alert will be translucent.
L3569:  'translucent'?: boolean;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 3633 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L3632:  * If `true`, the backdrop will can be clicked and will emit the `ionBackdropTap` event.
L3634:  'tappable'?: boolean;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 3693 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L3692:  * Specifies the relationship of the target object to the link object. The value is a space-separated list of [link types](
L3694:  'rel'?: string | undefined;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 3697 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L3696:  * When using a router, it specifies the transition direction when navigating to another page using `href`.
L3698:  'routerDirection'?: RouterDirection;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 3838 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L3837:  * Emitted when the toggle has focus.
L3839:  'onIonFocus'?: (event: CustomEvent<void>) => void;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 3842 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L3841:  * The value of the toggle does not mean if it's checked or not, use the `checked` property for that.  The value of a toggle is analogous to the value of a `<input type="checkbox">`, it's only used when the toggle participates in a native `<form>`.
L3843:  'value'?: string;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 3846 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L3845:  interface IonChip extends JSXBase.HTMLAttributes<HTMLIonChipElement> {
L3847:    * The color to use from your application's color palette. Default options are: `"primary"`, `"secondary"`, `"tertiary"`, `"success"`, `"warning"`, `"danger"`, `"light"`, `"medium"`, and `"dark"`. For more information on colors, see [theming](/docs/theming/basics).

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 3980 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L3979:  * Emitted when the scroll has started.
L3981:  'onIonScrollStart'?: (event: CustomEvent<ScrollBaseDetail>) => void;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 3984 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L3983:  * Because of performance reasons, ionScroll events are disabled by default, in order to enable them and start listening from (ionScroll), set this property to `true`.
L3985:  'scrollEvents'?: boolean;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 3988 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L3987:  * If you want to enable the content scrolling in the X axis, set this property to `true`.
L3989:  'scrollX'?: boolean;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 4070 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L4069:  * Emitted when the value (selected date) has changed.
L4071:  'onIonChange'?: (event: CustomEvent<DatetimeChangeEventDetail>) => void;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 4074 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L4073:  * Emitted when the datetime has focus.
L4075:  'onIonFocus'?: (event: CustomEvent<void>) => void;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 4078 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L4077:  * The format of the date and time picker columns the user selects. A datetime input can have one or many datetime parts, each getting their own column which allow individual selection of that particular datetime part. For example, year and month columns are two individually selectable columns which help choose an exact date from the datetime picker. Each column follows the string parse format. Defaults to use `displayFormat`.
L4079:  'pickerFormat'?: string;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 4082 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L4081:  * Any additional options that the picker interface can accept. See the [Picker API docs](../picker) for the picker options.
L4083:  'pickerOptions'?: DatetimeOptions;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 4154 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L4153:  * Specifies the relationship of the target object to the link object. The value is a space-separated list of [link types](
L4155:  'rel'?: string | undefined;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 4158 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L4157:  * When using a router, it specifies the transition direction when navigating to another page using `href`.
L4159:  'routerDirection'?: RouterDirection;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 4232 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L4231:  * Emitted when the img src has been set
L4233:  'onIonImgWillLoad'?: (event: CustomEvent<void>) => void;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 4236 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L4235:  * The image URL. This attribute is mandatory for the <img> element.
L4237:  'src'?: string;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 4240 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L4239:  interface IonInfiniteScroll extends JSXBase.HTMLAttributes<HTMLIonInfiniteScrollElement> {
L4241:    * If `true`, the infinite scroll will be hidden and scroll event listeners will be removed.  Set this to true to disable the infinite scroll from actively trying to receive new data while scrolling. This is useful when it is known that there is no more data that can be added, and the infinite scroll is no longer needed.

