ionic-team / ionic-native-google-maps

Google maps plugin for Ionic Native
221 stars 125 forks source link

Plugin testing #108

Closed adamduren closed 5 years ago

adamduren commented 5 years ago

@wf9a5m75 Can you check this out? Also it would be great to see if it works for you locally. I setup CircleCI and the tests passed on their cloud platform.

npm i
npm test
adamduren commented 5 years ago

I will work on more tests in another branch once we agree on a test method and the work gets merged.

wf9a5m75 commented 5 years ago

Thank you for creating test code. Let me try.

wf9a5m75 commented 5 years ago

npm audit reports many problems. Is it possible to solve by you, or just npm audit fix is enough?

=== npm audit security report ===                        

# Run  npm install --save-dev gulp@4.0.0  to resolve 6 vulnerabilities
SEMVER WARNING: Recommended action is a potentially breaking change
│ High          │ Regular Expression Denial of Service                         │
│ Package       │ minimatch                                                    │
│ Dependency of │ gulp [dev]                                                   │
│ Path          │ gulp > vinyl-fs > glob-stream > glob > minimatch             │
│ More info     │                       │

│ High          │ Regular Expression Denial of Service                         │
│ Package       │ minimatch                                                    │
│ Dependency of │ gulp [dev]                                                   │
│ Path          │ gulp > vinyl-fs > glob-stream > minimatch                    │
│ More info     │                       │

│ High          │ Regular Expression Denial of Service                         │
│ Package       │ minimatch                                                    │
│ Dependency of │ gulp [dev]                                                   │
│ Path          │ gulp > vinyl-fs > glob-watcher > gaze > globule > glob >     │
│               │ minimatch                                                    │
│ More info     │                       │

│ High          │ Regular Expression Denial of Service                         │
│ Package       │ minimatch                                                    │
│ Dependency of │ gulp [dev]                                                   │
│ Path          │ gulp > vinyl-fs > glob-watcher > gaze > globule > minimatch  │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Low           │ Prototype Pollution                                          │
│ Package       │ lodash                                                       │
│ Dependency of │ gulp [dev]                                                   │
│ Path          │ gulp > vinyl-fs > glob-watcher > gaze > globule > lodash     │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Low           │ Cryptographically Weak PRNG                                  │
│ Package       │ randomatic                                                   │
│ Dependency of │ gulp [dev]                                                   │
│ Path          │ gulp > liftoff > findup-sync > micromatch > braces >         │
│               │ expand-range > fill-range > randomatic                       │
│ More info     │                       │

# Run  npm install --save-dev dgeni-packages@0.26.12  to resolve 2 vulnerabilities
│ Low           │ Cryptographically Weak PRNG                                  │
│ Package       │ randomatic                                                   │
│ Dependency of │ dgeni-packages [dev]                                         │
│ Path          │ dgeni-packages > nunjucks > chokidar > anymatch > micromatch │
│               │ > braces > expand-range > fill-range > randomatic            │
│ More info     │                       │

│ High          │ Regular Expression Denial of Service                         │
│ Package       │ marked                                                       │
│ Dependency of │ dgeni-packages [dev]                                         │
│ Path          │ dgeni-packages > marked                                      │
│ More info     │                       │

