ionic-team / legacy-ionic-cloud

JavaScript Client for legacy Ionic Cloud services. See Ionic Pro for our new take on the ionic development lifecycle
Apache License 2.0
65 stars 26 forks source link Facebook auth gives empty name #201

Open jgw96 opened 7 years ago

jgw96 commented 7 years ago

From @Sroose on April 23, 2017 18:6

Ionic version: [ X ] 2.x

I'm submitting a ... [ X ] bug report

Current behavior: Using services, after logging in with Facebook, I can fetch the user through the api, but the [details][name] object will be empty. The first and lastname can however be found in the [social] structure. Also at the client side, the 'User' object does not contain the name, only via the srtructure.

Expected behavior: I would expect the login methods to be transparent and the / objects always to be filled in regardless of the authentication provider. For comparison, when I log in at dashboard, facebook users do have their name and email in the general details. Is this a bug or is there a reason to work like this?

Steps to reproduce: Just use the textbook examples of this.facebookAuth.login() and calls.

Copied from original issue: driftyco/ionic#11334