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 4254 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L4253:  * The threshold distance from the bottom of the content to call the `infinite` output event when scrolled. The threshold value can be either a percent, or in pixels. For example, use the value of `10%` for the `infinite` output event to get called when the user has scrolled 10% from the bottom of the page. Use the value `100px` when the scroll is within 100 pixels from the bottom of the page.
L4255:  'threshold'?: string;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 4350 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L4349:  * Emitted when the input has focus.
L4351:  'onIonFocus'?: (event: CustomEvent<void>) => void;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 4354 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L4353:  * Emitted when a keyboard input ocurred.
L4355:  'onIonInput'?: (event: CustomEvent<KeyboardEvent>) => void;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 4358 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L4357:  * A regular expression that the value is checked against. The pattern must match the entire value, not just some subset. Use the title attribute to describe the pattern to help the user. This attribute applies when the value of the type attribute is `"text"`, `"search"`, `"tel"`, `"url"`, `"email"`, or `"password"`, otherwise it is ignored.
L4359:  'pattern'?: string;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 4362 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L4361:  * Instructional text that shows before the input has a value.
L4363:  'placeholder'?: string | null;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 4511 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L4510:  interface IonItemSliding extends JSXBase.HTMLAttributes<HTMLIonItemSlidingElement> {
L4512:    * If `true`, the user cannot interact with the sliding item.

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 4525 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L4524:  'color'?: Color;
L4526:  * The mode determines which platform styles to use.

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 4605 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L4604:  * Emitted before the loading has dismissed.
L4606:  'onIonLoadingWillDismiss'?: (event: CustomEvent<OverlayEventDetail>) => void;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 4609 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L4608:  * Emitted before the loading has presented.
L4610:  'onIonLoadingWillPresent'?: (event: CustomEvent<void>) => void;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 4613 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L4612:  * If `true`, a backdrop will be displayed behind the loading indicator.
L4614:  'showBackdrop'?: boolean;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 4617 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L4616:  * The name of the spinner to display.
L4618:  'spinner'?: SpinnerTypes | null;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 4652 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L4651:  * Emitted when the menu is about to be closed.
L4653:  'onIonWillClose'?: (event: CustomEvent<void>) => void;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 4656 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L4655:  * Emitted when the menu is about to be opened.
L4657:  'onIonWillOpen'?: (event: CustomEvent<void>) => void;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 4660 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L4659:  * Which side of the view the menu should be placed.
L4661:  'side'?: Side;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 4664 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L4663:  * If `true`, swiping the menu is enabled.
L4665:  'swipeGesture'?: boolean;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 4751 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L4750:  * Emitted before the modal has dismissed.
L4752:  'onIonModalWillDismiss'?: (event: CustomEvent<OverlayEventDetail>) => void;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 4755 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L4754:  * Emitted before the modal has presented.
L4756:  'onIonModalWillPresent'?: (event: CustomEvent<void>) => void;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 4759 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L4758:  * If `true`, a backdrop will be displayed behind the modal.
L4760:  'showBackdrop'?: boolean;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 4763 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L4762:  interface IonModalController extends JSXBase.HTMLAttributes<HTMLIonModalControllerElement> {}
L4763:  interface IonNav extends JSXBase.HTMLAttributes<HTMLIonNavElement> {

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 4782 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L4781:  * Root NavComponent to load
L4783:  'root'?: NavComponent;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 4786 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L4785:  * Any parameters for the root component
L4787:  'rootParams'?: ComponentProps;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 4875 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L4874:  * Emitted before the picker has dismissed.
L4876:  'onIonPickerWillDismiss'?: (event: CustomEvent<OverlayEventDetail>) => void;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 4879 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L4878:  * Emitted before the picker has presented.
L4880:  'onIonPickerWillPresent'?: (event: CustomEvent<void>) => void;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 4883 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L4882:  * If `true`, a backdrop will be displayed behind the picker.
L4884:  'showBackdrop'?: boolean;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 4887 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L4886:  interface IonPickerColumn extends JSXBase.HTMLAttributes<HTMLIonPickerColumnElement> {
L4888:    * Picker column data