# Run  npm update fill-range --depth 12  to resolve 64 vulnerabilities
│ Low           │ Cryptographically Weak PRNG                                  │
│ Package       │ randomatic                                                   │
│ Dependency of │ @angular/compiler-cli [dev]                                  │
│ Path          │ @angular/compiler-cli > chokidar > anymatch > micromatch >   │
│               │ braces > expand-range > fill-range > randomatic              │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Low           │ Cryptographically Weak PRNG                                  │
│ Package       │ randomatic                                                   │
│ Dependency of │ babel-jest [dev]                                             │
│ Path          │ babel-jest > babel-plugin-istanbul > test-exclude >          │
│               │ micromatch > braces > expand-range > fill-range > randomatic │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Low           │ Cryptographically Weak PRNG                                  │
│ Package       │ randomatic                                                   │
│ Dependency of │ jest [dev]                                                   │
│ Path          │ jest > jest-cli > jest-config > babel-jest >                 │
│               │ babel-plugin-istanbul > test-exclude > micromatch > braces > │
│               │ expand-range > fill-range > randomatic                       │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Low           │ Cryptographically Weak PRNG                                  │
│ Package       │ randomatic                                                   │
│ Dependency of │ jest [dev]                                                   │
│ Path          │ jest > jest-cli > jest-config > jest-environment-jsdom >     │
│               │ jest-util > jest-message-util > micromatch > braces >        │
│               │ expand-range > fill-range > randomatic                       │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Low           │ Cryptographically Weak PRNG                                  │
│ Package       │ randomatic                                                   │
│ Dependency of │ jest [dev]                                                   │
│ Path          │ jest > jest-cli > jest-config > jest-environment-node >      │
│               │ jest-util > jest-message-util > micromatch > braces >        │
│               │ expand-range > fill-range > randomatic                       │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Low           │ Cryptographically Weak PRNG                                  │
│ Package       │ randomatic                                                   │
│ Dependency of │ jest [dev]                                                   │
│ Path          │ jest > jest-cli > jest-config > jest-jasmine2 > expect >     │
│               │ jest-message-util > micromatch > braces > expand-range >     │
│               │ fill-range > randomatic                                      │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Low           │ Cryptographically Weak PRNG                                  │
│ Package       │ randomatic                                                   │
│ Dependency of │ jest [dev]                                                   │
│ Path          │ jest > jest-cli > jest-config > jest-jasmine2 >              │
│               │ jest-message-util > micromatch > braces > expand-range >     │
│               │ fill-range > randomatic                                      │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Low           │ Cryptographically Weak PRNG                                  │
│ Package       │ randomatic                                                   │
│ Dependency of │ jest [dev]                                                   │
│ Path          │ jest > jest-cli > jest-config > jest-jasmine2 >              │
│               │ jest-snapshot > jest-message-util > micromatch > braces >    │
│               │ expand-range > fill-range > randomatic                       │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Low           │ Cryptographically Weak PRNG                                  │
│ Package       │ randomatic                                                   │
│ Dependency of │ jest [dev]                                                   │
│ Path          │ jest > jest-cli > jest-config > jest-jasmine2 > jest-util >  │
│               │ jest-message-util > micromatch > braces > expand-range >     │
│               │ fill-range > randomatic                                      │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Low           │ Cryptographically Weak PRNG                                  │
│ Package       │ randomatic                                                   │
│ Dependency of │ jest [dev]                                                   │
│ Path          │ jest > jest-cli > jest-config > jest-util >                  │
│               │ jest-message-util > micromatch > braces > expand-range >     │
│               │ fill-range > randomatic                                      │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Low           │ Cryptographically Weak PRNG                                  │
│ Package       │ randomatic                                                   │
│ Dependency of │ jest [dev]                                                   │
│ Path          │ jest > jest-cli > jest-config > micromatch > braces >        │
│               │ expand-range > fill-range > randomatic                       │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Low           │ Cryptographically Weak PRNG                                  │
│ Package       │ randomatic                                                   │
│ Dependency of │ jest [dev]                                                   │
│ Path          │ jest > jest-cli > jest-environment-jsdom > jest-util >       │
│               │ jest-message-util > micromatch > braces > expand-range >     │
│               │ fill-range > randomatic                                      │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Low           │ Cryptographically Weak PRNG                                  │
│ Package       │ randomatic                                                   │
│ Dependency of │ jest [dev]                                                   │
│ Path          │ jest > jest-cli > jest-haste-map > micromatch > braces >     │
│               │ expand-range > fill-range > randomatic                       │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Low           │ Cryptographically Weak PRNG                                  │
│ Package       │ randomatic                                                   │
│ Dependency of │ jest [dev]                                                   │
│ Path          │ jest > jest-cli > jest-message-util > micromatch > braces >  │
│               │ expand-range > fill-range > randomatic                       │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Low           │ Cryptographically Weak PRNG                                  │
│ Package       │ randomatic                                                   │
│ Dependency of │ jest [dev]                                                   │
│ Path          │ jest > jest-cli > jest-resolve-dependencies > jest-snapshot  │
│               │ > jest-message-util > micromatch > braces > expand-range >   │
│               │ fill-range > randomatic                                      │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Low           │ Cryptographically Weak PRNG                                  │
│ Package       │ randomatic                                                   │
│ Dependency of │ jest [dev]                                                   │
│ Path          │ jest > jest-cli > jest-runner > jest-config > babel-jest >   │
│               │ babel-plugin-istanbul > test-exclude > micromatch > braces > │
│               │ expand-range > fill-range > randomatic                       │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Low           │ Cryptographically Weak PRNG                                  │
