A toolchain for building scalable, enterprise-ready component systems on top of TypeScript and Web Component standards. Stencil components can be distributed natively to React, Angular, Vue, and traditional web developers from a single, framework-agnostic codebase.
Note: running npm start properly brings up the initial Stencil App Starter welcome page.
Running on Windows 7 64bit
node -v
npm -v
npm run test
@stencil/starter@0.0.1 test C:\Dev\my-app
jest --no-cache
FAIL dist\collection\dependencies\components__tests__\test-demo-three.js
● Test suite failed to run
({"Object.<anonymous>":function(module,exports,require,__dirname,__filename,global,jest){export class TestDemoThree {
SyntaxError: Unexpected token export
at ScriptTransformer._transformAndBuildScript (node_modules/jest-runtime/build/script_transformer.js:305:17)
at Generator.next (<anonymous>)
at new Promise (<anonymous>)
FAIL dist\collection\dependencies\components__tests__\test-demo-six.js
● Test suite failed to run
({"Object.<anonymous>":function(module,exports,require,__dirname,__filename,global,jest){export class TestDemoSix {
SyntaxError: Unexpected token export
at ScriptTransformer._transformAndBuildScript (node_modules/jest-runtime/build/script_transformer.js:305:17)
at Generator.next (<anonymous>)
at new Promise (<anonymous>)
FAIL dist\collection\dependencies\components__tests__\test-app.js
● Test suite failed to run
export class TestApp {
SyntaxError: Unexpected token export
at ScriptTransformer._transformAndBuildScript (node_modules/jest-runtime/build/script_transformer.js:305:17)
at Generator.next (<anonymous>)
at new Promise (<anonymous>)
FAIL dist\collection\dependencies\components__tests__\test-demo-four.js
● Test suite failed to run
({"Object.<anonymous>":function(module,exports,require,__dirname,__filename,global,jest){export class TestDemoFour {
SyntaxError: Unexpected token export
at ScriptTransformer._transformAndBuildScript (node_modules/jest-runtime/build/script_transformer.js:305:17)
at Generator.next (<anonymous>)
at new Promise (<anonymous>)
PASS src\components\my-app\my-app.spec.ts
PASS src\components\app-home\app-home.spec.ts
FAIL src\components\app-profile\app-profile.spec.ts
● app-profile › rendering › should not render any content if there is not a match
invalid testing root node
at Object.<anonymous> (node_modules/@stencil/core/dist/testing/index.js:15183:19)
at Generator.next (<anonymous>)
at node_modules/@stencil/core/dist/testing/index.js:15111:71
at new Promise (<anonymous>)
at Object.<anonymous>.__awaiter$55 (node_modules/@stencil/core/dist/testing/index.js:15107:12)
at Object.flush (node_modules/@stencil/core/dist/testing/index.js:15180:12)
at Object.<anonymous> (src/components/app-profile/app-profile.spec.ts:63:60)
at step (src/components/app-profile/app-profile.spec.ts:32:23)
at Object.next (src/components/app-profile/app-profile.spec.ts:13:53)
at src/components/app-profile/app-profile.spec.ts:7:71
at new Promise (<anonymous>)
at Object.<anonymous>.__awaiter (src/components/app-profile/app-profile.spec.ts:3:12)
at Object.<anonymous> (src/components/app-profile/app-profile.spec.ts:60:90)
at new Promise (<anonymous>)
at <anonymous>
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:188:7)
● app-profile › rendering › should work with a name passed
TypeError: Cannot set property 'match' of null
at Object.<anonymous> (src/components/app-profile/app-profile.spec.ts:75:39)
at step (src/components/app-profile/app-profile.spec.ts:32:23)
at Object.next (src/components/app-profile/app-profile.spec.ts:13:53)
at src/components/app-profile/app-profile.spec.ts:7:71
at new Promise (<anonymous>)
at Object.<anonymous>.__awaiter (src/components/app-profile/app-profile.spec.ts:3:12)
at Object.<anonymous> (src/components/app-profile/app-profile.spec.ts:71:67)
at new Promise (<anonymous>)
at <anonymous>
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:188:7)
Test Suites: 5 failed, 2 passed, 7 total
Tests: 2 failed, 3 passed, 5 total
Snapshots: 0 total
Time: 8.242s
Ran all test suites.
Hello, thanks for using Stencil! The underlying issue here is https://github.com/ionic-team/stencil/issues/428. Because of this I will be closing this one as a duplicate of that issue. Thanks again!
Stencil version:
I'm submitting a:
Current behavior:
test fails on a fresh pull of the starter package:
Expected behavior:
All test should pass
Steps to reproduce:
Follow the steps in getting started page: git clone https://github.com/ionic-team/stencil-app-starter my-app cd my-app git remote rm origin npm install npm run build npm test
Other information:
Note: running npm start properly brings up the initial Stencil App Starter welcome page. Running on Windows 7 64bit
FAIL dist\collection\dependencies\components__tests__\test-demo-three.js ● Test suite failed to run
FAIL dist\collection\dependencies\components__tests__\test-demo-six.js ● Test suite failed to run
FAIL dist\collection\dependencies\components__tests__\test-app.js ● Test suite failed to run
FAIL dist\collection\dependencies\components__tests__\test-demo-four.js ● Test suite failed to run
PASS src\components\my-app\my-app.spec.ts PASS src\components\app-home\app-home.spec.ts FAIL src\components\app-profile\app-profile.spec.ts ● app-profile › rendering › should not render any content if there is not a match
● app-profile › rendering › should work with a name passed
Test Suites: 5 failed, 2 passed, 7 total Tests: 2 failed, 3 passed, 5 total Snapshots: 0 total Time: 8.242s Ran all test suites.