ionic-team / ionic-framework

A powerful cross-platform UI toolkit for building native-quality iOS, Android, and Progressive Web Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
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feat: Export files in `utils` in distribution #29367

Open oliveryasuna opened 3 weeks ago

oliveryasuna commented 3 weeks ago


Describe the Feature Request

It would be useful if developers could use methods/code in utils.

Describe the Use Case

There are many use cases for the various symbols under this folder.

My particular use would be functions in overlays.ts, as I am writing a custom overlay component.

Describe Preferred Solution

No response

Describe Alternatives

No response

Related Code

No response

Additional Information

Thanks for considering!

liamdebeasi commented 3 weeks ago

Can you please clarify which specific utils you need as well as use cases?

oliveryasuna commented 1 week ago

Can you please clarify which specific utils you need as well as use cases?

Hi @liamdebeasi. I mentioned this in my issue:

My particular use would be functions in overlays.ts, as I am writing a custom overlay component.

sean-perkins commented 1 week ago

@oliveryasuna can you provide information around the specific utilities or behaviors you are looking to leverage from Ionic Framework's internals?

We do not consider these APIs public, so we are able to make changes and "breaking changes" across patch/minor releases. By making APIs public, we have additional restrictions we have to be aware of and can limit our effectiveness to addressing bugs.

If we can better understand the behavior you are having issues implementing in your custom overlay, we can explore alternate paths to solving that, such as exposing APIs to have our utilities apply to custom overlays without you needing to call them directly.