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angular-ui/bootstrap ratting issue on collection-repeat ionic #230

Open vitaly87 opened 8 years ago

vitaly87 commented 8 years ago

up vote 0 down vote favorite I am using angular-ui/bootstrap the component Rating (ui.bootstrap.rating). my issue that max proporty isnt working correctly when I am using collection-repeat, its shows me always only one icon max, Also when I trying to play with pro of collection-repeat then search some time showing less icons.but If I an using ng-repat all works great. this my code:

<li class="item"  collection-repeat=" contact in contacts |filter: data.searchText">
      <!--<li class="item" ng-repeat=" contact in contacts |filter: data.searchText">-->
        <div class="row  larger font">

            <div  class ="col" ng-init=""><uib-rating ng-model="" max={{}} state-on="'ion-person-stalker positive '" state-off="'ion-person-stalker'" ng-click="changeActive(contact);data.searchText =''"></uib-rating> </div>