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[BUG] collection-repeat: broken "afterNodes" concatenation (+ fix) #264

Open VinceOPS opened 7 years ago

VinceOPS commented 7 years ago


"afterNodes" concatenation is broken when the collection-repeat is not a direct child of a scrollable content. The doc doesn't say anything about the obligation to put collection-reader at a certain level of the DOM/scrollable content. In the case of a view containing multiple sub-views (and switching between them programmatically), we can assume that the collection-repeat could be isolated into a non-specific container. That's why we should probably use the containerNode.parentNode.childNodes to see which elements are after the repeater, rather than using scrollView.__content.childNodes.

Otherwise, some HTML elements could be moved to collection-repeat-after-container, whereas this is not desired/expected.

I assume this thread on the forum relates to this issue/bug:

I can create a proper PR if asked by the team, but I'm not actually sure that the project is still maintained, so I just thought about sharing it here with everyone looking for a solution.

NB: not sure whether we should replace scrollView.__content.appendChild(container[0]); by containerNode.parentNode.appendChild(container[0]), but I assume we do.
