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bug: Sidebar with expose-aside-when doesn't show if width is defined with variable #142

Open jgw96 opened 7 years ago

jgw96 commented 7 years ago

From @axsauze on April 17, 2016 13:50

There is a bug for the ion-side-menu when you have expose-aside-when. If a width is provided using a scope variable, the sidebar won't display.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create a sidebar (i.e. ion-side-menus)
  2. In the ion-side-menu directive, add expose-aside-when="large" and width="scopeVar"
  3. Load the page with large screen and observe how sidemenu does not appear

Code example:

            <!-- width="$ctrl.getSidebarWidth()" -->
            <div class="title title-center header-item">Navigation</div>
                <ion-item nav-clear menu-close ui-sref="home">

Which Ionic Version? 1.x

Quickfix As a quickfix I've added "ionic.trigger('resize');" inside the function that returns the width (i.e. $ctrl.getSidebarWidth(); )

Copied from original issue: driftyco/ionic#6204

jgw96 commented 7 years ago

From @axsauze on April 17, 2016 14:37

As a quickfix I've added "ionic.trigger('resize');" inside the function that returns the width (i.e. $ctrl.getSidebarWidth(); )