Open ionitron-bot[bot] opened 5 years ago
Resize handler logic is share same setTimeout id so if there are multiple slides on a page, maybe only one of them was resized properly.
@longgt Is there a fix for this that you would suggest?
@JohnGrisham Slides actually has an internal id so you can use it to save/cancel resizeId per slides.
@JohnGrisham Slides actually has an internal id so you can use it to save/cancel resizeId per slides.
Line 916 in 87d75d7 = ++slidesId;
@longgt Upon further testing I noticed that adjusting settings to slides component only applies to the slides element that was created last. Here is an example of my code. I am getting all view children that have the slides reference and getting each of their slides properties. I am expecting that the setSlidesPerView method will apply slidesPerView property changes to all instances of slides but it only applies to the slide with id -2 which is the last created slide.
<ion-slides #Slides class="slides" *ngIf="movies.length > 0" centeredSlides="true" loop="true" slidesPerView="3">
I add a reference to slides in my html.
@ViewChild('Slides') slider: Slides;
I apply the reference to a variable.
<movie-slider #Slider id="nowPlaying" *ngIf="mdata.inTheatres.length > 0" [movies]="mdata.inTheatres">
<movie-slider #Slider id="nowPlayingNearYou" *ngIf="mdata.nearbyShowings.length > 0" [movies]="mdata.nearbyShowings">
<movie-slider #Slider id="genreSuggestions" *ngIf="mdata.suggestedByGenre.length > 0" [movies]="mdata.suggestedByGenre" [showGenres]="true">
I include my component in my page html three times.
@ViewChildren('Slider') Slides: MovieSliderComponent[];
I reference each of my slides in a variable;
setSlidesPerView() {
if(this.platform.width() >= 1200) {
this.Slides.forEach((slider) => slider.slider.slidesPerView = 5);
else if(this.platform.width() >= 319 && this.platform.width() < 1200) {
this.Slides.forEach((slider) => slider.slider.slidesPerView = 3);
else if(this.platform.width() < 319) {
this.Slides.forEach((slider) => slider.slider.slidesPerView = 1);
I attempt to change each of my sliders slidesPerView option but only the slide with slide-id-2 which is the slider last created gets updated.
I might attempt to remove slider Id or keep them all the same but I imagine that it won't change the result for some reason when dealing with multiple ion-slider elements only the last slider created can be updated via these properties.
@JohnGrisham Could you do some patch on node_modules\ionic-angular\components\slides\swiper\swiper-event.js and check again.
Resize Handler
var resizeId;
function onResize(s, plt, forceUpdatePagination) {
// TODO: hacky, we should use Resize Observer in the future
if (resizeId) {
resizeId = null;
resizeId = plt.timeout(function () { return doResize(s, plt, forceUpdatePagination); }, 200);
function doResize(s, plt, forceUpdatePagination) {
resizeId = null;
Resize Handler
var resizeIdMap = new Map();
function onResize(s, plt, forceUpdatePagination) {
// TODO: hacky, we should use Resize Observer in the future
var resizeId = resizeIdMap.get(;
if (resizeId) {
resizeIdMap.set(, plt.timeout(function () { return doResize(s, plt, forceUpdatePagination); }, 200));
function doResize(s, plt, forceUpdatePagination) {
@longgt I appreciate your help with this however I don't believe the resizeId is the issue here. I think resize ID is only used to track the actual event of resizing the screen. I solved this issue by calling resize and then update on each sliders slide component instance.
@Ionitron request close.
@JohnGrisham resizeId is only used to track ...
I took a debug on Slides when resize event happened and got that issue. Maybe there is something out of here but it worked for my case.
But if you see deep into source code, you see that there is a cancelTimeout logic here and this will stop doResize
logic in previous slides instance.
So if we have more than 1 instance of slides on same component, only the last component will be updated.
I tested with my custom calendar component (based on Ionic Slides) and realized that when doing resize screen width, only the last calendar was resized properly.
If I changed logic of resizeId as the above workaround, all of calendar instance was updated properly.
Original issue by @JohnGrisham on 2019-03-13T18:09:05Z
Bug Report
Ionic version: 4.11.0 Current behavior:
When wrapping and ionic-slides component in another custom component different instances of that component do not behave the same. When screen is resized only one of these instances will resize and maintain number of slides per view property. Other slides also do not maintain centering on the screen. When adding only one instance of slides custom component the slides behaves as expected.
Expected behavior: All the instances of the slides component should respond the same the screen resize events.
Steps to reproduce:
Create a component with ionic slides element, export that component and import into a page. Add multiple copies of that component and try to resize the screen to observe responsiveness. When only one slide component exists it will respond well. If there is more than one only one will behave as desired.
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