Open hdxsfbr opened 9 years ago
FWIW it only happens after ionic setup sass
. If I start a new project and don't setup sass, the map shows up just fine...
Same here. The map shows up perfectly without sass, but it has 0 width and height when using sass. Loading/initialization still happens correctly, but the dimensions of the map container are 0x0.
i'm unable to see the map on the android device? can someone help me in this problem
I have the exact same issue: nothing visible on Android emulator or device, while it works on the ios emulator. Any hints?
@VGerris try giving the height and width to 100% maybe that will solve the problem
Thank you for the answer. Based on the example, can you be more specific on the where and how? Isn't that done in the css file? Do you have a working example for Android? Greetings On 28 Apr 2015 12:08, "anshulklr" wrote:
@VGerris try giving the height and width to 100% maybe that will solve the problem
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@VGerris if you used this code only ionic-starter-maps then its well defined. can you create a codepen so that i can look into the issue
I could,but I use the exact same code as this example. So just create a project and see. It runs on iOS not on Android emulator (mac) or device. Can you test that? So basically ionic start myApp maps. Then platform add android and ios and run.
Grettings On 28 Apr 2015 12:12, "anshulklr" wrote:
@VGerris if you used this code only ionic-starter-maps then its well defined. can you create a codepen so that i can look into the issue
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@VGerris i used the same code for the android and it works well for me .
Mmm, strange. I get a blank screen with a bar and a compass, no Google logo. Screenshot attached On 28 Apr 2015 12:18, "anshulklr" wrote:
@VGerris i used the same code for the android and it works well for me .
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@VGerris i'm unable to see the image
I attached a screenshot @anshulklr
@VGerris can you create a codepen for this or try changing the code once again and using the ionic-starter-maps code I also stuck at this problem then i removed the code and once again did it using the above code. It worked , just give it a try and did you add the geolocation plugin?
Hej @anshulklr, thanks for your help. At some point it started working when I added a maps key as a variable for another plugin. So I suppose it was something with that. Still, a simply copy of this does only work on iOS no clue why. Thanks!
I have the same issue with @VGerris .
I hope it is not with me but the same as I. Try to create a maps api key and add it for android
I debugged it and found those base map http requests got 404 response.
I solved the issue by:
<access origin="*"/>
<allow-intent href="*"/>
<allow-navigation href="*"/>
It looks sth blocked network requests.
I also had this issue -- thanks hy9be
I just got a fresh install of ionic and I tried this starter template but I cannot see a map on chrome or safari after doing: ionic serve
I don't see any errors on the browser console but here is the console output of the app creation, etc:
~/d/p/ionicplay $ ionic start myApp maps Creating Ionic app in folder /Users/andrebatista/dev/projects/ionicplay/myApp based on maps project
Downloading: [=============================] 100% 0.0s
