ionide / Fornax

Scriptable static site generator using type safe F# DSL to define page templates.
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Add custom option for the HtmlElement type #106

Closed Freymaurer closed 2 years ago

Freymaurer commented 2 years ago
baronfel commented 2 years ago

This seems good to me 👍. @Krzysztof-Cieslak what's it take to do a release in this repo? Tag push?

Freymaurer commented 2 years ago

Would really love to see a release as soon as possible 👍

Krzysztof-Cieslak commented 2 years ago

@baronfel, yeah:

Freymaurer commented 2 years ago

Are there any news for a release?

Freymaurer commented 2 years ago

Sorry for the spam, just really need at least an timeframe @baronfel .

baronfel commented 2 years ago

sorry, just push 0.14.1, which includes this change.

Freymaurer commented 2 years ago

@baronfel sry it's me again. As far as i understand it, there is no nuget package for v0.14.0, so i cannot actually use the new version 😢

baronfel commented 2 years ago


Looks like we have a bug in the release script - it reported success here but didn't push anything.

baronfel commented 2 years ago

Fixed the bug and manually uploaded 0.14.1 to NuGet, should be done indexing in a few minutes:


Freymaurer commented 2 years ago

Thanks a lot!

Freymaurer commented 2 years ago

Hey and me again 😅 I use dotnet local tools and updated my dotnet-tools.json to the new version. Used dotnet tool restore (this time no error, so package was found), but the function, i need, is still not accessible. I checked the version dotnet fornax version which returned 0.13.1 for me. Not sure if the Fornax.Core.dll gets updated via dotnet tools, so i created a new fornax project somewhere else (fornax new) and it worked there. I copied the dll's to my prev. project and it works now, thanks!

Just wanted to tell you about it, as i don't know if the "updating" of fornax is expected to work or not.

And one more thing, when you intilialize a new fornax project, there is currently an error, introduced in my PR.

In layout.fsx

body [] [
          nav [Class "navbar"] [
            div [Class "container"] [
              div [Class "navbar-brand"] [
                a [Class "navbar-item"; Href "/"] [
                  img [Src "/images/bulma.png"; Alt "Logo"]
                // Custom is not recognized as HtmlProperties, but as my freshly introduced type.
                span [Class "navbar-burger burger"; HtmlProperties.Custom ("data-target", "navbarMenu")] [
                  span [] []
                  span [] []
                  span [] []
              div [Id "navbarMenu"; Class "navbar-menu"] menuEntries
          yield! bodyCnt
          custom "" [] []

No matter what, thanks for all your effort, highly appreciate it.