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 4944 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L4943:  * Emitted before the popover has dismissed.
L4945:  'onIonPopoverWillDismiss'?: (event: CustomEvent<OverlayEventDetail>) => void;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 4948 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L4947:  * Emitted before the popover has presented.
L4949:  'onIonPopoverWillPresent'?: (event: CustomEvent<void>) => void;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 4952 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L4951:  * If `true`, a backdrop will be displayed behind the popover.
L4953:  'showBackdrop'?: boolean;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 4956 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L4955:  * If `true`, the popover will be translucent.
L4957:  'translucent'?: boolean;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 5017 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L5016:  * Emitted when the radio button is selected.
L5018:  'onIonSelect'?: (event: CustomEvent<RadioChangeEventDetail>) => void;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 5021 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L5020:  * the value of the radio.
L5022:  'value'?: any | null;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 5025 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L5024:  interface IonRadioGroup extends JSXBase.HTMLAttributes<HTMLIonRadioGroupElement> {
L5026:    * If `true`, the radios can be deselected.

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 5043 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L5042:  interface IonRange extends JSXBase.HTMLAttributes<HTMLIonRangeElement> {
L5044:    * The color to use from your application's color palette. Default options are: `"primary"`, `"secondary"`, `"tertiary"`, `"success"`, `"warning"`, `"danger"`, `"light"`, `"medium"`, and `"dark"`. For more information on colors, see [theming](/docs/theming/basics).

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 5085 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L5084:  * Emitted when the range has focus.
L5086:  'onIonFocus'?: (event: CustomEvent<void>) => void;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 5089 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L5088:  * If `true`, a pin with integer value is shown when the knob is pressed.
L5090:  'pin'?: boolean;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 5093 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L5092:  * If `true`, the knob snaps to tick marks evenly spaced based on the step property value.
L5094:  'snaps'?: boolean;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 5127 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L5126:  * Emitted when the user begins to start pulling down.
L5128:  'onIonStart'?: (event: CustomEvent<void>) => void;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 5131 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L5130:  * How much to multiply the pull speed by. To slow the pull animation down, pass a number less than `1`. To speed up the pull, pass a number greater than `1`. The default value is `1` which is equal to the speed of the cursor. If a negative value is passed in, the factor will be `1` instead.  For example: If the value passed is `1.2` and the content is dragged by `10` pixels, instead of `10` pixels the content will be pulled by `12` pixels (an increase of 20 percent). If the value passed is `0.8`, the dragged amount will be `8` pixels, less than the amount the cursor has moved.
L5132:  'pullFactor'?: number;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 5135 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L5134:  * The maximum distance of the pull until the refresher will automatically go into the `refreshing` state. Defaults to the result of `pullMin + 60`.
L5136:  'pullMax'?: number;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 5180 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L5179:    'type'?: 'bounded' | 'unbounded';
L5181:  interface IonRoute extends JSXBase.HTMLAttributes<HTMLIonRouteElement> {

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 5200 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L5199:  interface IonRouteRedirect extends JSXBase.HTMLAttributes<HTMLIonRouteRedirectElement> {
L5201:    * A redirect route, redirects "from" a URL "to" another URL. This property is that "from" URL. It needs to be an exact match of the navigated URL in order to apply.  The path specified in this value is always an absolute path, even if the initial `/` slash is not specified.

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 5214 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L5213:  interface IonRouter extends JSXBase.HTMLAttributes<HTMLIonRouterElement> {
L5215:    * Emitted when the route had changed