Update config.xml Initializing cordova project Fetching plugin "org.apache.cordova.device" via plugin registry Fetching plugin "org.apache.cordova.console" via plugin registry Fetching plugin "com.ionic.keyboard" via plugin registry
Your Ionic project is ready to go! Some quick tips:
For more help use ionic --help or visit the Ionic docs:
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gulp-rename@1.2.0 node_modules/gulp-renameshelljs@0.3.0 node_modules/shelljs
gulp-util@2.2.20 node_modules/gulp-util ├── lodash._reinterpolate@2.4.1 ├── minimist@0.2.0 ├── vinyl@0.2.3 (clone-stats@0.0.1) ├── through2@0.5.1 (xtend@3.0.0, readable-stream@1.0.33) ├── chalk@0.5.1 (ansi-styles@1.1.0, supports-color@0.2.0, escape-string-regexp@1.0.3, has-ansi@0.1.0, strip-ansi@0.3.0) ├── lodash.template@2.4.1 (lodash._escapestringchar@2.4.1, lodash.values@2.4.1, lodash.templatesettings@2.4.1, lodash.defaults@2.4.1, lodash.keys@2.4.1, lodash.escape@2.4.1) ├── dateformat@1.0.11 (get-stdin@4.0.1, meow@3.0.0) └── multipipe@0.1.2 (duplexer2@0.0.2)
gulp-concat@2.5.2 node_modules/gulp-concat ├── through2@0.6.3 (xtend@4.0.0, readable-stream@1.0.33) ├── concat-with-sourcemaps@1.0.0 (source-map@0.1.43) └── gulp-util@3.0.3 (array-differ@1.0.0, object-assign@2.0.0, beeper@1.0.0, array-uniq@1.0.2, replace-ext@0.0.1, lodash.reinterpolate@3.0.1, lodash.reescape@3.0.1, lodash.reevaluate@3.0.1, minimist@1.1.0, chalk@0.5.1, vinyl@0.4.6, lodash.template@3.3.0, dateformat@1.0.11, multipipe@0.1.2)
gulp-minify-css@0.3.13 node_modules/gulp-minify-css ├── memory-cache@0.0.5 ├── through2@0.6.3 (xtend@4.0.0, readable-stream@1.0.33) ├── bufferstreams@0.0.2 (readable-stream@1.0.33) ├── vinyl-sourcemaps-apply@0.1.4 (source-map@0.1.43) ├── gulp-util@3.0.3 (array-differ@1.0.0, beeper@1.0.0, object-assign@2.0.0, array-uniq@1.0.2, replace-ext@0.0.1, lodash.reinterpolate@3.0.1, lodash.reescape@3.0.1, lodash.reevaluate@3.0.1, minimist@1.1.0, chalk@0.5.1, vinyl@0.4.6, lodash.template@3.3.0, dateformat@1.0.11, multipipe@0.1.2) └── clean-css@3.0.10 (commander@2.5.1, source-map@0.1.43)
gulp@3.8.11 node_modules/gulp ├── v8flags@2.0.2 ├── pretty-hrtime@0.2.2 ├── interpret@0.3.10 ├── deprecated@0.0.1 ├── archy@1.0.0 ├── tildify@1.0.0 (user-home@1.1.1) ├── minimist@1.1.0 ├── chalk@0.5.1 (ansi-styles@1.1.0, escape-string-regexp@1.0.3, supports-color@0.2.0, strip-ansi@0.3.0, has-ansi@0.1.0) ├── semver@4.3.0 ├── orchestrator@0.3.7 (stream-consume@0.1.0, sequencify@0.0.7, end-of-stream@0.1.5) ├── gulp-util@3.0.3 (array-differ@1.0.0, beeper@1.0.0, object-assign@2.0.0, array-uniq@1.0.2, replace-ext@0.0.1, lodash.reevaluate@3.0.1, lodash.reescape@3.0.1, lodash.reinterpolate@3.0.1, vinyl@0.4.6, lodash.template@3.3.0, through2@0.6.3, dateformat@1.0.11, multipipe@0.1.2) ├── liftoff@2.0.1 (extend@1.3.0, flagged-respawn@0.3.1, resolve@1.0.0, findup-sync@0.2.1) └── vinyl-fs@0.3.13 (graceful-fs@3.0.5, strip-bom@1.0.0, defaults@1.0.0, vinyl@0.4.6, mkdirp@0.5.0, through2@0.6.3, glob-stream@3.1.18, glob-watcher@0.0.6)