│ Package       │ randomatic                                                   │
│ Dependency of │ jest [dev]                                                   │
│ Path          │ jest > jest-cli > jest-runner > jest-config >                │
│               │ jest-environment-jsdom > jest-util > jest-message-util >     │
│               │ micromatch > braces > expand-range > fill-range > randomatic │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Low           │ Cryptographically Weak PRNG                                  │
│ Package       │ randomatic                                                   │
│ Dependency of │ jest [dev]                                                   │
│ Path          │ jest > jest-cli > jest-runner > jest-config >                │
│               │ jest-environment-node > jest-util > jest-message-util >      │
│               │ micromatch > braces > expand-range > fill-range > randomatic │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Low           │ Cryptographically Weak PRNG                                  │
│ Package       │ randomatic                                                   │
│ Dependency of │ jest [dev]                                                   │
│ Path          │ jest > jest-cli > jest-runner > jest-config > jest-jasmine2  │
│               │ > expect > jest-message-util > micromatch > braces >         │
│               │ expand-range > fill-range > randomatic                       │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Low           │ Cryptographically Weak PRNG                                  │
│ Package       │ randomatic                                                   │
│ Dependency of │ jest [dev]                                                   │
│ Path          │ jest > jest-cli > jest-runner > jest-config > jest-jasmine2  │
│               │ > jest-message-util > micromatch > braces > expand-range >   │
│               │ fill-range > randomatic                                      │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Low           │ Cryptographically Weak PRNG                                  │
│ Package       │ randomatic                                                   │
│ Dependency of │ jest [dev]                                                   │
│ Path          │ jest > jest-cli > jest-runner > jest-config > jest-jasmine2  │
│               │ > jest-snapshot > jest-message-util > micromatch > braces >  │
│               │ expand-range > fill-range > randomatic                       │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Low           │ Cryptographically Weak PRNG                                  │
│ Package       │ randomatic                                                   │
│ Dependency of │ jest [dev]                                                   │
│ Path          │ jest > jest-cli > jest-runner > jest-config > jest-jasmine2  │
│               │ > jest-util > jest-message-util > micromatch > braces >      │
│               │ expand-range > fill-range > randomatic                       │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Low           │ Cryptographically Weak PRNG                                  │
│ Package       │ randomatic                                                   │
│ Dependency of │ jest [dev]                                                   │
│ Path          │ jest > jest-cli > jest-runner > jest-config > jest-util >    │
│               │ jest-message-util > micromatch > braces > expand-range >     │
│               │ fill-range > randomatic                                      │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Low           │ Cryptographically Weak PRNG                                  │
│ Package       │ randomatic                                                   │
│ Dependency of │ jest [dev]                                                   │
│ Path          │ jest > jest-cli > jest-runner > jest-config > micromatch >   │
│               │ braces > expand-range > fill-range > randomatic              │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Low           │ Cryptographically Weak PRNG                                  │
│ Package       │ randomatic                                                   │
│ Dependency of │ jest [dev]                                                   │
│ Path          │ jest > jest-cli > jest-runner > jest-haste-map > micromatch  │
│               │ > braces > expand-range > fill-range > randomatic            │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Low           │ Cryptographically Weak PRNG                                  │
│ Package       │ randomatic                                                   │
│ Dependency of │ jest [dev]                                                   │
│ Path          │ jest > jest-cli > jest-runner > jest-jasmine2 > expect >     │
│               │ jest-message-util > micromatch > braces > expand-range >     │
│               │ fill-range > randomatic                                      │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Low           │ Cryptographically Weak PRNG                                  │
│ Package       │ randomatic                                                   │
│ Dependency of │ jest [dev]                                                   │
│ Path          │ jest > jest-cli > jest-runner > jest-jasmine2 >              │
│               │ jest-message-util > micromatch > braces > expand-range >     │
│               │ fill-range > randomatic                                      │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Low           │ Cryptographically Weak PRNG                                  │
│ Package       │ randomatic                                                   │
│ Dependency of │ jest [dev]                                                   │
│ Path          │ jest > jest-cli > jest-runner > jest-jasmine2 >              │
│               │ jest-snapshot > jest-message-util > micromatch > braces >    │
│               │ expand-range > fill-range > randomatic                       │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Low           │ Cryptographically Weak PRNG                                  │
│ Package       │ randomatic                                                   │
│ Dependency of │ jest [dev]                                                   │
│ Path          │ jest > jest-cli > jest-runner > jest-jasmine2 > jest-util >  │
│               │ jest-message-util > micromatch > braces > expand-range >     │
│               │ fill-range > randomatic                                      │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Low           │ Cryptographically Weak PRNG                                  │
│ Package       │ randomatic                                                   │
│ Dependency of │ jest [dev]                                                   │
│ Path          │ jest > jest-cli > jest-runner > jest-message-util >          │
│               │ micromatch > braces > expand-range > fill-range > randomatic │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Low           │ Cryptographically Weak PRNG                                  │
│ Package       │ randomatic                                                   │
│ Dependency of │ jest [dev]                                                   │
│ Path          │ jest > jest-cli > jest-runner > jest-runtime >               │
│               │ babel-plugin-istanbul > test-exclude > micromatch > braces > │
│               │ expand-range > fill-range > randomatic                       │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Low           │ Cryptographically Weak PRNG                                  │
│ Package       │ randomatic                                                   │
│ Dependency of │ jest [dev]                                                   │
│ Path          │ jest > jest-cli > jest-runner > jest-runtime > jest-config > │
│               │ babel-jest > babel-plugin-istanbul > test-exclude >          │