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 5224 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L5223:  * By default `ion-router` will match the routes at the root path ("/"). That can be changed when
L5225:  'root'?: string;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 5228 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L5227:  * The router can work in two "modes": - With hash: `/index.html#/path/to/page` - Without hash: `/path/to/page`  Using one or another might depend in the requirements of your app and/or where it's deployed.  Usually "hash-less" navigation works better for SEO and it's more user friendly too, but it might requires additional server-side configuration in order to properly work.  On the otherside hash-navigation is much easier to deploy, it even works over the file protocol.  By default, this property is `true`, change to `false` to allow hash-less URLs.
L5229:  'useHash'?: boolean;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 5319 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L5318:  * Emitted when the value has changed.
L5320:  'onIonChange'?: (event: CustomEvent<SearchbarChangeEventDetail>) => void;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 5323 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L5322:  * Emitted when the clear input button is clicked.
L5324:  'onIonClear'?: (event: CustomEvent<void>) => void;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 5327 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L5326:  * Emitted when the input has focus.
L5328:  'onIonFocus'?: (event: CustomEvent<void>) => void;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 5331 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L5330:  * Emitted when a keyboard input ocurred.
L5332:  'onIonInput'?: (event: CustomEvent<KeyboardEvent>) => void;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 5335 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L5334:  * Set the input's placeholder. `placeholder` can accept either plaintext or HTML as a string. To display characters normally reserved for HTML, they must be escaped. For example `<Ionic>` would become `&lt;Ionic&gt;`  For more information: [Security Documentation](
L5336:  'placeholder'?: string;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 5339 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L5338:  * The icon to use as the search icon.
L5340:  'searchIcon'?: string;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 5381 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L5380:  * If `true`, the segment buttons will overflow and the user can swipe to see them.
L5382:  'scrollable'?: boolean;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 5385 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L5384:  * the value of the segment.
L5386:  'value'?: string | null;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 5415 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L5414:  * The value of the segment button.
L5416:  'value'?: string;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 5465 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L5464:  * Emitted when the value has changed.
L5466:  'onIonChange'?: (event: CustomEvent<SelectChangeEventDetail>) => void;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 5469 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L5468:  * Emitted when the select has focus.
L5470:  'onIonFocus'?: (event: CustomEvent<void>) => void;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 5473 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L5472:  * The text to display when the select is empty.
L5474:  'placeholder'?: string | null;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 5477 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L5476:  * The text to display instead of the selected option's value.
L5478:  'selectedText'?: string | null;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 5539 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L5538:  * Emitted when the slider is actively being moved.
L5540:  'onIonSlideDrag'?: (event: CustomEvent<void>) => void;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 5543 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L5542:  * Emitted when the next slide has ended.
L5544:  'onIonSlideNextEnd'?: (event: CustomEvent<void>) => void;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 5547 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L5546:  * Emitted when the next slide has started.
L5548:  'onIonSlideNextStart'?: (event: CustomEvent<void>) => void;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 5551 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L5550:  * Emitted when the previous slide has ended.
L5552:  'onIonSlidePrevEnd'?: (event: CustomEvent<void>) => void;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 5555 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L5554:  * Emitted when the previous slide has started.
L5556:  'onIonSlidePrevStart'?: (event: CustomEvent<void>) => void;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 5559 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L5558:  * Emitted when the slider is at the last slide.
L5560:  'onIonSlideReachEnd'?: (event: CustomEvent<void>) => void;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 5563 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L5562:  * Emitted when the slider is at its initial position.
L5564:  'onIonSlideReachStart'?: (event: CustomEvent<void>) => void;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 5567 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L5566:  * Emitted when the user taps/clicks on the slide's container.
L5568:  'onIonSlideTap'?: (event: CustomEvent<void>) => void;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 5571 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L5570:  * Emitted when the user releases the touch.
L5572:  'onIonSlideTouchEnd'?: (event: CustomEvent<void>) => void;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 5575 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L5574:  * Emitted when the user first touches the slider.
L5576:  'onIonSlideTouchStart'?: (event: CustomEvent<void>) => void;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 5579 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L5578:  * Emitted when the slide transition has ended.
L5580:  'onIonSlideTransitionEnd'?: (event: CustomEvent<void>) => void;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 5583 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L5582:  * Emitted when the slide transition has started.
L5584:  'onIonSlideTransitionStart'?: (event: CustomEvent<void>) => void;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 5587 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L5586:  * Emitted before the active slide has changed.
L5588:  'onIonSlideWillChange'?: (event: CustomEvent<void>) => void;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 5591 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L5590:  * Emitted after Swiper initialization
L5592:  'onIonSlidesDidLoad'?: (event: CustomEvent<void>) => void;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 5595 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L5594:  * Options to pass to the swiper instance. See for valid options
L5596:  'options'?: any;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 5599 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L5598:  * If `true`, show the pagination.
L5600:  'pager'?: boolean;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 5643 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L5642:  interface IonTab extends JSXBase.HTMLAttributes<HTMLIonTabElement> {
L5644:    * The component to display inside of the tab.

