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bug: ion-slide-box with two slides and does-continue does not work correctly #3609

Closed KillerCodeMonkey closed 8 years ago

KillerCodeMonkey commented 9 years ago

Type: bug

Platform: all

hey guys in the rc4 and last nightly i use an ion-slide-box with the does-continue attribute and two slides.

you can scroll to the second slide, but not back and not forward. If you swipe back from the first slide the pager is not correct. In the dom you can see more than two ion-slides.

If you resize the window there are suddenly four pager-"points".

If you add a third slide everything works fine.

bojanvidanovic commented 9 years ago


ronaldcurtis commented 9 years ago


fileupload commented 9 years ago

I have met the same problem recently, and when checking the ioinc souce code of "ionic.bundle.js", I found this souce as below:

  special case if two slides
  if (browser.transitions && options.continuous && slides.length < 3) {
    slides = element.children;

It seems like that If and only if the slide count is 2, ionic will double the count while setting up. I don't quite understand why the author added this special case, and how to fix it properly,

yu521088 commented 9 years ago

I am having the same problem now, +1

FME-nstokoe commented 9 years ago

Same here. +1

lbickston commented 9 years ago

Same problem. +1

diegoeduardorios commented 9 years ago


Xalio08 commented 9 years ago


tflavin commented 9 years ago

Also having an issue with two slides (+1).

tflavin commented 9 years ago

I was able to find a temporary fix for my issue.

My issue was slightly different than the original post in that the pager was showing two pager icons but actually had four slides. When you got to slides 3 and 4 (which were duplicates of 1 and 2), no pager icon was selected. So, whenever I only have two slides and the slide changes (using on-slide-changed), I check the current index via $ionicSlideBoxDelegate.currentIndex(). I have an ng-class applied to the slidebox if the index is 2 (ex: 'first-slide') and one when it is 3 (ex: 'second-slide'). I also overrode the css for the .first-slide .slider-pager span:first_child and .second-slide .slider-pager span:nth-child(2) to have opacity: 1.

This change makes it appear that there are only 2 slides, even though there are really 4. This wouldn't work if the issue didn't let me slide through like in the original post, but for my issue it was good enough until there is a fix.

Edit: Just found that on some devices it's showing 4 pagers. So, I am now applying an ng-class on the slidebox when there are two slides (ex: 'two-slides'). Then I had to modify the css to set .two-slides .slider-pager span:nth-child(3) and .two-slides .slider-pager span:nth-child(4) to have display: none. This appears to work.

marcocaimi commented 9 years ago

have the same issue as tflavin, 4 slides and only two slides, but if i open a modal over the page when the modal is closed the sliders become 4.

JerryBels commented 9 years ago

@tflavin +1 two slides should definitely not be changed into 4 slides. It's counter intuitive. Or at least it should be in the docs !

ghost commented 9 years ago

Having the same problem. Any proper fix yet?

cheesezhe commented 9 years ago

same issue...+1

mrtomrichy commented 9 years ago


quedicesebas commented 9 years ago

Same here with 1.1.0

mesca commented 9 years ago


meticoeus commented 9 years ago

Another work around is to special case your model to explicitly duplicate your array in the pattern [0, 1, 0, 1] if it has 2 elements.

cheesezhe commented 9 years ago

Hey,guys, I add the following code to my controller script, and it seems that that bug disappeared. function loadIds() is to get json data from server and store data into $scope.ids

$scope.$on('$ionicView.beforeEnter', function(){
        if($scope.ids.length == 0){
tiagojdf commented 9 years ago

It seems the copied objects don't inherit the data in their scope, causing the following code to not work:

tipstrade commented 9 years ago

I've had some the same issue and fixed it using the following hack:

Make sure you have an ng-if directive on the ion-slide-box (ng-show does not work) so that it's not rendered unless there are items

Second, when updating the ng-repeat source, swap it out with null (or an empty array), and then update in a $timeout:

    // HACK: Because of the annoying bug with the slider pager dots being duplicated
    var temp = $scope.transaction.Vehicle.Photos;
    $scope.transaction.Vehicle.Photos = [];

    $timeout(function() {
      $scope.transaction.Vehicle.Photos = temp;

      $timeout(function() {
        var del = $ionicSlideBoxDelegate.$getByHandle("details-thumbnails");

The two sets of timeouts are required
visormatt commented 8 years ago


DezDing commented 8 years ago


Clawg commented 8 years ago

This is still an issue in 1.1.1. I have created a pen ( where the number of dots jumps form 2 to 4 when you resize the window. This only happens with 2 items and its not even http data that populates the ion-slide. Also worth noting is the active state of the dot, before resize where there are 2 the dots get out of sync as they are working off 4 slides not 2.

mlynch commented 8 years ago

Fixed in master and landing in 1.2:

Hey everyone, can you try the new slidebox just pushed to master (available in upcoming 1.2):

<ion-slides options="options">

Handles the < 3 slide and looping case a lot better! Specify options in the options scope variable:

controller('MyCtrl', function($scope) {
  $scope.options = {
    loop: true
kormic commented 8 years ago

I still have this issue in 1.2.4. At least on chrome. I haven't tried this in the emulator yet...

fareesh commented 8 years ago

Still in 1.2.4 for me as well

omma2289 commented 8 years ago

I'm on version 1.2.4 and have the same issue described by tflavin

fengsong97 commented 8 years ago


andreluizbellon commented 8 years ago


jgw96 commented 8 years ago

Hey @fengsong97 and @andredublin are you guys using ionic 1.3.1?

RohitDhamal commented 8 years ago

@fileupload thanx, since your rply gave me idea. Facing same type of problem. But was able to do some changes and they are working fine as of now so far... I don't know whether that is correct way or not completely, since i am new to ionic but following changes in ionic.bundle.js helped me solve my issue though. Just commented following lines:-

//special case if two slides if (browser.transitions && options.continuous && slides.length < 3) { element.appendChild(slides[0].cloneNode(true)); element.appendChild(element.children[1].cloneNode(true)); slides = element.children; }

with these everything is working fine so far.

wkoeter commented 8 years ago


Your solution makes the slide transition animation awkward (but it does work). My guess is that the programmer added the extra slides for transition animations.

slide 1 | slide 2

If you swipe left from slide 2 there is no slide to its right which makes it look like there is NO sliding done while in fact the slide DID change. With 3 slides there is always a slide to the right so the transition can occur smoothly.

slide 1 | slide 2 | duplicateslide 1

looking forward to a fix :/

wkoeter commented 8 years ago

If you update to ionic Latest Version: 1.3.1 "el salvador" you can use another directive which is not ion-slide-box but ion-slides. This appearently does not have these issues.

happysiva commented 7 years ago


ionitron-bot[bot] commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the issue! This issue is being locked to prevent comments that are not relevant to the original issue. If this is still an issue with the latest version of Ionic, please create a new issue and ensure the template is fully filled out.