│               │ micromatch > braces > expand-range > fill-range > randomatic │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Low           │ Cryptographically Weak PRNG                                  │
│ Package       │ randomatic                                                   │
│ Dependency of │ jest [dev]                                                   │
│ Path          │ jest > jest-cli > jest-runner > jest-runtime > jest-config > │
│               │ jest-environment-jsdom > jest-util > jest-message-util >     │
│               │ micromatch > braces > expand-range > fill-range > randomatic │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Low           │ Cryptographically Weak PRNG                                  │
│ Package       │ randomatic                                                   │
│ Dependency of │ jest [dev]                                                   │
│ Path          │ jest > jest-cli > jest-runner > jest-runtime > jest-config > │
│               │ jest-environment-node > jest-util > jest-message-util >      │
│               │ micromatch > braces > expand-range > fill-range > randomatic │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Low           │ Cryptographically Weak PRNG                                  │
│ Package       │ randomatic                                                   │
│ Dependency of │ jest [dev]                                                   │
│ Path          │ jest > jest-cli > jest-runner > jest-runtime > jest-config > │
│               │ jest-jasmine2 > expect > jest-message-util > micromatch >    │
│               │ braces > expand-range > fill-range > randomatic              │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Low           │ Cryptographically Weak PRNG                                  │
│ Package       │ randomatic                                                   │
│ Dependency of │ jest [dev]                                                   │
│ Path          │ jest > jest-cli > jest-runner > jest-runtime > jest-config > │
│               │ jest-jasmine2 > jest-message-util > micromatch > braces >    │
│               │ expand-range > fill-range > randomatic                       │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Low           │ Cryptographically Weak PRNG                                  │
│ Package       │ randomatic                                                   │
│ Dependency of │ jest [dev]                                                   │
│ Path          │ jest > jest-cli > jest-runner > jest-runtime > jest-config > │
│               │ jest-jasmine2 > jest-snapshot > jest-message-util >          │
│               │ micromatch > braces > expand-range > fill-range > randomatic │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Low           │ Cryptographically Weak PRNG                                  │
│ Package       │ randomatic                                                   │
│ Dependency of │ jest [dev]                                                   │
│ Path          │ jest > jest-cli > jest-runner > jest-runtime > jest-config > │
│               │ jest-jasmine2 > jest-util > jest-message-util > micromatch > │
│               │ braces > expand-range > fill-range > randomatic              │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Low           │ Cryptographically Weak PRNG                                  │
│ Package       │ randomatic                                                   │
│ Dependency of │ jest [dev]                                                   │
│ Path          │ jest > jest-cli > jest-runner > jest-runtime > jest-config > │
│               │ jest-util > jest-message-util > micromatch > braces >        │
│               │ expand-range > fill-range > randomatic                       │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Low           │ Cryptographically Weak PRNG                                  │
│ Package       │ randomatic                                                   │
│ Dependency of │ jest [dev]                                                   │
│ Path          │ jest > jest-cli > jest-runner > jest-runtime > jest-config > │
│               │ micromatch > braces > expand-range > fill-range > randomatic │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Low           │ Cryptographically Weak PRNG                                  │
│ Package       │ randomatic                                                   │
│ Dependency of │ jest [dev]                                                   │
│ Path          │ jest > jest-cli > jest-runner > jest-runtime >               │
│               │ jest-haste-map > micromatch > braces > expand-range >        │
│               │ fill-range > randomatic                                      │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Low           │ Cryptographically Weak PRNG                                  │
│ Package       │ randomatic                                                   │
│ Dependency of │ jest [dev]                                                   │
│ Path          │ jest > jest-cli > jest-runner > jest-runtime >               │
│               │ jest-message-util > micromatch > braces > expand-range >     │
│               │ fill-range > randomatic                                      │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Low           │ Cryptographically Weak PRNG                                  │
│ Package       │ randomatic                                                   │
│ Dependency of │ jest [dev]                                                   │
│ Path          │ jest > jest-cli > jest-runner > jest-runtime > jest-snapshot │
│               │ > jest-message-util > micromatch > braces > expand-range >   │
│               │ fill-range > randomatic                                      │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Low           │ Cryptographically Weak PRNG                                  │
│ Package       │ randomatic                                                   │
│ Dependency of │ jest [dev]                                                   │
│ Path          │ jest > jest-cli > jest-runner > jest-runtime > jest-util >   │
│               │ jest-message-util > micromatch > braces > expand-range >     │
│               │ fill-range > randomatic                                      │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Low           │ Cryptographically Weak PRNG                                  │
│ Package       │ randomatic                                                   │
│ Dependency of │ jest [dev]                                                   │
│ Path          │ jest > jest-cli > jest-runner > jest-runtime > micromatch >  │
│               │ braces > expand-range > fill-range > randomatic              │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Low           │ Cryptographically Weak PRNG                                  │
│ Package       │ randomatic                                                   │
│ Dependency of │ jest [dev]                                                   │
│ Path          │ jest > jest-cli > jest-runner > jest-util >                  │
│               │ jest-message-util > micromatch > braces > expand-range >     │
│               │ fill-range > randomatic                                      │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Low           │ Cryptographically Weak PRNG                                  │
│ Package       │ randomatic                                                   │
│ Dependency of │ jest [dev]                                                   │
│ Path          │ jest > jest-cli > jest-runtime > babel-plugin-istanbul >     │
│               │ test-exclude > micromatch > braces > expand-range >          │
│               │ fill-range > randomatic                                      │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Low           │ Cryptographically Weak PRNG                                  │
│ Package       │ randomatic                                                   │
│ Dependency of │ jest [dev]                                                   │
│ Path          │ jest > jest-cli > jest-runtime > jest-config > babel-jest >  │