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 5719 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L5718:  interface IonText extends JSXBase.HTMLAttributes<HTMLIonTextElement> {
L5720:    * The color to use from your application's color palette. Default options are: `"primary"`, `"secondary"`, `"tertiary"`, `"success"`, `"warning"`, `"danger"`, `"light"`, `"medium"`, and `"dark"`. For more information on colors, see [theming](/docs/theming/basics).

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 5723 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L5722:  'color'?: Color;
L5724:  * The mode determines which platform styles to use.

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 5787 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L5786:  * Emitted when the input has focus.
L5788:  'onIonFocus'?: (event: CustomEvent<void>) => void;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 5791 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L5790:  * Emitted when a keyboard input ocurred.
L5792:  'onIonInput'?: (event: CustomEvent<KeyboardEvent>) => void;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 5795 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L5794:  * Instructional text that shows before the input has a value.
L5796:  'placeholder'?: string | null;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 5799 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L5798:  * If `true`, the user cannot modify the value.
L5800:  'readonly'?: boolean;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 5888 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L5887:  * Emitted before the toast has dismissed.
L5889:  'onIonToastWillDismiss'?: (event: CustomEvent<OverlayEventDetail>) => void;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 5892 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L5891:  * Emitted before the toast has presented.
L5893:  'onIonToastWillPresent'?: (event: CustomEvent<void>) => void;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 5896 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L5895:  * The position of the toast on the screen.
L5897:  'position'?: 'top' | 'bottom' | 'middle';

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 5900 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L5899:  * If `true`, the close button will be displayed.
L5901:  'showCloseButton'?: boolean;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 5939 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L5938:  * Emitted when the toggle has focus.
L5940:  'onIonFocus'?: (event: CustomEvent<void>) => void;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 5943 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L5942:  * The value of the toggle does not mean if it's checked or not, use the `checked` property for that.  The value of a toggle is analogous to the value of a `<input type="checkbox">`, it's only used when the toggle participates in a native `<form>`.
L5944:  'value'?: string | null;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/components.d.ts, line: 5947 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

L5946:  interface IonToolbar extends JSXBase.HTMLAttributes<HTMLIonToolbarElement> {
L5948:    * The color to use from your application's color palette. Default options are: `"primary"`, `"secondary"`, `"tertiary"`, `"success"`, `"warning"`, `"danger"`, `"light"`, `"medium"`, and `"dark"`. For more information on colors, see [theming](/docs/theming/basics).

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/interface.d.ts, line: 49 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

  L48:  export type BackButtonEvent = CustomEvent<BackButtonEventDetail>;
  L50:  export interface FrameworkDelegate {

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/stencil.core.d.ts, line: 123 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

 L122:  tick: (cb: RafCallback) => void;
 L123:  read: (cb: RafCallback) => void;  
 L124:  write: (cb: RafCallback) => void;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/utils/overlays.d.ts, line: 18 A parameter initializer is only allowed in a function or constructor implementation.

  L17:  export declare const modalController: {
  L18:      create(options: ModalOptions<import("../interface").ComponentRef>): Promise<HTMLIonModalElement>;
  L19:      dismiss(data?: any, role?: string | undefined, id?: string | undefined): Promise<boolean>;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/types/utils/overlays.d.ts, line: 28 A parameter initializer is only allowed in a function or constructor implementation.

  L27:  export declare const popoverController: {
  L28:      create(options: PopoverOptions<import("../interface").ComponentRef>): Promise<HTMLIonPopoverElement>;
  L29:      dismiss(data?: any, role?: string | undefined, id?: string | undefined): Promise<boolean>;

[18:50:28] typescript: node_modules/@ionic/core/node_modules/ionicons/dist/types/stencil.core.d.ts, line: 123 Type 'CustomEvent' is not generic.

