ionic-team / ionic-v1

The repo for Ionic 1.x. For the latest version of Ionic, please see
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Is Ionic v1 still maintained? #320

Open sinedied opened 6 years ago

sinedied commented 6 years ago

Seeing the state of the repo since the migration, with issues / PR from more than 9 months ago (from before the migration) not being answered / resolved, I have to ask this question.

I understand that most of your efforts now belongs to the v2+ branch, but for the many of us who trusted the framework and are stuck with v1, this is worrying. You also have the solution to find maintainers from the community if you do not want to divert your team resources for the maintenance.

For my case, I work with a team of 10+ devs on an AngularJS/Ionic v1 app with more than 1,5 years of history which is itself a complete rewrite of a BackboneJS/Bootstrap 2 app that had more than 3 years of history. Starting from scratch again for rewrite the app in Angular 4/Ionic 3 is not possible now because of the huge code base, and while a progressive migration is envisaged but it's not going to happen soon because we have a lot of screens (100+) and dependencies that relies on AngularJS.

I would love to hear an official word from the team on this question, as it crucial for the future of our projects.

mlynch commented 6 years ago

Right now v1 is not being actively worked on by the core Ionic team. The exception are large issues like iPhone X where we are working to patch it as we speak:

We would love to find maintainers from the community willing to step up and help out. This has been successful on ionic-native and some other projects. If that interests you, please reply on this thread and we can have a discussion about it.

One thing to think about is that, with our recent efforts to port Ionic to web components, we will be able to support Angular 1 again with our newest components. This doesn't mean it'll be a 1-1 API (for example, the delegate system has evolved into a controller system with new APIs), but it will be considerably easier to adopt than moving to Angular 2.x+

It's unfortunate we even have to deal with such siloing in the web dev community. We see web components as an answer to this problem so we never have to have a situation like this again. I'm optimistic we'll be able to give Ionic 1 users something that brings them to parity with Ionic 2+ users.

sinedied commented 6 years ago

Thanks for this very clear answer!

I would love to be a community maintainer but that would not help much as I'm quite busy with other open-source projects, still it's very good news that you are open to such extend with the community.

I'm following your work on stenciljs very closely and that would sure be a great mitigation of the issue to have Ionic 2+ components working with Angular 1. ❤️

As always with similar issues, it seems the only real problem is maybe a lack of communication on the subject: I'm sure a post on the Ionic blog or a simple tweet would help you find community maintainers and reassure other devs on this matter.

Keep up the good work with Ionic, and thanks again @mlynch to have taken the time to answer this.

mlynch commented 6 years ago

Great point, we are due for a blog on this. I want to make sure my answer about web components + Angular 1 is true before doing that but it's looking promising!

sevans-ge commented 6 years ago

@mlynch any update on Web Components/AngularJS option? Trying to figure out if we sit on our Ionic v1 app for a little longer before we try to rewrite/migrate to the newest version.

sinedied commented 6 years ago

@sevans-ge Take a look at 😉 Seems in good way.

timothylombrana commented 6 years ago

@mlynch how about the issues with the CLI, seems to be breaking v1 builds. seems pretty major imo.

mlynch commented 6 years ago

@alphapilgrim do you have any more information or a link to an issue? Need more info to fix

timothylombrana commented 6 years ago

@mlynch the top two newest issues are about the CLI.

mlynch commented 6 years ago

Thanks, we'll take a look

CheetahDev commented 6 years ago

Hi @mlynch,

We would also appreciate if some PRs are merged, some of them are really troublesome.