│               │ babel-plugin-istanbul > test-exclude > micromatch > braces > │
│               │ expand-range > fill-range > randomatic                       │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Low           │ Cryptographically Weak PRNG                                  │
│ Package       │ randomatic                                                   │
│ Dependency of │ jest [dev]                                                   │
│ Path          │ jest > jest-cli > jest-runtime > jest-config >               │
│               │ jest-environment-jsdom > jest-util > jest-message-util >     │
│               │ micromatch > braces > expand-range > fill-range > randomatic │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Low           │ Cryptographically Weak PRNG                                  │
│ Package       │ randomatic                                                   │
│ Dependency of │ jest [dev]                                                   │
│ Path          │ jest > jest-cli > jest-runtime > jest-config >               │
│               │ jest-environment-node > jest-util > jest-message-util >      │
│               │ micromatch > braces > expand-range > fill-range > randomatic │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Low           │ Cryptographically Weak PRNG                                  │
│ Package       │ randomatic                                                   │
│ Dependency of │ jest [dev]                                                   │
│ Path          │ jest > jest-cli > jest-runtime > jest-config > jest-jasmine2 │
│               │ > expect > jest-message-util > micromatch > braces >         │
│               │ expand-range > fill-range > randomatic                       │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Low           │ Cryptographically Weak PRNG                                  │
│ Package       │ randomatic                                                   │
│ Dependency of │ jest [dev]                                                   │
│ Path          │ jest > jest-cli > jest-runtime > jest-config > jest-jasmine2 │
│               │ > jest-message-util > micromatch > braces > expand-range >   │
│               │ fill-range > randomatic                                      │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Low           │ Cryptographically Weak PRNG                                  │
│ Package       │ randomatic                                                   │
│ Dependency of │ jest [dev]                                                   │
│ Path          │ jest > jest-cli > jest-runtime > jest-config > jest-jasmine2 │
│               │ > jest-snapshot > jest-message-util > micromatch > braces >  │
│               │ expand-range > fill-range > randomatic                       │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Low           │ Cryptographically Weak PRNG                                  │
│ Package       │ randomatic                                                   │
│ Dependency of │ jest [dev]                                                   │
│ Path          │ jest > jest-cli > jest-runtime > jest-config > jest-jasmine2 │
│               │ > jest-util > jest-message-util > micromatch > braces >      │
│               │ expand-range > fill-range > randomatic                       │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Low           │ Cryptographically Weak PRNG                                  │
│ Package       │ randomatic                                                   │
│ Dependency of │ jest [dev]                                                   │
│ Path          │ jest > jest-cli > jest-runtime > jest-config > jest-util >   │
│               │ jest-message-util > micromatch > braces > expand-range >     │
│               │ fill-range > randomatic                                      │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Low           │ Cryptographically Weak PRNG                                  │
│ Package       │ randomatic                                                   │
│ Dependency of │ jest [dev]                                                   │
│ Path          │ jest > jest-cli > jest-runtime > jest-config > micromatch >  │
│               │ braces > expand-range > fill-range > randomatic              │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Low           │ Cryptographically Weak PRNG                                  │
│ Package       │ randomatic                                                   │
│ Dependency of │ jest [dev]                                                   │
│ Path          │ jest > jest-cli > jest-runtime > jest-haste-map > micromatch │
│               │ > braces > expand-range > fill-range > randomatic            │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Low           │ Cryptographically Weak PRNG                                  │
│ Package       │ randomatic                                                   │
│ Dependency of │ jest [dev]                                                   │
│ Path          │ jest > jest-cli > jest-runtime > jest-message-util >         │
│               │ micromatch > braces > expand-range > fill-range > randomatic │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Low           │ Cryptographically Weak PRNG                                  │
│ Package       │ randomatic                                                   │
│ Dependency of │ jest [dev]                                                   │
│ Path          │ jest > jest-cli > jest-runtime > jest-snapshot >             │
│               │ jest-message-util > micromatch > braces > expand-range >     │
│               │ fill-range > randomatic                                      │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Low           │ Cryptographically Weak PRNG                                  │
│ Package       │ randomatic                                                   │
│ Dependency of │ jest [dev]                                                   │
│ Path          │ jest > jest-cli > jest-runtime > jest-util >                 │
│               │ jest-message-util > micromatch > braces > expand-range >     │
│               │ fill-range > randomatic                                      │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Low           │ Cryptographically Weak PRNG                                  │
│ Package       │ randomatic                                                   │
│ Dependency of │ jest [dev]                                                   │
│ Path          │ jest > jest-cli > jest-runtime > micromatch > braces >       │
│               │ expand-range > fill-range > randomatic                       │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Low           │ Cryptographically Weak PRNG                                  │
│ Package       │ randomatic                                                   │
│ Dependency of │ jest [dev]                                                   │
│ Path          │ jest > jest-cli > jest-snapshot > jest-message-util >        │
│               │ micromatch > braces > expand-range > fill-range > randomatic │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Low           │ Cryptographically Weak PRNG                                  │
│ Package       │ randomatic                                                   │
│ Dependency of │ jest [dev]                                                   │
│ Path          │ jest > jest-cli > jest-util > jest-message-util > micromatch │
│               │ > braces > expand-range > fill-range > randomatic            │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Low           │ Cryptographically Weak PRNG                                  │
│ Package       │ randomatic                                                   │
│ Dependency of │ jest [dev]                                                   │
│ Path          │ jest > jest-cli > micromatch > braces > expand-range >       │
│               │ fill-range > randomatic                                      │
│ More info     │                       │

