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$ionicPopup not using native scrolling on iOS #225

Open cmosboss opened 7 years ago

cmosboss commented 7 years ago

I am using $ionicPopup functionality to create a scrollable module to show a bunch of images, this works great as you can see here. However this uses ionics scrolling system and I cannot figure out how to make it work with "native" scrolling in iOS (with momentum) You can see my setup here.

var confirmPopup = $ionicPopup.confirm({
    title: object.Name,
    template: '<div><h2>$'+object.Price.toFixed(2)+'</h2><pre>'+object.Description.replace(/(^[ \t]*\n)/gm, "")+'</pre><div>'+$imgString+'</div></>',
    buttons: [
        { text: 'Cancel' },
            text: '<b><i class ="icon ion-bag"> Add to Bag</b>',
            type: 'button-positive',
            onTap: function(e) {

I have tried adding overflow-scroll=true on the div around everything in the template section, which did not work, I have also tried adding $ionicConfig.scrolling.jsScrolling(true) and false for that matter and nothing seems to let iOS scroll fluidly within this module, any ideas?