 L122:  tick: (cb: RafCallback) => void;
 L123:  read: (cb: RafCallback) => void;  
 L124:  write: (cb: RafCallback) => void;

[18:50:28] ionic-app-script task: "build" [18:50:28] Error: Failed to transpile program Error: Failed to transpile program `

JMFigueiras commented 5 years ago

My package.json:

{ "name": "comanda", "version": "0.0.1", "author": "Ionic Framework", "homepage": "", "private": true, "scripts": { "start": "ionic-app-scripts serve", "clean": "ionic-app-scripts clean", "build": "ionic-app-scripts build", "lint": "ionic-app-scripts lint" }, "dependencies": { "@angular/animations": "5.2.11", "@angular/common": "5.2.11", "@angular/compiler": "5.2.11", "@angular/compiler-cli": "5.2.11", "@angular/core": "^5.2.11", "@angular/forms": "5.2.11", "@angular/http": "5.2.11", "@angular/platform-browser": "5.2.11", "@angular/platform-browser-dynamic": "5.2.11", "@angular/router": "5.2.11", "@ionic-native/barcode-scanner": "^4.17.0", "@ionic-native/camera": "^4.16.0", "@ionic-native/core": "~4.15.0", "@ionic-native/fcm": "^5.9.0", "@ionic-native/firebase": "^4.17.0", "@ionic-native/native-audio": "^4.17.0", "@ionic-native/splash-screen": "~4.15.0", "@ionic-native/status-bar": "~4.15.0", "@ionic/angular": "^4.6.2", "@ionic/storage": "2.2.0", "angular-sanitize": "^1.7.8", "angularfire2": "^5.1.0", "chart.js": "^2.7.3", "cordova-android": "8.0.0", "cordova-plugin-camera": "^4.0.3", "cordova-plugin-device": "^2.0.2", "cordova-plugin-fcm-with-dependecy-updated": "2.4.0", "cordova-plugin-ionic-keyboard": "^2.1.3", "cordova-plugin-ionic-webview": "^2.2.5", "cordova-plugin-nativeaudio": "^3.0.9", "cordova-plugin-splashscreen": "^5.0.2", "cordova-plugin-statusbar": "^2.4.2", "cordova-plugin-whitelist": "^1.3.3", "domsanitizer": "^0.2.0", "firebase": "^5.5.5", "ionic-angular": "3.9.8", "ionic2-rating": "^1.2.2", "ionicons": "3.0.0", "moment": "^2.22.2", "ng2-charts": "^1.6.0", "phonegap-plugin-barcodescanner": "^8.0.0", "promise-polyfill": "^8.1.0", "rxjs": "6.3.3", "rxjs-compat": "6.3.3", "sw-toolbox": "3.6.0", "zone.js": "0.8.26" }, "devDependencies": { "@ionic/app-scripts": "3.2.4", "typescript": "~2.6.2" }, "description": "An Ionic project", "cordova": { "plugins": { "cordova-plugin-whitelist": {}, "cordova-plugin-statusbar": {}, "cordova-plugin-device": {}, "cordova-plugin-splashscreen": {}, "cordova-plugin-ionic-webview": { "ANDROID_SUPPORT_ANNOTATIONS_VERSION": "27.+" }, "cordova-plugin-ionic-keyboard": {}, "cordova-plugin-nativeaudio": {}, "cordova-plugin-camera": {}, "phonegap-plugin-barcodescanner": { "ANDROID_SUPPORT_V4_VERSION": "27.+" }, "cordova-plugin-fcm-with-dependecy-updated": {} }, "platforms": [ "android" ] } }

Sampath-Lokuge commented 5 years ago

Your problem here is the angular version. It must be 7+ But you have 5+

ionitron-bot[bot] commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the issue! This issue is being locked to prevent comments that are not relevant to the original issue. If this is still an issue with the latest version of Ionic, please create a new issue and ensure the template is fully filled out.