# Run  npm update fsevents --depth 4  to resolve 16 vulnerabilities
│ Moderate      │ Prototype pollution                                          │
│ Package       │ hoek                                                         │
│ Dependency of │ @angular/compiler-cli [dev]                                  │
│ Path          │ @angular/compiler-cli > chokidar > fsevents > node-pre-gyp > │
│               │ hawk > boom > hoek                                           │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Moderate      │ Prototype pollution                                          │
│ Package       │ hoek                                                         │
│ Dependency of │ @angular/compiler-cli [dev]                                  │
│ Path          │ @angular/compiler-cli > chokidar > fsevents > node-pre-gyp > │
│               │ hawk > cryptiles > boom > hoek                               │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Moderate      │ Prototype pollution                                          │
│ Package       │ hoek                                                         │
│ Dependency of │ @angular/compiler-cli [dev]                                  │
│ Path          │ @angular/compiler-cli > chokidar > fsevents > node-pre-gyp > │
│               │ hawk > hoek                                                  │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Moderate      │ Prototype pollution                                          │
│ Package       │ hoek                                                         │
│ Dependency of │ @angular/compiler-cli [dev]                                  │
│ Path          │ @angular/compiler-cli > chokidar > fsevents > node-pre-gyp > │
│               │ hawk > sntp > hoek                                           │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Moderate      │ Prototype pollution                                          │
│ Package       │ hoek                                                         │
│ Dependency of │ @angular/compiler-cli [dev]                                  │
│ Path          │ @angular/compiler-cli > chokidar > fsevents > node-pre-gyp > │
│               │ request > hawk > boom > hoek                                 │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Moderate      │ Prototype pollution                                          │
│ Package       │ hoek                                                         │
│ Dependency of │ @angular/compiler-cli [dev]                                  │
│ Path          │ @angular/compiler-cli > chokidar > fsevents > node-pre-gyp > │
│               │ request > hawk > cryptiles > boom > hoek                     │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Moderate      │ Prototype pollution                                          │
│ Package       │ hoek                                                         │
│ Dependency of │ @angular/compiler-cli [dev]                                  │
│ Path          │ @angular/compiler-cli > chokidar > fsevents > node-pre-gyp > │
│               │ request > hawk > hoek                                        │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Moderate      │ Prototype pollution                                          │
│ Package       │ hoek                                                         │
│ Dependency of │ @angular/compiler-cli [dev]                                  │
│ Path          │ @angular/compiler-cli > chokidar > fsevents > node-pre-gyp > │
│               │ request > hawk > sntp > hoek                                 │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Moderate      │ Prototype pollution                                          │
│ Package       │ hoek                                                         │
│ Dependency of │ dgeni-packages [dev]                                         │
│ Path          │ dgeni-packages > nunjucks > chokidar > fsevents >            │
│               │ node-pre-gyp > hawk > boom > hoek                            │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Moderate      │ Prototype pollution                                          │
│ Package       │ hoek                                                         │
│ Dependency of │ dgeni-packages [dev]                                         │
│ Path          │ dgeni-packages > nunjucks > chokidar > fsevents >            │
│               │ node-pre-gyp > hawk > cryptiles > boom > hoek                │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Moderate      │ Prototype pollution                                          │
│ Package       │ hoek                                                         │
│ Dependency of │ dgeni-packages [dev]                                         │
│ Path          │ dgeni-packages > nunjucks > chokidar > fsevents >            │
│               │ node-pre-gyp > hawk > hoek                                   │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Moderate      │ Prototype pollution                                          │
│ Package       │ hoek                                                         │
│ Dependency of │ dgeni-packages [dev]                                         │
│ Path          │ dgeni-packages > nunjucks > chokidar > fsevents >            │
│               │ node-pre-gyp > hawk > sntp > hoek                            │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Moderate      │ Prototype pollution                                          │
│ Package       │ hoek                                                         │
│ Dependency of │ dgeni-packages [dev]                                         │
│ Path          │ dgeni-packages > nunjucks > chokidar > fsevents >            │
│               │ node-pre-gyp > request > hawk > boom > hoek                  │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Moderate      │ Prototype pollution                                          │
│ Package       │ hoek                                                         │
│ Dependency of │ dgeni-packages [dev]                                         │
│ Path          │ dgeni-packages > nunjucks > chokidar > fsevents >            │
│               │ node-pre-gyp > request > hawk > cryptiles > boom > hoek      │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Moderate      │ Prototype pollution                                          │
│ Package       │ hoek                                                         │
│ Dependency of │ dgeni-packages [dev]                                         │
│ Path          │ dgeni-packages > nunjucks > chokidar > fsevents >            │
│               │ node-pre-gyp > request > hawk > hoek                         │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Moderate      │ Prototype pollution                                          │
│ Package       │ hoek                                                         │
│ Dependency of │ dgeni-packages [dev]                                         │
│ Path          │ dgeni-packages > nunjucks > chokidar > fsevents >            │
│               │ node-pre-gyp > request > hawk > sntp > hoek                  │
│ More info     │                       │

