ionic-team / ionic-plugin-keyboard

Ionic Keyboard Plugin for Cordova
Apache License 2.0
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Hardware keyboard auto blur issue on keyboard hide #289

Open onderceylan opened 6 years ago

onderceylan commented 6 years ago

When a hardware keyboard is connected to the device, if you click on close toolbar (arrow-down) icon on bottom right corner, the input is not focusable anymore. It loses focus immediately at the time of touching on it.

I noticed that native.keyboardshow and native.keyboardhide events fired multiple times, the state of the keyboard of being showed or not is not stable therefore ionic-angular calls blur on input and it loses the focus immediately.

uniphonic commented 6 years ago

I'm seeing the same issue. Will try out the pull request tomorrow. Thanks!

uniphonic commented 6 years ago

We have tried out the fix in the pull request, and it works well! Thanks, onderceylan, for reporting and making the fix!

Let's hope that the Ionic Team merges it soon.

onderceylan commented 6 years ago

Glad to see it validated @uniphonic, hope it will be merged soon.

R1Daneel commented 6 years ago

@tlancina Do you think that we can have this feature merged to the code base?