bower@1.3.12 node_modules/bower ├── is-root@1.0.0 ├── junk@1.0.0 ├── stringify-object@1.0.0 ├── which@1.0.8 ├── abbrev@1.0.5 ├── chmodr@0.1.0 ├── osenv@0.1.0 ├── archy@0.0.2 ├── opn@1.0.1 ├── rimraf@2.2.8 ├── bower-logger@0.2.2 ├── lru-cache@2.5.0 ├── bower-endpoint-parser@0.2.2 ├── graceful-fs@3.0.5 ├── lockfile@1.0.0 ├── nopt@3.0.1 ├── retry@0.6.0 ├── tmp@0.0.23 ├── chalk@0.5.0 (ansi-styles@1.1.0, escape-string-regexp@1.0.3, supports-color@0.2.0, has-ansi@0.1.0, strip-ansi@0.3.0) ├── q@1.0.1 ├── request-progress@0.3.0 (throttleit@0.0.2) ├── shell-quote@1.4.2 (array-filter@0.0.1, array-map@0.0.0, array-reduce@0.0.0, jsonify@0.0.0) ├── semver@2.3.2 ├── bower-json@0.4.0 (intersect@0.0.3, deep-extend@0.2.11, graceful-fs@2.0.3) ├── fstream@1.0.4 (inherits@2.0.1) ├── p-throttler@0.1.0 (q@0.9.7) ├── mkdirp@0.5.0 (minimist@0.0.8) ├── promptly@0.2.0 (read@1.0.5) ├── bower-config@0.5.2 (osenv@0.0.3, graceful-fs@2.0.3, optimist@0.6.1) ├── tar-fs@0.5.2 (pump@0.3.5, tar-stream@0.4.7) ├── fstream-ignore@1.0.2 (inherits@2.0.1, minimatch@2.0.1) ├── decompress-zip@0.0.8 (nopt@2.2.1, mkpath@0.1.0, touch@0.0.2, readable-stream@1.1.13, binary@0.3.0) ├── glob@4.0.6 (inherits@2.0.1, once@1.3.1, minimatch@1.0.0) ├── request@2.42.0 (caseless@0.6.0, json-stringify-safe@5.0.0, forever-agent@0.5.2, aws-sign2@0.5.0, stringstream@0.0.4, oauth-sign@0.4.0, tunnel-agent@0.4.0, qs@1.2.2, node-uuid@1.4.2, mime-types@1.0.2, bl@0.9.4, form-data@0.1.4, tough-cookie@0.12.1, http-signature@0.10.1, hawk@1.1.1) ├── bower-registry-client@0.2.3 (graceful-fs@2.0.3, request-replay@0.2.0, lru-cache@2.3.1, async@0.2.10, mkdirp@0.3.5, request@2.51.0) ├── cardinal@0.4.0 (redeyed@0.4.4) ├── mout@0.9.1 ├── update-notifier@0.2.0 (semver-diff@0.1.0, string-length@0.1.2, latest-version@0.2.0, configstore@0.3.2) ├── handlebars@2.0.0 (optimist@0.3.7, uglify-js@2.3.6) ├── inquirer@0.7.1 (figures@1.3.5, mute-stream@0.0.4, through@2.3.6, readline2@0.1.1, lodash@2.4.1, cli-color@0.3.2, rx@2.4.0) └── insight@0.4.3 (object-assign@1.0.0, chalk@0.5.1, async@0.9.0, lodash.debounce@2.4.1, os-name@1.0.3, tough-cookie@0.12.1, configstore@0.3.2, inquirer@0.6.0)
gulp-sass@0.7.3 node_modules/gulp-sass ├── map-stream@0.1.0 ├── gulp-util@3.0.3 (array-differ@1.0.0, beeper@1.0.0, object-assign@2.0.0, array-uniq@1.0.2, replace-ext@0.0.1, lodash.reinterpolate@3.0.1, lodash.reescape@3.0.1, lodash.reevaluate@3.0.1, minimist@1.1.0, chalk@0.5.1, vinyl@0.4.6, lodash.template@3.3.0, through2@0.6.3, dateformat@1.0.11, multipipe@0.1.2) └── node-sass@0.9.6 (get-stdin@3.0.2, object-assign@1.0.0, node-watch@0.3.4, node-sass-middleware@0.3.1, nan@1.3.0, yargs@1.3.3, mkdirp@0.5.0, chalk@0.5.1, mocha@1.21.5, sinon@1.10.3)
Successful npm install Updated /Users/andrebatista/dev/projects/ionicplay/myApp/www/index.html references to sass compiled css
Ionic project ready to use Sass!
[02:54:55] Using gulpfile ~/dev/projects/ionicplay/myApp/gulpfile.js [02:54:55] Starting 'sass'... [02:54:55] Finished 'sass' after 323 ms
Successful sass build ~/d/p/i/myApp $ ionic serve Gulp startup tasks: [ 'sass', 'watch' ] Running dev server: http://localhost:8100 Running live reload server: http://localhost:35729 Watching : [ 'www/*/', '!www/lib/*/' ] Ionic server commands, enter: restart or r to restart the client app from the root goto or g and a url to have the app navigate to the given url consolelogs or c to enable/disable console log output serverlogs or s to enable/disable server log output quit or q to shutdown the server and exit
[02:55:12] Using gulpfile ~/dev/projects/ionicplay/myApp/gulpfile.js [02:55:12] Starting 'sass'... [02:55:12] Starting 'watch'... [02:55:12] Finished 'watch' after 6.79 ms CSS changed: www/css/ [02:55:12] Finished 'sass' after 341 ms CSS changed: www/css/