# Run  npm update sshpk --depth 8  to resolve 2 vulnerabilities
│ High          │ Regular Expression Denial of Service                         │
│ Package       │ sshpk                                                        │
│ Dependency of │ @angular/compiler-cli [dev]                                  │
│ Path          │ @angular/compiler-cli > chokidar > fsevents > node-pre-gyp > │
│               │ request > http-signature > sshpk                             │
│ More info     │                       │

│ High          │ Regular Expression Denial of Service                         │
│ Package       │ sshpk                                                        │
│ Dependency of │ dgeni-packages [dev]                                         │
│ Path          │ dgeni-packages > nunjucks > chokidar > fsevents >            │
│               │ node-pre-gyp > request > http-signature > sshpk              │
│ More info     │                       │

# Run  npm update tough-cookie --depth 7  to resolve 2 vulnerabilities
│ High          │ Regular Expression Denial of Service                         │
│ Package       │ tough-cookie                                                 │
│ Dependency of │ @angular/compiler-cli [dev]                                  │
│ Path          │ @angular/compiler-cli > chokidar > fsevents > node-pre-gyp > │
│               │ request > tough-cookie                                       │
│ More info     │                       │

│ High          │ Regular Expression Denial of Service                         │
│ Package       │ tough-cookie                                                 │
│ Dependency of │ dgeni-packages [dev]                                         │
│ Path          │ dgeni-packages > nunjucks > chokidar > fsevents >            │
│               │ node-pre-gyp > request > tough-cookie                        │
│ More info     │                       │

