ionic-team / ionicons

Premium hand-crafted icons built by Ionic, for Ionic apps and web apps everywhere 🌎
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Icons don't work in Firefox #8

Closed mlynch closed 10 years ago

mlynch commented 10 years ago

Might be a corrupted font format generated from icon moon that firefox doesn't like.

mlynch commented 10 years ago

Fixed. Bad glyph that needs to be fixed by @bensperry

enceladus commented 10 years ago

I'm still having problems in Firefox, how did you fix it, mlynch? screen shot 2014-02-07 at 11 43 41

00defeat commented 10 years ago


rbvea commented 10 years ago

Having problems with it too. Using the cdn css.

bensperry commented 10 years ago

Maybe @adamdbradley can take a look this week. What exactly is the problem you're having, @rbvea?

rbvea commented 10 years ago

screenshot 2014-03-02 15 24 44

Included cdn css in header and the icons shows up fine in chrome/safari/opera (osx) but glitches out in Firefox.

mlynch commented 10 years ago

@rbvea I believe Firefox is more restrictive when it comes to the domain serving web fonts. Can you try including them at the same domain (i.e. local to the rest of your site)?

TheDigitalOrchard commented 10 years ago

Yup, @mlynch is correct. It's the domain issue. Once I loaded ionicons from the same domain, Firefox behaved properly. What a shame.

rom3r4 commented 9 years ago

Hi, I am also having this problem (as of Aug 2014). I am using ionicons 1.5.2 and FF 31. I agree Its most likely caused because of the domain restriction on FF: In my case may be because of my own CNAMES/ Subdomains to parallelize assets. [1]

In my case I use mydomain.blah cdn1.mydomain.blah cdn2.mydomain.blah .. Any thoughts? :(

[1] -

rom3r4 commented 9 years ago

Yay, fixed!. Just added code to tell my app to place the font files (.svg, .ttf, .eot .woff) on the primary domain.

praveenscience commented 9 years ago

This issue with CDN and Firefox haven't been fixed yet. Have a look at my awesome app! :(


Please re-open the issue @mlynch!!! All the other fonts do work!!!

script8888 commented 4 years ago

Yay, fixed!. Just added code to tell my app to place the font files (.svg, .ttf, .eot .woff) on the primary domain.

What's the code please? I'm experiencing same issue