ionic-team / stencil

A toolchain for building scalable, enterprise-ready component systems on top of TypeScript and Web Component standards. Stencil components can be distributed natively to React, Angular, Vue, and traditional web developers from a single, framework-agnostic codebase.
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feat: Stencil configuration property for screenshot timeouts in jest v28+ #5249

Open rafael-leal-mccormack opened 9 months ago

rafael-leal-mccormack commented 9 months ago


Describe the Feature Request

Can we add a stencil config option here to increase the timeout from jasmine? Currently this isnt changeable from 2500 for anyone on v28+ of jest because jest no longer uses jasmine as the runner and uses jest-circus.

Describe the Use Case

The use case is for users with a stencil repo who are using jest v28+ and also including long running screenshot tests in their project.

Describe Preferred Solution

A property in stencil.config.ts maybe called screenshotTimeout that will be used if jasmine doesnt exist in the above mention file.

Describe Alternatives

An env variable that could be set instead of a property in the stencil config could be a solution. Stencil config would be more direct though and less chances of failure if CI's or local computers have random variables set.

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Additional Information

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rwaskiewicz commented 9 months ago

Thanks! This makes sense to me, but I'd like to confer with the rest of the team first before we move forward with this. I'll be in touch!

rwaskiewicz commented 9 months ago

Whoops - sorry, started to update the wrong issue 😓

rwaskiewicz commented 9 months ago

After discussing with the team, I think we'd like to move forward with this!

If you're interested in putting up a PR, I think you'd need to do the following:

  1. Update stencil-public-compiler.ts's definition of the TestingConfig interface, which is where test settings are declared in a user's stencil.config.ts, to add an optional screenshotTimeout field - roughly here, after 'screenshotConnector'. This value should probably accept a value of null here as well, as I can imagine we'll want that in our next step. When you're done, this should probably look something like:
    * Path to the Screenshot Connector module.
    screenshotConnector?: string;
  1. Next, we should probably unit test our code we just wrote in the previous step. There's a test suite for the file we just edited here, which tests each field in TestingConfig. Like we did previously, we can put these tests just after the screenshotConnector tests, here. There are three cases we should probably test regarding the value of screenshotTimeout - one where the value is undefined, one where it's null, and one where it's a number (maybe even a couple number use cases, so we test '0' and a non-falsey value!). In general, a single test will probably look something like:

    it(`assigns the screenshotTimeout value to 'null' when 'null' is provided`, () => {  
    userConfig.flags = { ...flags, e2e: true };  // we need this line of setup to tell the validator we're gonna do e2e config validation
    userConfig.testing = { screenshotTimeout: null };  // this line changes to provide `screenshotTimeout` to the tests
    const { config } = validateConfig(userConfig, mockLoadConfigInit());  // ACT stage, validate our testing config
    expect(config.testing.screenshotTimeout).toBe(null);  // assert
  2. Next, we need to pass this configuration data to the testing module of Stencil. This is done today through environment variables. To set this up, we need to:

    1. Add a field to our E2EProcessEnv for the screenshot timeout

      __STENCIL_SCREENSHOT_BUILD__?: string;
    2. Set __STENCIL_SCREENSHOT_TIMEOUT_MS__ in the Stencil Testing module. It's probably best we do this when the compiler knows it's doing screenshot testing, which is right here:

      if (doScreenshots) {  
          env.__STENCIL_SCREENSHOT__ = 'true';  
      +    if (config.testing.screenshotTimeout != null) {  
      +       env.__STENCIL_SCREENSHOT_TIMEOUT_MS__ = config.testing.screenshotTimeout;  
      +   }
  3. Next, we pull that stringified number out during testing time:

    if (typeof env.__STENCIL_SCREENSHOT_BUILD__ !== 'string') {  
    throw new Error(`compareScreenshot, missing screen build env var`);  
  1. Now, let's hop on over to getMismatchedPixels, where we want to use this value:

    - const timeout =
    + const timeout = screenshotTimeoutMs !== null ? screenshotTimeoutMs :  
    typeof jasmine !== 'undefined' && jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL  
    ? jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL * 0.5  
    : 2500;  
    const tmr = setTimeout(() => {  
    reject(`getMismatchedPixels timeout: ${timeout}ms`);  
    }, timeout);

    This will allow us to use the value if it's set and have it take precedence over other values.

  2. Finally, we just need to pass timeoutMs down into getMismatchedPixels:

    - async function getMismatchedPixels(pixelmatchModulePath: string, pixelMatchInput: d.PixelMatchInput) {
    + async function getMismatchedPixels(pixelmatchModulePath: string, pixelMatchInput: d.PixelMatchInput, screenshotTimeoutMs: number | null) {

Update the callsite to getMismatchedPixels in compareScreenShot:

screenshot.diff.mismatchedPixels = await getMismatchedPixels(  
+  screenshotTimeoutMs,  

Ensure that compareScreenshot has screenshotTimeoutMs:

export async function compareScreenshot(  
  emulateConfig: d.EmulateConfig,  
  screenshotBuildData: d.ScreenshotBuildData,  
  currentScreenshotBuf: Buffer,  
  desc: string,  
  width: number,  
  height: number,  
  testPath: string,  
  pixelmatchThreshold: number,  
+  screenshotTimeoutMs: number | null,  
) {

And finally, update the callsite for compareScreenshot:

const results = await compareScreenshot(  
+  screenshotTimeoutMs,  

From there, that should be all the changes you need to make!

To test this, you can build the project with npm ci && npm run build && npm pack - this'll create a tarball file in your local fork of the Stencil repo. From there, you can install it in any project like a normal NPM dependency (e.g. npm i PATH_TO_GENERATED_TARBALL) and test these changes out.

Let me know if you have any questions!