# Run  npm update stringstream --depth 7  to resolve 2 vulnerabilities
│ Moderate      │ Out-of-bounds Read                                           │
│ Package       │ stringstream                                                 │
│ Dependency of │ @angular/compiler-cli [dev]                                  │
│ Path          │ @angular/compiler-cli > chokidar > fsevents > node-pre-gyp > │
│               │ request > stringstream                                       │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Moderate      │ Out-of-bounds Read                                           │
│ Package       │ stringstream                                                 │
│ Dependency of │ dgeni-packages [dev]                                         │
│ Path          │ dgeni-packages > nunjucks > chokidar > fsevents >            │
│               │ node-pre-gyp > request > stringstream                        │
│ More info     │                       │

# Run  npm update rc --depth 6  to resolve 2 vulnerabilities
│ Low           │ Prototype Pollution                                          │
│ Package       │ deep-extend                                                  │
│ Dependency of │ @angular/compiler-cli [dev]                                  │
│ Path          │ @angular/compiler-cli > chokidar > fsevents > node-pre-gyp > │
│               │ rc > deep-extend                                             │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Low           │ Prototype Pollution                                          │
│ Package       │ deep-extend                                                  │
│ Dependency of │ dgeni-packages [dev]                                         │
│ Path          │ dgeni-packages > nunjucks > chokidar > fsevents >            │
│               │ node-pre-gyp > rc > deep-extend                              │
│ More info     │                       │

# Run  npm update debug --depth 7  to resolve 2 vulnerabilities
│ Low           │ Regular Expression Denial of Service                         │
│ Package       │ debug                                                        │
│ Dependency of │ @angular/compiler-cli [dev]                                  │
│ Path          │ @angular/compiler-cli > chokidar > fsevents > node-pre-gyp > │
│               │ tar-pack > debug                                             │
│ More info     │                       │

│ Low           │ Regular Expression Denial of Service                         │
│ Package       │ debug                                                        │
│ Dependency of │ dgeni-packages [dev]                                         │
│ Path          │ dgeni-packages > nunjucks > chokidar > fsevents >            │
│               │ node-pre-gyp > tar-pack > debug                              │
│ More info     │                       │

found 98 vulnerabilities (71 low, 18 moderate, 9 high) in 25360 scanned packages
  run `npm audit fix` to fix 92 of them.
  6 vulnerabilities require semver-major dependency updates.
wf9a5m75 commented 5 years ago

Thank you for creating great PR.

I have one question about src/test folder.

Is it possible to git checkout from cordova-plugin-googlemaps/www dynamically, maybe using gulp.js or bash script.

Because copying files by manual is kind of dangerous, and I would like to specify branch (typically multiple_maps branch) for development.

For example, I will introduce new method onThrottled() for BaseClass in the next version, which is not merged into the master branch yet.

adamduren commented 5 years ago

I will look into loading the BaseClass and BaseArray from the cordova repo. In terms of the audits.I'll take a look to see what packages I introduced / upgraded which might have increased the vulnerability count and address those specifically.

I would rather address potential vulnerabilities that were not introduced by my changes in another PR.

adamduren commented 5 years ago

Check out the latest commit. I installed cordova-js and cordova-plugin-googlemaps as a dev dependency. I then imported the BaseClass and BaseArrayClass into the project under cordova-plugin-google-maps-proxy.js. The problem was that cordova/utils is unavailable. I noticed cordova-js has a module with the utilities we need so I used jests moduleNameMapper to make cordova/utils map to the correct place.

adamduren commented 5 years ago

In regard to npm audit I would like to address that in a separate branch. Here's the before and after.

# plugin-testing
git checkout plugin-testing
npm i
npm ci
# output truncated
found 98 vulnerabilities (71 low, 18 moderate, 9 high) in 26243 scanned packages
  run `npm audit fix` to fix 92 of them.

# v5
git checkout v5
npm i
npm ci
# output truncated
found 97 vulnerabilities (70 low, 18 moderate, 9 high) in 23369 scanned packages
  run `npm audit fix` to fix 91 of them.
  6 vulnerabilities require semver-major dependency updates.

Only one low vulnerability was added from this PR.

adamduren commented 5 years ago

Removed WIP label. Considered ready to merge.

wf9a5m75 commented 5 years ago

Great! Thank you for improving. Let me test on my local.

wf9a5m75 commented 5 years ago

Merged! Thank you for great work!