ionic-team / ionicons

Premium hand-crafted icons built by Ionic, for Ionic apps and web apps everywhere 🌎
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bug: Ionic v8 addIcon not working with composed name icons #1380

Open hbapps20 opened 2 weeks ago

hbapps20 commented 2 weeks ago

Current Behavior

I'm trying to use multiple ionic icons in my application, but only the simple ones are working for example: exit, calendar, add. If I try

it is not working.

Here are some examples:

html `



import { ellipsisVerticalOutline, exit } from "ionicons/icons"; import { addIcons } from "ionicons"; export class AppComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy { ... constructor( private platform: Platform, //rivate splashScreen: SplashScreen, //private statusBar: StatusBar, private authService: AuthService, private locationService: LocationService, private router: Router, private menuCtrl: MenuController, private alertCtrl: AlertController, //private messagingService: MessagingService, // private translateService: TranslateService ) { this.initializeApp(); addIcons({exit,ellipsisVerticalOutline}); }



If I change html for: `



Not Working.

Expected Behavior

That the icon I'm using shows

Steps to Reproduce

Use some basic icons with no composed names like exit, calendar Then use some icons like

Code Reproduction URL

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Additional Information

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