ionic-team / ionic-plugin-keyboard

Ionic Keyboard Plugin for Cordova
Apache License 2.0
611 stars 278 forks source link

Keyboard pushes content above #277

Open juancafe4 opened 7 years ago

juancafe4 commented 7 years ago

Hello, So I have problems with the keyboard in iOS and Android. First, Android I have an ion-footer bellow my ion-content when the keyboard opens it pushes the footer where is collides with some components of my page. How can I make the keyboard to scroll down without pushing content like iOS?

Now iOS everything works fine; however, it does not show the input until I press the first key. The user cannot see the input until one key is pressed. Any suggestions?

kylevandenelsen commented 6 years ago

Did you ever find a solution for this? This is happening in iOS as well for me.